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Food Processing Plant Design & layout

Fig 11.2 A total revenue function

One may be assured of a maximum by noting that is negative since b is a positive

constant. It may be noted that the derivative of total revenue with respect to volume is

given the name "marginal revenue". It expresses the rate at which revenue increases with

increase in the volume of sales. Most enterprises, however, would not find that maximum

total revenue resulted in maximum profit, thus one must investigate the problem of total

cost of production in order to compute the profit in the more usual way.

11.3 Total cost function

Imagine that the analyst is able to examine the productive operations of the enterprise. At

this point the analyst may be especially interested in how total cost changes with the

volume of production. In estimating total cost it is helpful to divide the components of this

sum into two classes called fixed costs and variable costs.

Fixed costs include all costs independent of the volume of production. These are the costs,

which must be met irrespective of the level of production.

Variable costs include all costs which vary more or less directly with the volume of

production: These costs include such things as direct labour costs and raw material costs

that tend to rise as the number of units produced goes up. It may be difficult to discover

just exactly how variable costs do 'vary with the level of production. Further, costs which

are fixed in the short run may not be fixed in the long run. For example, if production is

stopped, the enterprise may meet its fixed expenses for a short period in anticipation of

renewed activity, however, this can not go on for long without resulting in liquidation or

some other drastic modification of the cost structure. In spite of these difficulties, these cost

classifications are sufficiently suggestive to give some important insights. To clarify these,


TC (D) = total cost at a production level of D units

FC = fixed costs, independent of D

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