SKY Magazine Issue 25 Repro
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Hi SKY Nation!I’m Kelello, It’s an honour to bewriting the editor’s note of this SKYGIRLS magazine edition.Growing up and not having an older sister tolook up to and ask for advice from, I had theSKY Girls Community to lean on in times of need,and my mom of course.I am grateful that I am able to be a part of something that played animportant role in my life from the time I was thirteen and mouldedthe person I am today, 6 years later. Over the years, I have drawncourage and confidence from the articles published in the SKYMagazine and I was introduced to my personal heroes through thisplatform like Tumie Nthutang. I hope that as you read this edition,you are inspired in all the amazing ways that I was and still am. Ihope you know that you are capable of more than you can imagineand that your heroes make you realise that through their stories.I also hope you know that you have the power to shape yourworld in whatever way you want. You are strong, beautiful andcapable.With that being said, this magazine issue is all about theheroes in our lives and us finding the heroism within ourselves.As we say, not all heroes wear capes. Please enjoy awesomearticles such as ‘a hero in my life’ ‘My 2020’, ‘have a “superperiod” as well as fun and exciting games.I would also like to thankeveryone who contributed to thisedition of the SKY Girls edition.Thanks for showing every younggirl and boy reading this, thattheir dreams are possible! Withthat I hope you enjoy.#staytruetoyourselfLove, Kelello!Twitter: @KelelloPNkwe4

A new year a new decade. The SKY sisterhood is exited for2020 and we have our new year resolutions. We love thisjourney we get to share and experience with all our SKYsisters. Inspiring each other, supporting one another, andbeing our best selves. So take a look at what we as SKY wanteach and every one of us to look forward to this year!Mental HealthRe shapo ka stress. Re shapo ka actingfine when we’re not. And re shapo kamaking other people feel terrible. Mentalhealth is as important as your physicaland emotional health. This year we’relooking forward to taking care of ourselvesmentally, physically, emotionally,psychologically, everybody! We don’tallow negative people bring us down,and we also gotta be careful of whatwe say about other people. Re sure ka asistahood that looks out for each otherwhether it’s about school hardships,boyfriend problems, money struggles, oreven beauty horrors! We need to look outfor each other and protect one anotherladies.Read more Books!Knowledge is power. The one thing no one cantake away from you is your knowledge. Youcan never go wrong with studying, finishingschool, and being educated. Whether youwant to be a model, a fashion designer, anOlympian, a professional football player,a musician, a business owner, it’s alwaysgood to be educated especially looking at thecircumstances of growing up in Botswanawith less opportunity to be recognized. Re sureka our books. Reading is cool.Expandthe SKYSistahoodThe sistahood growsevery day and we’realways happy to welcomenew sisters to thegang. In 2020, we look forward tohearing new sures and new shapos fromeach SKY girl across Botswana. If there’s a girl you knowthat wants to join the sistahood, welcome her with openarms. Let her know what we’re all about and make sureshe takes the pledge to stay true to her sures and shapos.Followyour DreamsRe sure ka reaching our dreams andworking hard to make sure theycome true. Whether you aspire tobe a musician, a scientist, an actor, a fashiondesigner, a CEO, or even the President ofBotswana, re sure ka wena! The journey mayseem long and far-fetched, but if you set your goals, staydisciplined, work hard, and build yourself without gettingdistracted, it’s all worth it. Remember, it doesn’t all happen in 1 day,these things take time. Invest your time and energy, even resources suchas money in developing your dreams and achieving them. If you fail andfail, don’t give up, get back up and keep working at it. Successful peoplehave also faced challenges and setbacks in life but they are successfulbecause they did not give up. Also, stay true to your own dreams, noneed to try to be someone else.Trynew thingsRe sure ka breakingout of our shells anddiscovering ourselves.It’s good to try newthings that add value toyour life, whether it’s anew hobby you’re interested in trying, a sports clubyou wanna join, DIY projects, or a new year’s resolutionyou want to achieve, we say go for it girl! It’s good foryour mental health and stress release to be involvedin extra-curricular activities that interest you. Thingsyou enjoy and can also help you grow as an individual.This may also help you find your people, the people youcan get along with because you share similar interests.Leave fear behind, re shapo ka yone.

Hi SKY Nation!

I’m Kelello, It’s an honour to be

writing the editor’s note of this SKY

GIRLS magazine edition.

Growing up and not having an older sister to

look up to and ask for advice from, I had the

SKY Girls Community to lean on in times of need,

and my mom of course.

I am grateful that I am able to be a part of something that played an

important role in my life from the time I was thirteen and moulded

the person I am today, 6 years later. Over the years, I have drawn

courage and confidence from the articles published in the SKY

Magazine and I was introduced to my personal heroes through this

platform like Tumie Nthutang. I hope that as you read this edition,

you are inspired in all the amazing ways that I was and still am. I

hope you know that you are capable of more than you can imagine

and that your heroes make you realise that through their stories.

I also hope you know that you have the power to shape your

world in whatever way you want. You are strong, beautiful and


With that being said, this magazine issue is all about the

heroes in our lives and us finding the heroism within ourselves.

As we say, not all heroes wear capes. Please enjoy awesome

articles such as ‘a hero in my life’ ‘My 2020’, ‘have a “super

period” as well as fun and exciting games.

I would also like to thank

everyone who contributed to this

edition of the SKY Girls edition.

Thanks for showing every young

girl and boy reading this, that

their dreams are possible! With

that I hope you enjoy.


Love, Kelello!

Twitter: @KelelloPNkwe


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