SKY Magazine Issue 25 Repro
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GaoneManatongHave aSuperPeriod!My First PeriodWhen I was 13 and waiting for my results after finishingstandard 7, I still thought I had a long way to go before I startedmy periods. Even though a few of my friends had already gotten theirs,I never wanted to get older so I hoped mine would come by the time I was at UB orsomething. Anyways, it was just a chill day and I was lazing around when I felt my tummy churning asif I had a belly ache, so I went to use the loo. That’s when I noticed brownish smudged dots on myBRAND NEW yellow ‘Monday’ panties. I was so upset later on when the stain wouldn’t come off.While sitting on the toilet contemplating how ‘I’m suddenly a woman!’ and wondering how in theworld women play sports on their periods, I resigned to calling my older cousin (I basically screamedher name from the toilet and she came running, it was an emergency alright!) I guess she was kindahelpful… She gave me pads and both her and my aunt gave me a small pep talk about hygieneand changing my pads. That was easy enough. I changed my pad 7 times that day - everytime I felt like there was some blood I changed it. My aunt was not happy with my wastefulbehaviour since I’m supposed to use a pack for the rest of the week! That was news to me.One of the good things from this experience was that I had supportive people aroundme who didn’t make a big deal about my first period. Legit nobody cared, they justwent about their usual business. That gave me some confidencethat they believed and trusted I’m grown enough to takecare of myself.22

Ke shapo kabeing embarrassedI felt like there was some periodstigma. Not at school but just the vibearound adults. They would make you feelweird about your period or try to lecture youabout sex, like ma’am I’m 14, chill! We shouldn’tfeel ashamed about something that almost everygirl and woman experience naturally! Also, I hatedhaving to change my pad during class. Having totake out a pad from my bag and walk out to thegirls’ toilets, I felt like all eyes were on me theentire time and everyone knew I was on myperiod and somehow that made me feela little ashamed or embarrassed?Being a teenage girl is such abattle sometimes iyo!Ke shapo ka usingproducts incorrectlyI did not enjoy playing netball or basketball whileon my period. I felt like my pad would shift toone side and I spent most of the game worryingabout it falling out of my pants or my dress.Can you imagine?Also, I hated finding unwrappedused pads in the girls’ toilets. Like can we wrapour used pads using TP kana a pad wrapper andthrow them in the bin please? Thank you verymuch!Ke sure ka confidencePeriods are natural and there is nothing to beashamed of. You shouldn’t have to jumps hoopstrying to hide your pads especially when you gochange them. But if you’re not comfortable forthat yet, you can always have a small make-upbag and put your pads or tampons in it. Or putthem in your school uniform pockets so that youdon’t have to carry your backpack every time yougo to the toilet.23Ke sureka findingthe right productI use pads but other people usetampons. I know someone that uses amenstrual cup and she has cut costs in hermonthly budget. It’s your choice to use whateveryou want. Just make sure you have moreinformation about how to use it and you feelcomfortable and confident. During the firstand second day, I usually get a heavy flow.But there are pads specific for night use.They are much longer and cover the backarea so that you don’t leak when lyingdown. Today, I buy 3 types of menstrualhygiene products- day pads, nightpads, and panty liners. Being awoman is expensive bathong!! Theseshould be FREE ah!Ke shapo ka random timingI heard a period comes once every month but minenever came on the same date as the last one. Itwas kinda frustrating not knowing when my periodwould suddenly make its appearance. I named myperiod ‘Prudence’ (Hallowed be her name *rolls eyes*)She was so unpredictable and just as annoying.So, I made sure to always pack an extra pad in mybackpack in case she made her grand appearance atthe most inopportune time.Ke sure ka tracking my periodToday, I have an app on my phone called‘Flo’ that helps me track my period. WhatI found out is that a period comes every28 days plus or minus, and you count thefirst day of your period as 1 to determinewhen the next one will come. A lot ofthings can affect your hormones and soit’s not always exactly 28 days, but ifyou have a calendar, you can mark yourperiod and see when to expect anotherone.

Ke shapo ka

being embarrassed

I felt like there was some period

stigma. Not at school but just the vibe

around adults. They would make you feel

weird about your period or try to lecture you

about sex, like ma’am I’m 14, chill! We shouldn’t

feel ashamed about something that almost every

girl and woman experience naturally! Also, I hated

having to change my pad during class. Having to

take out a pad from my bag and walk out to the

girls’ toilets, I felt like all eyes were on me the

entire time and everyone knew I was on my

period and somehow that made me feel

a little ashamed or embarrassed?

Being a teenage girl is such a

battle sometimes iyo!

Ke shapo ka using

products incorrectly

I did not enjoy playing netball or basketball while

on my period. I felt like my pad would shift to

one side and I spent most of the game worrying

about it falling out of my pants or my dress.

Can you imagine?Also, I hated finding unwrapped

used pads in the girls’ toilets. Like can we wrap

our used pads using TP kana a pad wrapper and

throw them in the bin please? Thank you very


Ke sure ka confidence

Periods are natural and there is nothing to be

ashamed of. You shouldn’t have to jumps hoops

trying to hide your pads especially when you go

change them. But if you’re not comfortable for

that yet, you can always have a small make-up

bag and put your pads or tampons in it. Or put

them in your school uniform pockets so that you

don’t have to carry your backpack every time you

go to the toilet.


Ke sure

ka finding

the right product

I use pads but other people use

tampons. I know someone that uses a

menstrual cup and she has cut costs in her

monthly budget. It’s your choice to use whatever

you want. Just make sure you have more

information about how to use it and you feel

comfortable and confident. During the first

and second day, I usually get a heavy flow.

But there are pads specific for night use.

They are much longer and cover the back

area so that you don’t leak when lying

down. Today, I buy 3 types of menstrual

hygiene products- day pads, night

pads, and panty liners. Being a

woman is expensive bathong!! These

should be FREE ah!

Ke shapo ka random timing

I heard a period comes once every month but mine

never came on the same date as the last one. It

was kinda frustrating not knowing when my period

would suddenly make its appearance. I named my

period ‘Prudence’ (Hallowed be her name *rolls eyes*)

She was so unpredictable and just as annoying.

So, I made sure to always pack an extra pad in my

backpack in case she made her grand appearance at

the most inopportune time.

Ke sure ka tracking my period

Today, I have an app on my phone called

‘Flo’ that helps me track my period. What

I found out is that a period comes every

28 days plus or minus, and you count the

first day of your period as 1 to determine

when the next one will come. A lot of

things can affect your hormones and so

it’s not always exactly 28 days, but if

you have a calendar, you can mark your

period and see when to expect another


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