London trade mission 20-23 sept 2018 London trade mission
20-23 sept 2018


KANDINSKY side table by OIA // WHITE HOUSE table lamp by Creativemary // CHARISSE armchair by Ottiu

Associative Design Showcases the Best ofRefined, Contemporary Portuguese Design atLondon Design Fair 201820th to 23rd September, Old Truman BreweryAt London Design Fair 2018, Associative Design will present aneye-catching showcase of refined, contemporary Portuguesedesign. Created by the Portuguese Association of Wood andFurniture Industries (AIMMP), Associative Design seeks topromote Portuguese design globally, exhibiting the best ofPortugal at many of the design world’s most discerning anddistinguished shows.In today’s design sphere, the ‘Made in Portugal’ label isattracting increasing amounts of attention and recognition;it is a sign of quality, craftsmanship, innovation, integrity andsustainability. A great number of contemporary Portuguesedesign brands continue to build on the country’s prolific designheritage, combining tradition with a modern-day outlook.Despite Portugal’s relatively small population (around 10.3million citizens), the nation’s design scene is burgeoning. Withan artistically and culturally diverse design offer, Portuguesedesign is finding favour with design audiences across the world.At London Design Fair, visitors can expect to find anaesthetically pleasing mix of contemporary and luxuryPortuguese design and innovation, including furniture, lightingand objets d’art. With its prominent stand on the groundfloor of the renowned Old Truman Brewery (Hall 1, Stand 1.11),Associative Design’s “The Best of Portugal” showcase willfocus on the discerning consumer. Brands will display theirdesigns across a range of inspirational living spaces: lounge,dining, kitchen and office. And with Portugal’s wealth of naturalresources, such as cork, wood and marble, an eco-friendlytheme will exhibit a selection of Portuguese materials.

KANDINSKY side table by OIA // WHITE HOUSE table lamp by Creativemary // CHARISSE armchair by Ottiu

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