NUAFC 1968-2018

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club


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We are 15!

What a great 15 years we have had as a Club! From our

inaugural year in 1969 when we fielded one team in the Waikato 2nd

Division, through to the end of 1983 and a place in the Northern League

1st Division!

A man with vision was responsible for our successes on the

way through the seasons - Joe Templeton, our Founder and

Patron. He well remembers those in 1968 who said soccer would have

no future in Ngaruawahia! Joe started it all off as he filled the positions of

Coach, Manager, Trainer and Transport Officer!

Early in the Club's history we were approached by Affco

Rangers to amalgamate. We accepted their moving in with us and

gained Northern league status painlessly. Dave Hall entered the scene

shortly afterwards and was the driving force behind our rise from 4th to

1st Division in five short seasons.

The Club's weekly bulletin (started in 1979) continues to

provide interesting reading of happenings, personalities and match

reports, and is read as widely as England, Canada, South America,

Australia and many parts of New Zealand. We have had many a laugh

at ourselves through this instrument. My thanks go to John McDermid

and Armstrong & Springhall Social Club for making this Bulletin


We were saddened in June by the loss of Georgean Miller, a

staunch supporter of our Club. Her passing away left a void that will he

felt for a long time.

Wasn't that a great day when our Senior Team paraded in

their travelling uniform! Ripples flowed out around the district and

there were many envious opponents - especially in the Hamilton

Clubrooms after our 0-2 loss to City. Here we were beaten but not


A sneaky rumour went around the Club that it was Glen Gray

who had paid for me to take my family to Canada so that he could get

control of the Weekly Bulletin!!! Thanks Glen and Liz for continuing

in my absence - it's appreciated. I was not too impressed with

Canadian Professional Football, and from the sketch done of me in

Calgary, they weren't too impressed with mine!

Being our second Yearbook, there was much to be learned

from our first (hurried) effort in 1982. I hope this edition meets with a

more interesting response. All teams were approached to submit

reports for inclusion, and it is a bit disappointing that several squads

had nothing to report. However we have ended up with a partial record of

1983, better than no record at all.

Some of the highlights of 1983???

Collapse of the Unicol 5-a-side pre-season tournament

Not being accepted for the Rotorua pre-season tournament

Advancing to the second days play of the Cambridge tournament #

Nacho Reye's 12-day suspension

9th & 11th Grade teams won their Divisions

Glenys Fraser represents NZ at the World Womens Body-building


We are invited to apply for Super League status

Council commences new field development

Elliot Cathro and Keith Mackrell were selected as Waikato reps

Regan MacDonald invited to Canadian Soccer Clinic

Senior team equipped with travelling blazers

the sponsorship gained from Affco, Hertz and Radio Waikato.

The Club has now moved out of its fledgling stage and has started

to spread its wings. Those in the administration are prepared to move with it -

are you?


Excitement, disappointment, Triumph, failure, fantastic goals,

miserable misses — these were the ingredients experienced by all

supporters of the Green Machine during the 1983 season. Familiar faces

from the previous year plus some exciting new prospects augured well

for the Club and, in retrospect, the Club should be well pleased with the

result. Although not quite the triumph expected it was by no means a failure.

We can look forward to 1st Division Status in 1984. At our disposal

we have two 'tried and true' coaches in Dave Hall and Bernie Carmody

who will be great assets in our future plans. Add to that the experience

behind the scenes of Mary, Charlie Senior, Charlie Junior, Liz Gorman, George

Sunnex, Eddie Callaghan Senior and Sandy MacDonald, which will ensure an

enviable backup.

The Youth team was thrown in at the deep end and, although

they never won a game, the experience was invaluable. We must remember

that these lads, the bulk of whom were around 15, were playing against

teams comprising lads at least two years their senior, and who had

played together before. Their inauspicious beginnings wasn't helped by

mismanagement but, they stuck together, and if they do that for another

couple of seasons, they will undoubtedly be a force to be reckoned with (and

take the Youth Team Title).

Like the Youth Team, the 2nd Division had a hard row to hoe.

Coached by who-ever happened to be there on the night, some­times

overloaded, sometimes shorthanded with players, they never had a

cohesive force throughout the season. Capable of good play they often

slipped into mediocrity, mainly because of the team changes and poor

coaching (and a lack of interest didn't help their cause at all.

With a fair balance of youth and experience there are plenty of

indications that all problems can be overcome, although, unfortunately the

present 1983 Coach Graham (Pom) Howard is about to be transferred South

by the Army. However, if the right person takes hold of the reins you can be

sure they will have the support of the team and the Club.

The 1st Division, in many ways, has proved to be the most

disappointing team in the Club. Well Coached and Managed by Bernie

Carmody and Eddie Callaghan, with a wealth of talent knocking on the

Northern League door, when the chips were down they were found wanting.

At times during the season the teams played brilliantly - at other

times they were abysmal! Old heads George Sunnex, Rod Hill and

Bruce McIntosh were supplemented by the youthful exuberance of Chris

Spray, Grant Carlson, Elliot Cathro, Peter Magee and Eddie Callaghan Jnr;

but still, for some unaccountable reason, the results were not forthcoming


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