2020 07-July-Single-Page

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for an

Incredible Experience

s my time as acting President/CEO winds down, I want to thank the hundreds of

people who have supported me in my 35 years at Pathfinder Services. I consider

the time spent at Pathfinder a tremendous gift I will never be able to repay. I want to

thank Joe Blomeke, Chuck Nelson, and Judy (Vanderspool) Frischman, who as the

officers of the Board took a chance on a young, inexperienced person to lead the organization.

I remember telling them that I hoped to remain for three years at least.

Because of the incredible support of the Board and staff over the years for my crazy

ideas, I chose to stay longer. Judy and I enjoyed raising our four kids in the wonderful

community of Huntington, with three of them living in Huntington County along with

five grandchildren.


President/ CEO


Pathfinder Services envisions a

community in which all people are

valued and accepted and have control

over their own destinies. Our Mission is

to strengthen communities primarily by

enabling people facing physical,

developmental, or economic challenges

to achieve independence, inclusion, and


My wife Judy has been the bedrock over the years that enabled me to say yes to many

community roles as well as national duties on various Boards and Committees. I

cannot thank her enough for her support of my travels and time away seeking resources

for the agency.

As I think about life after Pathfinder Services, I tear up because I will miss all the staff

who make up Pathfinder Services and their undying commitment and caring for those

we serve. I will miss the smiles and hugs of those we serve every day.

I am not officially retiring until December 31, but new President/CEO Danielle Tips will

be joining the organization on August 3. I have had a chance to spend time with Danielle

and I was very impressed with her. The organization will benefit greatly from her

experience and her passion for the Mission and Values of Pathfinder Services. I will

spend some time helping her get started and then the Board has granted me a sabbatical

to study and learn about how organizations like Pathfinder Services and rural

communities together can change and adapt to the future. I will be putting my discovery

and research hat on and spending time talking with my national network and

others about their thoughts of how to strengthen rural communities and how the

Pathfinder Services of those communities can play a key role in the process of growth

and sustainability. There might be a local project or two that I am able to lend my

expertise to and apply what I am learning.

In retirement, I hope to enjoy time with Judy and the rest of the family that I have not

spent because of working all the time. I do want to continue making a difference in

lives of people through volunteering and maybe some consulting and interim CEO

work with community organizations that, like Pathfinder Services, seek to accept the

value and ability of all people and enable them to figure out how to create a more

meaningful life for themselves and future generations.



The Dream Fund

The Pathfinder Services Dream Fund was created to help make dreams of

those we serve come true that would not otherwise happen. Recent

photos on social media of those we serve spending fun time outdoors

prompted anonymous donors to come forward to provide bicycles,

tricycles, and side by sides to our friends who do not currently have them.

Thanks to those donors, we have delivered nine bikes and ordered nine

more. They hope this prompts others to donate so everyone we serve who wants a bike gets one!

On Thursday, June 18, the guys at Cline Street took an inaugural ride to Dairy Queen to enjoy a hot weather treat! The maiden

voyage was a huge success and the guys are looking forward to many more rides in the future!

Donating is easy! Learn more at PathfinderServices.org/get-involved

What Your Generosity


The Preschool Graduation Parade

A Kids Kampus New Normal




donated to the

Dream Fund since

its creation in 2014

Like high school and college graduations here at

home and across the country in 2020, COVID-19 also

affected our annual Kids Kampus Spring Program and

Preschool Graduation at Pathfinder Services. We had

to cancel the program for the health and safety of

everyone involved. Knowing the importance of this

milestone to the children we serve and their families

however, we knew we had to find a way to honor our


Marketing and Development collaborated with Kids

Kampus and decided the best way to celebrate was

with a no contact parade on Friday, June 12. Parents,

caregivers, friends, relatives, and community

members were invited to decorate their vehicles and

make banners and signs to congratulate the




made to the Dream

Fund since 2014.

The response was overwhelming and a huge success!

More than 100 vehicles lined up in the Huntington

University parking lot ready to support their little

ones. The Huntington City Fire Department led the

way through the Kids Kampus parking lot with a big

fire engine with lights and sirens running. The kids,

dressed in their graduation caps and holding their

diplomas, were lined up outside and cheered on by

vehicle after vehicle. It was a great sight to see!

We congratulate all our preschool graduates and

wish them a fantastic year in kindergarten!

To learn more about Kids Kampus,

visit PathfinderServices.org/kids-kampus

$ 24,375



donations made to

the Dream Fund

since 2014.



20 TH







3 Donate

In-kind gifts of paint, pencils,

craft paper, and more go a long

way to inspire new artists and

young learners.

1 Give

Your financial support makes

what we do possible, by filling

the gap between government

support and the actual cost it

takes to serve people with


4 Partner

Monthly giving provides reliable

revenue that helps sustain our


2 Volunteer

No matter your interests or

passion, there are opportunities

to make a difference in the

lives of our friends.

5 Visit

Attend an event, visit one of

our sites, and bring your

friends! This is the best way to

see our mission up-close.





2824 Theater Ave. P.O. Box 1001, Huntington, IN 46750

800-833-1571 | PathfinderServices.org

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