Techno Fiends From the Future: Vol. 3, 'In The Garden of Dusty Delights.'

Techno Fiends From The Future: Volume 2 - Samstag : Brunch @ Ostkreuz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imagine a Future so bleak, that dancing isn't banned, but forgotten completely. Yes, yes, a future so bleak, devoid of any hope or joy, that the power of collective revelry has been erased from cultural memory and forgotten by everyone. Except for, that is, an underground anarchist collective, who've kept the Party Spirit alive, in secret, over countless generations. Their only solution? To travel back in time to the present day, to quietly infiltrate & subtly shape our society, and initiate their Dance Revolution." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Techno Fiends is a visually enticing & playful exploration of the Berlin Party scene, as well as a cheeky critique of capitalist consumption and individualism. The Techno Fiend Transmissions are not necessarily a glorification of The Party, but rather an investigation of the multiple perspectives and experiences of those you encounter on the dance floor, as well as promoting the ecstatic communal philosophies such a worldview embodies. If you've enjoyed this story, and want to support the project, paypal donations are most welcome! → technofiends2018@gmail.com 50% of all profits from Techno Fiend Zines will go to Berlin Collective Action Nightlife Emergency Fund. https://www.betterplace.me/berlin-collective-action-nightlife-emergency-fund16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Received & translated by Jizzle Phizlips AKA @jankypeasu https://wyddershins.wordpress.com/

Techno Fiends From The Future: Volume 2 - Samstag : Brunch @ Ostkreuz
Imagine a Future so bleak, that dancing isn't banned, but forgotten completely.

Yes, yes, a future so bleak, devoid of any hope or joy, that the power of collective revelry has been erased from cultural memory and forgotten by everyone. Except for, that is, an underground anarchist collective, who've kept the Party Spirit alive, in secret, over countless generations.

Their only solution? To travel back in time to the present day, to quietly infiltrate & subtly shape our society, and initiate their Dance Revolution."


Techno Fiends is a visually enticing & playful exploration of the Berlin Party scene, as well as a cheeky critique of capitalist consumption and individualism.

The Techno Fiend Transmissions are not necessarily a glorification of The Party, but rather an investigation of the multiple perspectives and experiences of those you encounter on the dance floor, as well as promoting the ecstatic communal philosophies such a worldview embodies.

If you've enjoyed this story, and want to support the project, paypal donations are most welcome! → technofiends2018@gmail.com

50% of all profits from Techno Fiend Zines will go to Berlin Collective Action Nightlife Emergency Fund.


Received & translated by Jizzle Phizlips AKA @jankypeasu


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Vol. 3



- PT3 –

In the Garden

of Dusty Delights


After a breakfast filled with sekt & speed, the Techno Fiends and

their new unwitting Anthro pal, Jizzle Phizlips, descend from the

Tower and cross the street to spend a sunny Saturday afternoon in

their favorite garden. Of course, they skip the snaking queue of

excited party goers and delve straight into the madness.



First Things First

To the Caravan! -

where greetings are made

& lines exchanged


//: Next

To the Dancefloor!

to gently dissolve our edges

and capture the party spirit.

After their initial dance,

Jizzles & The Mechanic take a seat on the

sidelines, mesmerized by the endless swirls of

sparkling festivities & enchanted revelers

floating across the dancefloor.


Ahhh the mood is


I can feel it ripple

beneath my skin.


Yes it’s truly


isn’t it?!

But funny you see it as a contagion,

affecting the individual on an

internal level…

For me,

it’s more like a

A Super Powered Nebula

that charges as you

pass through.

- What do you mean?

- Well I’ll Show you!



Bodily Boundaries

& Merging with the Aether

:// With a few swift

taps of a button,

The Mechanic powers up

the device, which slowly

starts to whirr and hum.




The crowd melted into one another,

Fusing into a swirling stream,

Enveloped in a hypnotic,

pulsating glow.

Seeping into

each other …

You couldn’t tell where one

person ended & another began.



Our boundaries are porous.

And Inside?


How many dimensions

are in here?!


-You don’t wana know -

:// They resume their seat on the edge of the dancefloor.

But isn’t it just the Drugs?

[Mechanic] Ah, well, they certainly help … especially in speeding up

the process. & Like The Device, they merely reveal what’s already

there, But it’s also much more than that – it’s the music, the

strobe, the smoke, the crowd…

- and there’s many methods to get there

- meditation, holotropic breathwork, fasting, fucking…

But of course, the substances sure make it a lot more fun!

Think about it like this - you could spend years training to meditate,

being disciplined, and constantly abstaining from certain worldly

pleasures. Or you could Jumpstart the ol’ machinery and get cracking

with one tiny pill, a mushroom or a cheeky sniffter.

And sometimes, there’s just no time to wait around.

If you say so ...

Well don’t just take my word for it !

Everyone sees it a little differently.

There’s more of you Fiends here?!

Oh yeah - loads.


Let’s play a game!


Spot the Techno Fiend


:// Suddenly

The Weaver


With a thousand threads flying

in a tangled mess of intricate

loops and swirling strings.




Weaaaaaaver! How’s it going? –

This is our new friend….er ..

what’s your name again?

-Jizzle Phizlips-

Mechanic; Oh yes!, This is our new friend Phizzle Jizzlips!

We’re playing a game - how do you see the dancefloor?

[Weaver]: Why, for me it’s a patchwork Tapestry of criss-cross

stitching - each may have their own pattern or material, but we are

all eternally entwined parts of the same cosmic fabric. we weave the

threads, while we are also woven.

…Of course, those threads could become entangled

with wires too Mechanic ;))

:// With a cheeky smile on her face, Weaver

disappears into the crowd, only to suddenly

reemerge, enticing the pair onto the dancefloor.

:// She pulls them into the

crowd, weaving their way

through the tangle of people,

at elbow level.

:// Twisting & Turning,

Swirling & Whirling,

ensuring that the rhythm

just keeps flowing.


They Reach a Clearing in the

Forest Of Sparking Souls


Everyone around gets roped in,

joyously entangled in invisible

threads & woven into the

textured techno folds of the

fabric of the universe,

:// All are moving in sync,

enveloped within the cosmic

blanket that ripples across the



-Spinning a


:// Weaver & Jizzle

take a seat & begin to chat.

[Jizl] So how do

you know the Fiends?

Are you close?

[Weaver] Oh we come from the same

place - and pretty much moved here together as a group.

So we have this whole shared history, and came here for the same

reasons. The conditions back home were truly unbearable...[Shudder]

But our relationship to over there is different - the Fiends are

constantly looking forward, but I like to live in the present - I’m

here now, I just want to enjoy life and craft magical moments for

myself and those I care about. It’s hard to constantly keep a portal

open elsewhere. It’s so tricky - I guess over the years we’ve drifted


But of course, it’s always a pleasure for

our paths to cross at a party! We don’t see

each other often, just every weekend for

about 12 hours or so.. And of course, if

they asked me of a favour, I’d certainly

help the best I can.

[Jizl] You’ve all been here a


[Weaver] It’s hard to say precisely, the

first official mission of our kind was to

the 1960s, but of course, within the Techno

Fiend history we’ve had our fair share of

rogue time travellers. Once the portal is open - a tear in the temporal

tapestry - a rippled is sent through linear time, and the fabric is

forever unsettled….

:// Jizzle looks confused - like cogs whirring in their brain,

trying to comprehend this cryptic tale, over infused with weaving

metaphors. Weaver continues undeterred, not noticing Jizzle’s

baffled expression.

Weaver: Oh yes, once we’d opened the

portal, there was no controlling those

Pesky Anarcho-Techno Fiends! Popping up

here and there, adding their threads to

the fabric.

:// Anthro suddenly computes

Jizl: Time travel?!?!

Weaver: Why yes! ...Oh shit...they

hadn’t told you that part yet?

Jizl: You’re crazy!!


:// Jizzle backs away, confused…

But suddenly it all started to make

sense - the reality altering tech,

the radical philosophy, their weird


Jizl: Perhaps I am crazy?! Oh gosh what

have I been sniffing?!

:// Poor delerious Jizl’s mind is

reeling! They stumble through the

crowd, stepping on toes, hopelessly

entangled in infinite threads… that

lead to nowhere.

-- black out --


Poor Jizzle Fizzlips, our dear

Anthro who’s unwittingly been

roped into the Techno Fiend saga,

has got themselves into quite a


Will they survive the afternoon

and make it to closing?

Submerged in crackling static and

mindboggling confusion, all hope

seems to be lost. Until! A

soothing voice reaches out through

the darkness...



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