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Food Processing Plant Design & layout

Queuing theory provides a large number of alternative mathematical models for describing

and solving waiting line problems.

The economic balance between the cost of service and the cost associated with waiting can

be achieved at either by:

1. providing more facilities at additional cost, or

2. replacing less efficient service facilities by more efficient ones, or

3. changing the pattern of arrival of customers for service, or

4. changing the pattern of providing service, or

5. effecting method improvements to reduce service time.

Queuing problems can be solved basically either by mathematical or simulation


14.5.1 Elements of queuing system

The basic queuing process (Queuing model) consists of:

a) Input Source

b) Queue

c) Service discipline & mechanism

The 'Customers' requiring service are generated over time by an "input source". These

customers enter the queuing system and join the queue. At certain times a member of the

queue is selected for service by some rule known as service discipline. The required service

is then performed by the service mechanism, after which the customer leaves the queuing


The various elements of the queuing system are: Input source (population), Waiting line

(queue), Service discipline, Service mechanism, System output and Customer behaviour. Input source

Two important characteristics of the input source are: (i) its size and (ii) the pattern of


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