NUAFC 1968-2018

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club


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Waikato 2nd Division, 1980


Rear; Ben Henckel, Staf’ Magee, Chris Duffull, Ricky Duffull, David White, Danny Duffull, Maurice Frankhauser,

Glen Gray (Player/Coach).

Front: Rodney Hill, Bruce McIntosh, Steve Buchanan, Jim McCaig, Ken Murray.

Absent: John Murphy.

Waikato Div 2

Waitemata Cup 1980

v Morrinsville 3-0

v Hillcrest 2-2

v Ngaruawahia 1st 2-3

v Tokoroa 5-0

v Huntly 9-1

v Hamilton 1-1

v Fraser


Green Machine

Turns Out 12 Goals

Huntly Press - August 6th, 1980

With many sports can celled on Saturday

through­out the Waikato, interest focussed on those

that were still on in weather that did n ot suit the

spect a t or s. Bot h of Hun t l y T hist l e' s senior teams

met Ngaruawahia's counterparts. The Nor th ern

Lea gu e m et i n Huntl y, while Huntl y 2nd t ea m

m et Ngarua wah ia' s 3rd team at Ngaruawahia

Second division

At Ngar uawah ia , Hun tl y T hist l e wer e

em ba rrassed t o t h e t un e of e l e v e n g oa l s t o

n on e a t t h e f e e t o f t h e U n i t e d G r e e n M a c h i n e .

Phi ll i p B ull i vant gain ed a hat-trick, closely

chased by J oh n M ur ph y (2 ), Phi l l i p H u n t e r

( 2 ) a n d K e i t h Mackrell (2). Billy McCaig

n ot ch ed on e a n d a n own goal by Huntly brought

up the 11. The fathering role of B e n H e n k e l i n

t h e midfield appeared to be a contributing factor

to the teams performance.

Northern Leag ue

Ngar uawah ia pla yi n g possessi on foot ba l l ,

an d Hun t l y playi n g th eir tradit i on al br eak away

tactics met in a 1st v 3r d cl a sh a t Hun t l y. T h e only

Waikato Div 2 Marshall Cup 1980

P W D L F A Pts

Otorohanga 13 10 1 2 53 16 21

Te Aroha 13 9 2 3 44 14 19

Tokanui 13 7 2 4 40 23 19

Unicol 12 8 1 3 36 23 17

Cambridge 12 7 1 4 37 25 15

Claudelands 13 7 1 5 40 29 15

Taupiri 12 6 1 5 46 25 13

Ngaruawahia 11 5 2 4 32 22 12

Hamilton 11 5 0 6 31 31 10

Tokoroa 12 4 2 6 16 29 10

Fraser 11 3 2 6 20 31 8

Morrinsville 13 4 0 9 24 62 8

Huntly 12 1 1 10 12 57 3

goal of the 90 minutes c a m e i n t h e 6 0 t h m i n ut e

wh en Chris Barakat chipped a through ball for Pepe

Vi e d ma t o vol l e y a wea k sh ot that did not seem

to have the legs to get across the line but was

helped in by a Huntly defender.

Both goal-keepers were called on t o pr ove

th eir training, and this they did with effi ciency

and sharp reflexes. Ngaruawahia's win cl os es up t h e

t op t h r e e positions within two points of each other.

Ngaruawahia h a s t o m e e t Hun t l y yet again and it

should pr ove to be a n ot h er cl os e en ­ counter.

H u n t l y m a r k s m a n Flowerday was marked

out of contention by Tozer, and his switch to the

opposite wi n g fou n d h i m a l m os t starved by his

team mates although United gave him almost too

much room in wh i ch t o m ove. Hun t l y' s six

breakaway moves could (and should) have resulted

i n a g o a l e a c h , wh i l e Un it ed' s num er ous wood

shots could also be put into a similar category.


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