SKY Magazine Issue 25 Repro

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Kamogelo Skai-kru bestie

“Hi SKY, please help! My friend is getting bullied by some girls

at school and I don’t know how to help her. She’s scared and

doesn’t wanna report them kagore they will bully her thata”


Hi babe, shem sorry to hear your friend is getting bullied. Bullies are so annoying.

You’re such a good friend reaching out to us to find ways to help her out. Re sure ka

wena love. Well, it’s good that she has you by her side. Sometimes people that are

bullied tend to isolate themselves and find that they don’t have anyone sticking up

for them. It’s good your friend has you at this moment. She should definitely talk

to one of the teachers (class teacher kana guidance teacher). These cases need to

be attended to before they escalate to bigger things. The girls bullying her are just

teenage girls, and they need to be disciplined for their nastiness. Re shapo ka di bully!!

Kamogelo Skai-kru bestie

“omg thanks for your reply SKY. I will talk to my friend. These girls

follow her after school and make fun of her. She cries sometimes

and it makes me sad seeing her defenseless and giving up ”


We feel you babes. It’s not nice seeing someone you care about feeling sad and o

le helpless about it. Just know that being there for her and giving her a shoulder

to cry on is helpful. Walking with her after school or sitting with her at lunch and

doing stuff with her will show her gore she has people by her side and that can

be enough. The one thing she needs to understand is that bullies tend to pick on

people they feel are weaker than they are and are an easy target. If she shows

gore she doesn’t care they might eventually get tired of it and give up. Bullies

tend to use your insecurities against you. So if your friend accepts her flaws,

or the things that she feels insecure about, what bullies say won’t affect her as

much. Being confident in herself and not caring about what people say about her

will lift her up. And remember, bullies have their own insecurities as well, that’s

why they tend to become bullies. They only feel better about themselves when

they bring others down. Sometimes we feel sorry for them too.

Good luck! xo

Segolame GomezSwiftie: “Hi”

SKY: “Hi Sego”

Segolame GomezSwiftie:

“I want to be a SKY Girl”

SKY: “To become a SKY Girl you need to

take the SKY pledge to stay true. Send

us your full names, your location, your

age, your number, and your 3 sures and

shapos. We will then add you to our list

of SKY Girls.”

Segolame GomezSwiftie: “how do I stay true to my sures and shapos?”

SKY: “That’s a good question. Well since sures and shapos are personal,

you have to be disciplined to live by them. These can also be your goals

in life. Some girls are sure ka education because they want to focus and

make sure to get good grades which is important in their lives. So to

stay true to this sure you have to set-up study timetables, and goals

for your grades. Other girls ba shapo ka peer pressure because they

feel gore getting influenced negatively by their peers would get them in

trouble or get them to break their pledge. So to stay true to this shapo

they make sure to keep friends that influence them positively. it’s up

to you to write down your own truth and stick your sures and shapos

somewhere you can see them every day as a reminder to stay true. We

hope this helps <3”

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