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Food Processing Plant Design & layout

5.2 Food plant utilities

The principal plant utilities in a food plant are process water, process steam, electric

power for motors and lighting, and fuel.

5.2.1 Process Water

Process water is required for washing the raw materials and for various cooling operations.

In fruit and vegetable processing plants, water may be used for transportation (fluming) of

the raw materials from receiving to processing areas. Water used in steam boilers may

require ion exchange treatment to reduce its hardness. Total water requirement in fruit and

vegetable processing may range from 5 to 15 m3 / ton of raw material.

5.2.2 Steam

Steam boilers are needed in most food processing plants to provide process steam, used

mainly in various operations, such as heating of process vessels, evaporators and dryers,

sterilization, blanching, and peeling. A medium size food plant (80 tons / day raw material)

may require a boiler producing about 10 tons/h of steam at 18 bar pressure.

Two principal types of steam boilers are used in the food processing industry, i.e. the firetube

and the water-tube boilers. The fire tube boilers operate at relatively lower pressure

(1–24 bar) and produce cleaner steam. The water- tube units operate at higher pressures

(100–140 bar) and they are suited for co- generation, i.e. electrical power and exhaust steam

of lower pressure for process heating. Co-generation is economical in large food plants,

requiring large amounts of low-pressure steam, e.g., beet sugar plants.

A standby steam boiler of proper capacity may be necessary to provide process steam

during any boiler failure or breakdown.

Steam boilers are rated in Btu/h, kW or boiler HP (1 Btu/h = 0.293 W, 1 boiler HP = 9.8

kW). The heat flux in the boiler heating surface is about 0.75 kW/ m2. The boiler efficiency

is about 85% with most of the thermal losses in the dry gases and the moisture. Steam

generation is about 1.4 t/h per MW.

In order to maintain the concentration of accumulated dissolved solids in steam boilers

below 3500 ppm, periodic discharge of hot water (blow down) is practiced.

Fuel is used in food plants mostly for generating process steam and process drying. Natural

gas and liquefied propane (LPG) are preferred fuels in food processing, because their

combustion gases are not objectionable in direct contact with food products. Fuel oil and

coal can be used for indirect heating, i.e. through heat exchangers.

Culinary steam of special quality is used when steam is injected in food products. The

steam must be free of objectionable chemicals used in boilers, which may be carried into the

food being heated. Culinary steam is usually produced from potable water in a secondary

system of a heat exchanger heated with high pressure industrial steam.

5.2.3 Electricity

Electrical power in food processing plants is needed for running the motors of the

processing, control, and service equipment, for industrial heating, and for illumination. For

a medium size food plant processing about 100 tons/day raw materials, the power

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