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Food Processing Plant Design & layout

For evaluating qualitative factors, some factor ranking and factor weight rating systems

may be used. In the ranking procedure, a location is better or worse than another for the

particular factor. By weighing factors and rating locations against these weights a semiquantitative

comparison of location is possible. Let us now discuss some specific methods.

4.6.1 Equal weights method

Assign equal weights to all factors and evaluate each location along the factor scale. For

example, a manufacturer of fabricated foods selected three factors by which to rate four

sites. Each site was assigned a rating of 0 to 10 points for each factor. The sum of the

assigned factor points constituted the site rating by which it could be compared to other


Table Decision matrix

Factor/Potential Sites SI S2 S3 S4

FI 2 5 9 2

F2 3 3 8 3

F3 6 2 7 3

Site rating 11 10 24 8

Sample calculation: 11 = 2 + 3 + 6

Looking at the above Table, one can see that site S3 has the highest site rating of 24. Hence,

this site would be chosen.

4.6.2 Variable weights method

The above method could be utilized on account of giving equal weight age to all the factors.

Now, think of assigning variable weights to each of the factors and evaluating each location

site along the factor scale. Factor Fl might be assigned 300 points, factor F2 100 points and

factor F3 50 points. The points scored, out of the maximum assigned to each of the factors,

for each possible location site could be obtained and again the site rating could be derived

as follows:

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