SKY Magazine Issue 25 Repro

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Your ability to plan will

start to pay off as the strategies you have

put into place start to unravel. Remember

that the best heroes follow through with

their plans. Trust in those plans and execute

accordingly. 2020 is a great year for you.

(Apr 20 - May 20

You may have had

misunderstandings will friends or

people close to you in the past, but what matters

is what you did after making mistakes. Regrets are

self- imprisonment, so forgive yourself and step into

this year with a clear view of who you are. You are

bright and caring; an energy that everyone needs.


(Mar 21- Apr 19)

You are currently killing it

and slaying your goals. Even though

this is all amazing for you, don’t keep your

loved ones out of the loop all in the name

of focusing on yourself. As a hero, you must

remember that you are who you are because

of the ones around you.

Embrace the support.

You may not feel fully

connected to your surroundings right

now and this is perfectly fine. It is a way

of your body telling you that there is more

coming your way. There is a need for you

to prepare yourself for the next stage you

want. Preparation is key to all heroes and

while you’re at it, keep a

positive mindset for 2020.

(Jul 23- Aug 22)

Aug 23 - Sept 21

You have been worrying

about your life and questioning whether

you are on the right track. This is a reminder

that you are doing really well and not to

put so much pressure on yourself. Believe

in yourself and your

abilities because you are as great as you

think you are. 2020 is the year of plenty


Lately, you may have

been feeling the pressure to get your

to-do list done and checked off. Lean

into this feeling! You are disciplined,

responsible and more than capable of

achieving your goals. Work at your own

pace but don’t be afraid to dream big!

2020 is ready to become whatever you

make of it.

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)

(Nov 22- Dec 21)

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