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Food Processing Plant Design & layout

L: is the length of the longest internal part of the equipment that must be removed for

maintenance or operation.

8.2.2 Plant layout

In general, a most economical plant layout is that in which spacing of the main equipment

items is such that it minimizes the interconnecting pipe work and structural steel work. As

a general rule, layout should be as compact as possible with all equipment at ground level

and it should conform to access and safety requirements. The major considerations are

listed below:

Equipment should be laid to give maximum economy of pipe work and supporting steel.

Normally, they should be laid out in a sequence to suit the process flow, but exceptions to

this arise from the desirability to group certain items such as tanks or pumps or perhaps to

isolate hazardous operations.

In general, high elevation should only be considered when ground space is limited or

where gravity flow of materials is desired.

Equipment items which are considered to be a source of hazard should be grouped

together and wherever possible should be located separately from other areas of the plant.

Provide sufficient clear space between critical and mechanically dangerous or high

temperature equipment to allow safety of operating or maintenance personnel.

The equipment needing frequent internal cleaning or replacement of internal parts should

be laid out for ease of maintenance.

Elevation to the underside of the pipe bridges and racks over paved areas should be at least

4 m.

8.2.3 Layout of equipment

Thought should be given to the location of equipment requiring frequent attendance by

operating personnel and the relative position the control room to obtain the shortest and

most direct routes for operators when on route operation. However, the control room

should be in a safe area. Some important considerations involved in locating a few key

equipment items are listed below:

Mixing vessels can be laid out in a straight line, in pairs or staggered.

In evaporators using barometric leg type condensers, barometric leg should be at

least 10 mm from the vessel base. This is usually situated on the ground floor. For

multiple effect evaporators, place the individual effects as close as possible to

minimize vapor lines. Vapor liquid separator is accommodated without increasing

the distance between effects. The layout requirements for crystallizers are similar to

those for evaporators.

Furnaces should be located at least 15 m away from other equipment. Ample room

need to be provided at the firing front for the operation of the burner and burner

control panel.

Where there are a large number of heat exchangers, they are often put together in

one or more groups. Location should provide a layout, which is convenient to

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