JGU Data and Statistics 2010 - Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

JGU Data and Statistics 2010 - Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

JGU Data and Statistics 2010 - Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz


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Zahlenspiegel<br />


<strong>Johannes</strong> <strong>Gutenberg</strong> University <strong>Mainz</strong><br />



I M PR I NT<br />

Editor The President of <strong>Johannes</strong> <strong>Gutenberg</strong> University <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Professor Dr. Georg Krausch<br />

Editorial team Staff Unit for Planning <strong>and</strong> Controlling<br />

Forum universitatis 3, D 55128 <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Date of publication November 2011<br />

e-mail puc@uni-mainz.de<br />

www http://www.puc.verwaltung.uni-mainz.de/<br />

in charge Herbert Gorges<br />

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Table of contents<br />

Table of contents.................................................................................................................................................................... 3<br />

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5<br />

Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6<br />

Definitions .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7<br />

S CI EN C E A ND R E S E AR C H 9<br />

Collaborative Research Centers <strong>2010</strong> ................................................................................................................................... 9<br />

Research Training Groups / Graduate School of Excellence <strong>2010</strong>...................................................................................... 10<br />

Research Units..................................................................................................................................................................... 11<br />

Clinical Research Units ........................................................................................................................................................ 12<br />

Research Centers of the Rhinel<strong>and</strong>-Palatinate Research Initiative ..................................................................................... 12<br />

Research Units of the Rhinel<strong>and</strong>-Palatinate Research Initiative.......................................................................................... 13<br />

Research projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education <strong>and</strong> Research .................................................... 14<br />

Research projects funded by the European Union .............................................................................................................. 19<br />

Patents at <strong>JGU</strong> in <strong>2010</strong> ....................................................................................................................................................... 22<br />

A PP O I NTM E NT S 23<br />

Academics who accepted an appointment to <strong>JGU</strong> in <strong>2010</strong>.................................................................................................. 23<br />

Academics who accepted appointments to other universities in <strong>2010</strong> ................................................................................. 26<br />

L E AR NI NG A N D T E AC HI N G 27<br />

Students Major (A-subject) in the <strong>2010</strong>/2011 winter semester ............................................................................................ 27<br />

Distribution of students within subject groups ...................................................................................................................... 28<br />

Students Major (A-subject) in the first semester in the <strong>2010</strong>/2011 winter semester ............................................................ 29<br />

Students Major (A-subject) within the st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study in the <strong>2010</strong>/2011 winter semester..................................... 30<br />

Development of the number of students within the st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study ...................................................................... 31<br />

Development of the <strong>JGU</strong> faculties........................................................................................................................................ 32<br />

Development of the subject groups since 2001 ................................................................................................................... 33<br />

Development of the number of students since 1947 ............................................................................................................ 34<br />

Qualifications for future careers ........................................................................................................................................... 35<br />

Development of qualifications for future careers over the last 10 years .............................................................................. 36<br />

Doctoral degrees .................................................................................................................................................................. 37<br />

Development of the share of doctoral degress over the last 10 years ................................................................................. 38<br />

Postdoctoral lecturing qualifications ..................................................................................................................................... 39<br />

Development of the share of postdoctoral lecturing qualifications over the last 10 years................................................... 40<br />

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F I N AN C E S 4 1<br />

Allowances for research <strong>and</strong> teaching in <strong>2010</strong>: campus ...................................................................................................... 41<br />

Third-party expenditures by faculty ...................................................................................................................................... 42<br />

Third-party expenditures by funding body ............................................................................................................................ 43<br />

Third-party expenditures by funding body (graphics) ........................................................................................................... 44<br />

UN I VE R SIT Y STAF F 4 5<br />

Positions <strong>and</strong> staff <strong>2010</strong> ....................................................................................................................................................... 45<br />

Staff distribution among the faculties ................................................................................................................................... 47<br />

Third-party funded staff <strong>2010</strong> ............................................................................................................................................... 48<br />

G E N D ER EQ UAL I T Y 49<br />

Development of the shares of women <strong>and</strong> men, 2000-<strong>2010</strong> ............................................................................................... 49<br />

L I B RA RI E S 5 0<br />

Library data .......................................................................................................................................................................... 50<br />

I NT E RN ATIONAL I Z AT I O N 5 3<br />

Development of the number of foreign students among those (re-) enrolling ...................................................................... 53<br />

Development of the number of foreign students among those (re-) enrolling by subject groups ......................................... 53<br />

Geographical origin of international students at <strong>JGU</strong>........................................................................................................... 54<br />

Destination countries of <strong>Mainz</strong> outgoing students <strong>and</strong> graduates ....................................................................................... 55<br />

International relations ........................................................................................................................................................... 56<br />

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Introduction<br />

Dear readers,<br />

following the positive response we received on last year’s publication of the DATA AND STATISTICS REPORT of <strong>Johannes</strong><br />

<strong>Gutenberg</strong> University <strong>Mainz</strong> (<strong>JGU</strong>) in this form for the first time, we are pleased to present now the second edition, namely<br />

the <strong>2010</strong> DATA AND STATISTICS REPORT. It shows the key numbers for the <strong>2010</strong> fiscal year <strong>and</strong> the 2009/<strong>2010</strong> academic year.<br />

We updated all data <strong>and</strong> this time also included numbers from the field of inventions <strong>and</strong> patents. Also new is the way in<br />

which the University Library presents its data.<br />

Numbers <strong>and</strong> statistics are indispensable for universities. They are used to plan projects, to utilize results, <strong>and</strong> to evaluate<br />

the performance of the institution. The <strong>2010</strong> DATA AND STATISTICS REPORT is to demonstrate how <strong>Johannes</strong> <strong>Gutenberg</strong><br />

University <strong>Mainz</strong> performed <strong>and</strong>, given its documentary character, to provide transparency. It is the proper platform on which<br />

to base the university’s various management instruments whilst making a major contribution to quality assurance <strong>and</strong><br />

information management at <strong>JGU</strong>.<br />

Within <strong>JGU</strong>, the DATA AND STATISTICS REPORT supports the university management board as well as the faculties <strong>and</strong> various<br />

committees in their decision-making processes. Outside the university, this report is to help meet the increasing dem<strong>and</strong> for<br />

data expected from the university – for accreditation, for the compilation of rankings, or in the context of the German Federal<br />

Excellence Initiative.<br />

We hope that our DATA AND STATISTICS REPORT will help you in your daily work whatever function you may perform by giving<br />

you a new <strong>and</strong> detailed <strong>and</strong> maybe somewhat different insight into <strong>JGU</strong>’s activities.<br />

In case you ever need data not included in this report, please feel free to contact us. The <strong>JGU</strong> Staff Unit for Planning <strong>and</strong><br />

Controlling is always available for questions <strong>and</strong> suggestions.<br />

Professor Dr. Georg Krausch Götz Scholz<br />

<strong>JGU</strong> President <strong>JGU</strong> Chancellor<br />

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ABB R EV I A T I O N S A ND D E F I NI T I O N S<br />

Abbreviations<br />

BMBF German Federal Ministry of Education <strong>and</strong> Research<br />

[Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung]<br />

CRC Collaborative Research Center<br />

CRC/TR Collaborative Research Center / Transregio<br />

DAAD German Academic Exchange Service<br />

[Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst]<br />

DFG German Research Foundation<br />

[Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft]<br />

GRC <strong>Gutenberg</strong> Research College<br />

SPS st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study<br />

UM University Medicine<br />

UMC University Medical Center<br />

RTG Research Training Group<br />

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AB B R EV I A T I O N S A ND D E F I NI T I O N S<br />

Definitions<br />

The following definitions apply to the data presented in this report. They serve to improve data comparability. They<br />

are used in this way at <strong>JGU</strong> <strong>and</strong> do not claim to be universally valid.<br />

A-subject First degree program, first major<br />

A-C-subjects First degree program: first major (A-subject) + second major OR first minor<br />

(B-subject) + second minor (C-subject)<br />

Academic year The academic year always comprises the summer semester <strong>and</strong> the following<br />

winter semester.<br />

Bologna reform In the Bologna Declaration of 1999, 29 European countries expressed their<br />

desire to create a European Higher Education Area by making academic<br />

degree st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> quality assurance st<strong>and</strong>ards more comparable <strong>and</strong><br />

compatible throughout Europe by <strong>2010</strong>. One of the objectives was to<br />

establish a uniform system of graded degree programs, the first stage of<br />

which is the Bachelor’s degree qualifying for a future career. A Master’s<br />

program can follow on from this.<br />

Examination year The year of study or examination year always comprises the examinations<br />

held in the winter semester <strong>and</strong> the following summer semester.<br />

First semester students First semester students are all those enrolled in the first semester of a degree<br />

program.<br />

Foreign students Foreign students are those with one of the following university entrance<br />

qualifications: a General Higher Education Entrance Qualification obtained at<br />

a German school abroad, at a Preparatory College, or at a school abroad; a<br />

subject-linked university entrance qualification obtained at a German school<br />

abroad, at a Preparatory College, or at a school abroad; a university of<br />

applied sciences entrance qualification obtained at a German school abroad,<br />

at a Preparatory College, or at a school abroad.<br />

Full-time equivalents Students: Notional number of students of a subject that is obtained by<br />

multiplying all majors <strong>and</strong> minors of a subject by a weighting factor <strong>and</strong> then<br />

adding them up. The individual subjects’ weighting factor within a degree<br />

program is derived from the amount of teaching required. Thus, for example,<br />

diploma degree programs are weighted by 1, Magister degree programs with<br />

two majors are weighted by 0.5 for each major, <strong>and</strong> Magister degree<br />

programs with one major <strong>and</strong> two minors are weighted by 0.5 for the major<br />

<strong>and</strong> 0.25 for each of the two minors. Bachelor’s degree programs consisting<br />

of a major/minor combination are normally weighted by 0.67 for the major <strong>and</strong><br />

0.33 for the minor.<br />

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Staff: Notional number of people, derived from multiplying the number of all<br />

staff members with the proportion of their working hours <strong>and</strong> summed up.<br />

According to this system, full-time employees are weighted by 1, part-time<br />

employees by 0.5 etc.<br />

Junior Professorship The title of Junior Professor is an official designation for a special faculty<br />

position at German universities. This faculty member position was introduced<br />

in 2002 by the fifth amendment to the German Framework Act for Higher<br />

Education. It allows young researchers with an outst<strong>and</strong>ing doctoral degree to<br />

conduct independent university research <strong>and</strong> teaching <strong>and</strong> to qualify for a<br />

tenured professorship appointment, though they are yet lacking the previously<br />

required postdoctoral lecturing qualification.<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ard period of study The st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study is specified for each course in the respective<br />

examination regulations. It describes the period of time in which a first<br />

qualification for a future career can be obtained through full-time study.<br />

Students in first degree programs Number of students enrolled in <strong>JGU</strong>’s first degree programs. In the <strong>JGU</strong><br />

statistics, this number is usually not including students already removed from<br />

the register of students <strong>and</strong> those on leave of absence. Students who are<br />

enrolled in several degree programs (double-degree programs) are counted<br />

only once.<br />

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S CI EN C E A ND R E S E AR C H<br />

Collaborative Research Centers <strong>2010</strong><br />

Collaborative Research Center Speaker Faculty 1) Third-party<br />

funding <strong>2010</strong><br />

in EURO<br />

Number of subprojects<br />

in <strong>Mainz</strong> /<br />

total<br />

Mechanisms of invasion <strong>and</strong> persistence<br />

of infectious agents (CRC 490) Prof. Bhakdi 04 1,423,000 17/17<br />

From single molecules to nanoscopically<br />

structured materials (CRC 625) Prof. Schmidt 09 1,502,000 19/19<br />

Physics of colloidal dispersions in<br />

external fields (CRC / TR 6)<br />

(Konstanz; Dusseldorf; Utrecht; <strong>Mainz</strong>) Prof. Palberg 08 241,000 16/5<br />

The brain as target of inflammatory<br />

processes (CRC / TR 43)<br />

(Berlin; Göttingen; <strong>Mainz</strong>) Prof. Zipp 04 149,000 12/1<br />

Systems of condensed matter with<br />

fluctuating many-part interaction<br />

(CRC / TR 49)<br />

(Frankfurt; Kaiserslautern; <strong>Mainz</strong>) Prof. Schönhense 08 1,863,000 20/5<br />

Periods, moduli spaces <strong>and</strong> arithmetic of<br />

algebraic varieties (CRC / TR 45)<br />

(Essen; Bonn; <strong>Mainz</strong>) Prof. Müller-Stach 08 1,957,000 35/11<br />

Many-body structure of strongly<br />

interacting systems (CRC 443) Prof. Ostrick 08 1,573,000 9/9<br />

Transcriptional programming of individual<br />

T-cell subsets (CRC / TR 52)<br />

(Würzburg; <strong>Mainz</strong>; Berlin) Prof. Schmitt 04 2,348,000 22/10<br />

Fear, anxiety, anxiety disorders<br />

(CRC / TR 58)<br />

(Münster; Hamburg; Würzburg; <strong>Mainz</strong>) Prof. Lutz 04 1,665,000 16/1<br />

1) faculty to which the speaker belongs<br />

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S CI EN C E A ND R E S E AR C H<br />

Research Training Groups / Graduate School of Excellence <strong>2010</strong><br />

Research Training Group /<br />

Graduate School of Excellence<br />

Speaker Faculty /<br />

Institution 1)<br />

Scholarship<br />

students 2)<br />

College<br />

members 2)<br />

Post-<br />

Docs 2)<br />

Graduate School of Excellence Materials<br />

Science in <strong>Mainz</strong> (MAINZ) Prof. Felser 09 81 6) 45 _<br />

Transformation of regulatory systems <strong>and</strong><br />

integration of European economies in<br />

joining Europe 3) (RTG 762) Prof. Kaiser 4) 03 6 9 _<br />

Trace analysis of elemental species:<br />

Development of methods <strong>and</strong> applications<br />

(RTG 826) Prof. Hoffmann 09 17 12 _<br />

Antigen-specific immunotherapy<br />

(RTG 1043) Prof. Wölfel 04 20 5 1<br />

Developmental <strong>and</strong> disease-induced<br />

modifications of the nervous system<br />

(RTG 1044) Prof. Luhmann 04 20 30 _<br />

Self-organized materials for<br />

optoelectronics 5) (RTG 1404) Prof. Zentel 09 14 12 1<br />

Transnational Social Support<br />

(RTG 1474) Prof. Schweppe 02 9 9 1<br />

Symmetry breaking in fundamental<br />

interactions (RTG 1581) Prof. Neubert 08 4 15 _<br />

The Christian Churches <strong>and</strong> the challenge<br />

of ›Europe‹ (c. 1890 to the present time)<br />

(RTG 1575) Prof. Duchhardt<br />

1) faculty or institution to which the speaker belongs<br />

2) headcounts<br />

3) joint International Research Training Group Heidelberg – <strong>Mainz</strong> – Krakau<br />

4) speaker from <strong>Mainz</strong> University<br />

5) International Research Training Group with the University of Seoul, Korea<br />

6) including scholarship students of the Max Planck Society<br />

Institute of<br />

European<br />

History 10 11 1<br />

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S CI EN C E A ND R E S E AR C H<br />

Research Units<br />

Research Units Speaker Faculty 1) Third-party<br />

funding <strong>2010</strong><br />

in EURO<br />

Number of subprojects<br />

in <strong>Mainz</strong> /<br />

total<br />

Susceptibility factors of tumorigenesis<br />

(RU 527) Prof. Kaina 04 118,000 7/7<br />

Saharan mineral dust experiment SAMUM<br />

(RU 539) Prof. Jaenicke 08 83,000 7/1<br />

New materials with high spin polarization<br />

(RU 559) Prof. Felser 09 293,000 10/8<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong> sustainable management<br />

(RU 816) Prof. Wilcke 09 81,000 12/1<br />

Predictability <strong>and</strong> dynamics of weather<br />

systems in the Atlantic European Sector<br />

(PANDOWAE) (RU 896) Prof. Wirth 08 61,000 12/2<br />

Physiology <strong>and</strong> pathophysiology of the<br />

endocannabinoid system (RU 926) Prof. Lutz 04 128,000 10/3<br />

Barell Cortex Function (RU 1341) Prof. Luhmann 04 not stated 9/2<br />

Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for<br />

cellular <strong>and</strong> molecular magnetic<br />

resonance imaging (RU 213) Prof. Nitsch 04 106,000 7/1<br />

Advanced spintronic materials <strong>and</strong><br />

transport phenomena (ASPIMATT)<br />

(RU 1464) Prof. Felser 09 132,000 5/5<br />

Dynamical mean-field approach with<br />

predictive power of strongly correlated<br />

materials (RU 1346) Prof. Blümer 08 32,000 9/1<br />

1) faculty or institution to which the speaker belongs<br />

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S CI EN C E A ND R E S E AR C H<br />

Clinical Research Units<br />

Clinical Research Units Speaker Faculty 1) Third-party<br />

funding <strong>2010</strong><br />

in EURO<br />

Number of subprojects<br />

in <strong>Mainz</strong>/<br />

total<br />

Optimized Allogeneic Lymphocyte<br />

(RU 183) Prof. Herr 04 715,000 8/3<br />

S CI EN C E A ND R E S E AR C H<br />

Research Centers of the Rhinel<strong>and</strong>-Palatinate Research Initiative<br />

Research Centers Speaker Faculty 1) Third-party funding <strong>2010</strong><br />

in EURO<br />

Elementary forces <strong>and</strong> mathematical<br />

foundations Prof. Wittig 08 1,200,000<br />

Geocycles – Earth System Science Prof. Foley 09 1,270,000<br />

Immunology Prof. Schild 04 1,300,000<br />

Complex Materials (COMATT) Prof. Schmidt 09 1,460,000<br />

Social <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

(SOCUM) Prof. Bisang 05 700,000<br />

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S CI EN C E A ND R E S E AR C H<br />

Research Units of the Rhinel<strong>and</strong>-Palatinate Research Initiative<br />

Research Units Speaker Faculty 1) Third-party funding <strong>2010</strong><br />

in EURO<br />

Educational <strong>and</strong> Higher Educational<br />

Research Prof. Hamburger 02 250,000<br />

Historical Cultural Sciences Prof. Rogge 05 300,000<br />

Media Convergence Prof. Füssel 05 480,000<br />

Translational Neurosciences Prof. Behl 04 290,000<br />

Preventive Medicine –<br />

Vascular Prevention Prof. Letzel 04 150,000<br />

Computational Sciences in <strong>Mainz</strong> Prof. Hanke-Bourgeois 08 700,000<br />

Solute <strong>and</strong> Particle Transport in<br />

Biomedical Systems (SOPTRANS) Prof. Langguth 09 400,000<br />

1) faculty or institution to which the speaker belongs<br />

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S CI EN C E A ND R E S E AR C H<br />

Research projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education <strong>and</strong> Research 1<br />

Project Funding period<br />

Precision measurement of the neutrino-electron angular correlation in neutron beta decay using the<br />

aSPECT proton recoil spectrometer (<strong>Mainz</strong>) 2003-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Joint project: Studies on disinfection using an innovative procedure based on electric impulse<br />

technology, using the example of sewage highly contaminated with microbes, sub-project 3 2005-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Joint project ICECUBE: Astroparticle physics together with the neutrino telescope IceCube, subproject<br />

1 2005-2014<br />

Core structure investigations using atomic physics methods with ISOLDE, sub-projects 1-6 2006-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Heavy elements – High-resolution laser spectroscopy in gas cells <strong>and</strong> Paul traps 2006-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Joint project: Microsystem technology appliance system for cryobiological preservation of<br />

multicellular aggregates – µCryoLab, sub-projects: cell substrates, islet cell isolation,<br />

cryopreservation, cryobanking islet cells, <strong>and</strong> test systems 2006-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Joint project: Dynamics of flooded salt mines <strong>and</strong> their overlooking rock level, sub-project 7:<br />

Determination of effective porosity 2006-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Heavy elements: Chemical micro-separators <strong>and</strong> TASCA 2006-2011<br />

Joint project: High-energy photoemission (HAXPES) for materials research, sub-project 1 2007-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Health <strong>and</strong> medical technology: Joint project REIT: Regularization procedure for electrical<br />

impedance tomography in medicine <strong>and</strong> geosciences, sub-project: Special geometries <strong>and</strong><br />

electrode models for impedance tomography 2007-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Health <strong>and</strong> medical technology: Joint project REIT: Regularization procedure for electrical<br />

impedance tomography in medicine <strong>and</strong> geosciences, sub-project: Development <strong>and</strong> testing of the<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> EI tomograph 2007-<strong>2010</strong><br />

GO-Bio1: Pharmacologically optimized ribonucleic acids as recombinant vaccines <strong>and</strong> immune<br />

adjuvants 2007-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Joint project: Spatial orientation, sub-project 2: Functional differentiation 2007-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Joint project: Nerve monitoring: Continuous intra-operative nerve monitoring as a<br />

microtechnological navigation instrument during surgical intervention, sub-project: Scientific medical<br />

studies on the lesser pelvis 2007-2011<br />

Joint project: Optimization of the efficiency of CIGS thin-film solar cells based on computational<br />

materials science 2007-2011<br />

1 selection of projects in the <strong>JGU</strong> core research areas<br />

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Project Funding period<br />

Joint project: BioChancePLUS-3: Research <strong>and</strong> development of predictive markers for early<br />

diagnosis <strong>and</strong> prognosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) using proteome analysis <strong>and</strong> immunological<br />

detection methods 2007-2011<br />

Development of adult progenitor cell-based strategies combined with innovative biomaterials to<br />

promote vascularization in regenerative medicine 2007-2012<br />

Competence network for degenerative dementia – joint NSAIDs: sub-projects at <strong>Mainz</strong> University 2007-2013<br />

Joint project: Innovative instrumentation to extend the use of ESRF, sub-project 2: Indirect radiation<br />

therapy (IRT) for cancer using target nanoparticles – Instrumentation <strong>and</strong> development 2007-2013<br />

Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Studies <strong>Mainz</strong> 2007-2015<br />

Joint project: Fundamentals of elementary magnetoelectric XMR functional units (MultiMag) that can<br />

be used on an industrial scale – sub-project: Optimized Heusler materials for elementary<br />

magnetoelectric XMR functional units that can be used on an industrial scale 2008-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Fundamentals of elementary magnetoelectric XMR functional units (MultiMag) that can be used on<br />

an industrial scale 2008-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Precise determination of the mass of exotic nuclides on Pennig traps in the context of scientific <strong>and</strong><br />

technological cooperation 2008-<strong>2010</strong><br />

International cooperation with Argentina in education <strong>and</strong> research, project ARG07/007 2008-<strong>2010</strong><br />

New paths in Langobard research, sub-projects: anthropology <strong>and</strong> geology 2008-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Normality, Normalization <strong>and</strong> Enhancement in the Neurosciences: Ethical, Sociocultural <strong>and</strong><br />

Neuropsychiatric Aspects 2008-2011<br />

Joint project: Atherogenomics, sub-project A3, D1: Genomics, functional analysis <strong>and</strong> gene<br />

expression studies with subclinical phenotypes of cardiovascular diseases 2008-2011<br />

Joint project: Paleogenetic studies on economic innovations <strong>and</strong> social mobility 2008-2011<br />

Joint project: Qualification <strong>and</strong> proposal preparation in literacy <strong>and</strong> basic education,<br />

sub-project: Coordination <strong>and</strong> scientific management 2008-2011<br />

ExoMars MIMOS II (phase B2/C/D) 2008-2012<br />

ILLEV: Innovative teaching <strong>and</strong> learning classroom collaboration in academic higher education –<br />

Implementation <strong>and</strong> scientific monitoring 2008-2012<br />

Glycobiotechnology: Modular synthesis of sialyl Lewis X mimetics as selectin lig<strong>and</strong>s 2008-2012<br />

Regulation of ADAM10 gene expression <strong>and</strong> neuroprotection 2008-2013<br />

Joint project: Genetics of alcoholism, sub-project 12 2008-2013<br />

Nuclear physics studies related to transmutation using modern technological <strong>and</strong> numerical<br />

methods 2009-2012<br />

Experiments with stored <strong>and</strong> cooled ions 2009-<strong>2010</strong><br />

ExoMars MIMOS II 2009-<strong>2010</strong><br />

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Project Funding period<br />

Heavy elements: Chemical micro-separators <strong>and</strong> TASCA 2009-2011<br />

Joint project: Encapsulation of bacteria with biosilica for manufacturing bacterial bioreactors <strong>and</strong><br />

biosensors, sub-projects: Isolating, expressing <strong>and</strong> characterizing cDNA <strong>and</strong> its products 2009-2011<br />

Development of a peptide-based drug to promote the chemotherapeutic treatment of breast cancer 2009-2011<br />

Medieval architecture between the River Oder <strong>and</strong> the Vistula River 2009-2011<br />

EXIST – Start-up grant: Physical therapy software 2009-2011<br />

International cooperation with South Africa in education <strong>and</strong> research 2009-2011<br />

The NA62 kaon experiment at CERN-SPS 2009-2012<br />

Physics with the ATLAS experiment at LHC 2009-2012<br />

CERN: ISOLDE: Laser spectroscopy using continuous <strong>and</strong> pulsed beams 2009-2012<br />

FAIR: SPARC: Developments in precision laser spectroscopy of stored relativistic ions 2009-2012<br />

FAIR: PANDA: Construction of a reverse calorimeter for the PANDA experiment to study the<br />

electromagnetic structure of the nucleon 2009-2012<br />

Joint project: Competence network Asthma/COPD: Magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis<br />

<strong>and</strong> monitoring of COPD <strong>and</strong> asthma (Asthma-MRI), sub-project 3: Functional <strong>and</strong> structural<br />

phenotyping of COPD <strong>and</strong> asthma using helium-3 MRI 2009-2012<br />

Competence network Multiple sclerosis: Joint project UNDERSTAND-MS: Contributions of <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

University to Alliance II <strong>and</strong> to the animal model platform 2009-2012<br />

Competence network Multiple sclerosis: Joint project UNDERSTAND-MS: Alliance IV 2009-2012<br />

Radiation-induced mucositis as space travel risk: Model studies using heavy ion-irradiated<br />

organotypic cell cultures 2009-2012<br />

Production <strong>and</strong> use of actiniden targets 2009-2012<br />

ZEITLast – Teaching <strong>and</strong> learning time: Academic feasibility of B.A./B.Sc. <strong>and</strong> M.A./M.Sc. degree<br />

programs as an adaptation of teaching organization 2009-2012<br />

FAIR-NUSTAR-TASCA: Development of an ion source for coupling with SHIPTRAP 2009-2012<br />

BIS – Building bridges, strengthening integration 2009-2012<br />

FAIR: Experimental tests using high precision CPT symmetry at very low energies: The magnetic<br />

moment<br />

2009-2012<br />

SLAC: BABAR: Measuring the effective hadronic cross section <strong>and</strong> rare B decays 2009-2012<br />

FAIR: PANDA: Development of a luminosity monitor <strong>and</strong> preparation for physical analyses 2009-2012<br />

CERN: COMPASS: Investigation of hadron structure 2009-2012<br />

Construction of a measuring instrument to determine didactic competence in the field of<br />

Management <strong>and</strong> Economics 2009-2012<br />

ATLAS, core research area 101: Physics with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC 2009-2012<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 16

Project Funding period<br />

Joint project HEP THEORY: Precision calculations for the collider <strong>and</strong> flavor physics at the LHC 2009-2012<br />

FAIR: PANDA: Hypernuclear spectroscopy, construction of 2 triple cluster germanium detectors,<br />

development of a secondary target, simulations, preparation of technical design report 2009-2012<br />

CERN: ISOLDE: Increasing the selectivity <strong>and</strong> efficiency of the resonant laser ionization of shortlived<br />

radionuclides 2009-2012<br />

Mission monitoring of the Mössbauer spectrometer <strong>and</strong> APXS instruments 2009-2013<br />

Promotion of the regular professorship in Christian Archaeology <strong>and</strong> Byzantine Art History as part of<br />

the Professorship for Women program 2009-2013<br />

Promotion of the regular professorship in Biophysical Chemistry as part of the Professorship for<br />

Women program 2009-2013<br />

Promotion of the regular professorship in Internal Medicine as part of the Professorship for Women<br />

program 2009-2014<br />

Helmholtz Institute <strong>Mainz</strong> 2009-2049<br />

Interaction of neptunium <strong>and</strong> plutonium with natural clay <strong>2010</strong>-2011<br />

Joint project: Minimally invasive brain surgery using autonomous, microrobotic, intelligent systems –<br />

Neurobot, sub-projects: Medical preconditions for new sensory <strong>and</strong> instrument developments <strong>2010</strong>-2011<br />

Joint project MedSys: SARA – Systems biology of (human platelets) ADP Receptor Activation, subproject<br />

H <strong>2010</strong>-2011<br />

International conference on "Competency modeling <strong>and</strong> measurement in the tertiary education<br />

sector as part of the ILLEV project (Innovative teaching <strong>and</strong> learning classroom cooperation) <strong>2010</strong>-2011<br />

ELSA conferences: "Medical, psychosocial, philosophically ethical, epistemological, social-scientific,<br />

<strong>and</strong> legal dimensions of cognitive enhancement” <strong>2010</strong>-2011<br />

ELSA conferences: “Medical, psychosocial, philosophically ethical, epistemological, social insights” <strong>2010</strong>-2011<br />

What controls the cultural l<strong>and</strong>scape? – Cultural l<strong>and</strong>scape between economic paradise <strong>and</strong><br />

constructed idyll <strong>2010</strong>-2011<br />

Non-aqueous nanosuspensions for use in soft capsules <strong>2010</strong>-2011<br />

Joint project: Prevalidation <strong>and</strong> validation of the CULTEX method: In vitro determination of the acute<br />

inhalation toxicity of fine dusts <strong>and</strong> nanoparticles acting after direct exposure to cultured cells from<br />

the human respiratory tract, sub-project 2 <strong>2010</strong>-2012<br />

Use of in vitro transcribed RNA for reprogramming somatic cells (Ribo-iPS) <strong>2010</strong>-2012<br />

Competence network Asthma/COPD, sub-project 1: Hyperpolarized gases <strong>and</strong> spectroscopic<br />

methods to study the microstructure <strong>and</strong> dynamics of the lungs using NMR <strong>and</strong> MRI <strong>2010</strong>-2012<br />

Family participation in different forms of transition from the elementary to the primary sector <strong>and</strong><br />

implications for parent education orientation <strong>2010</strong>-2012<br />

Compact clinical imaging using hyperpolarized nuclear spins <strong>2010</strong>-2012<br />

Morphology <strong>and</strong> electronic structure of organic/organic <strong>and</strong> organic/metal-oxide hybrid systems <strong>2010</strong>-2012<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 17

Project Funding period<br />

Spin management for polarized lepton beams in accelerators <strong>2010</strong>-2012<br />

Development of a nanofluidic metal-oxide membrane with defined duct diameters <strong>and</strong> high porosity <strong>2010</strong>-2012<br />

Joint project R&D ACCELERATOR (spin management): Spin management for polarized lepton<br />

beams in accelerators <strong>2010</strong>-2012<br />

High-energy photoemission (HAXPES) for materials research, sub-project 1 <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> interaction of fundamental particles <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

NanoBrain: Nanoparticle transport of Alzheimer’s medications across the blood-brain barrier,<br />

sub-project 1 <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

Joint project: Integrative genomics <strong>and</strong> coronary diseases – From genome-wide mega-studies to a<br />

functional underst<strong>and</strong>ing, sub-project 4, sub-project 5 (CARDomics) <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

Joint project: SME Innovative 3: Individual bone regeneration using tissue engineering (IK-TE) <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

Joint project: SME Innovative 4: Development <strong>and</strong> production of empty UHV alginate capsules for<br />

human use – Fundamentals of the methods <strong>and</strong> procedures for Langerhans isl<strong>and</strong> UHV alginate<br />

capsules, sub-project 3 <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

Joint project ISIMEP: Intrinsic radiation sensitivity: Identification, mechanisms, <strong>and</strong> epidemiology,<br />

sub-project A <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

NANOKON – Systematic assessment of the health effects of nanoscale contrast agents <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

Technology for treating cancer with nano-radiation therapy with enhancers (ZIM application) <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

Construction of a universal measurement section for X-ray scattering (“VerScat”) at the Petra<br />

extension at DESY <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

Time-resolved scattering experiments to study structure formation <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

QK_QuOReP (quantum repeater platform using methods of quantum optics), sub-project: Cold ions<br />

as quantum memory <strong>and</strong> light-ion interface <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

Gaining energy efficiency using half-Heusler compounds in thermal electronics (thermoHEUSLER) <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

P-I-N solar cells, manufacturing of Bi2S3 absorber lays, <strong>and</strong> photoelectron spectroscopic analysis of<br />

P-I-N solar cells <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

Joint project: Evidence-based action in the multi-level school system – Conditions, processes, <strong>and</strong><br />

effects – part of the <strong>Mainz</strong> project <strong>2010</strong>-2013<br />

Multifunctional value creation networks through open space development in post-industrial urban<br />

l<strong>and</strong>scapes using the example of the cultural l<strong>and</strong>scape Emscher – Blue Value Creation <strong>2010</strong>-2014<br />

Center for Thrombosis <strong>and</strong> Hemostasis (CTH) <strong>Mainz</strong> <strong>2010</strong>-2015<br />

TREES: Forest ecosystem services in the tropics – L<strong>and</strong> use <strong>and</strong> rural livelihoods in the tropics <strong>2010</strong>-2015<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 18

S CI EN C E A ND R E S E AR C H<br />

Research projects funded by the European Union<br />

Project Speaker Faculty Funding<br />

period<br />

Third-party<br />

funding<br />

in EURO<br />

CASCADE: Chemicals as contaminants in the food<br />

chain: an NOE for research, risk assessment <strong>and</strong><br />

education Prof. Behl 04 2004-<strong>2010</strong> 52,250<br />

Expertissues: Novel Therapeutic Strategies for<br />

Tissue Engineering of Bone <strong>and</strong> Cartilage Using<br />

Second Generation Biomimetic Scaffolds Prof. Kirkpatrick 04 2004-<strong>2010</strong> 342,348<br />

European LeukemiaNet: Integration of the leading<br />

national leukemia networks <strong>and</strong> their interdisciplinary<br />

partner groups in Europe Dr. Ullmann 04 2004-2011<br />

ECNIS: Environmental cancer risk, nutrition <strong>and</strong><br />

individual susceptibility Prof. Oesch 04 2005-<strong>2010</strong> 124,700<br />

Cancerimmunotherapy: Cancer Immunology <strong>and</strong><br />

Immunotherapy Prof. Wölfel 04 2006-<strong>2010</strong> 268,199<br />

Cardiogenics: Identification of genetic roots of<br />

coronary artery disease by combining stepwise<br />

genome wide association studies with transcriptomic<br />

<strong>and</strong> functional genomic investigation of relevant<br />

genetic variants Prof. Blankenberg 04 2006-<strong>2010</strong> 130,000<br />

Nanobiopharmaceutics: Nanoscale Functionalities<br />

for Targeted Drug Delivery of Biopharmaceutics Prof. Kirkpatrick 04 2006-<strong>2010</strong><br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 19<br />

8,457<br />

381,220<br />

EPICURE: Functional Genomics <strong>and</strong> Neurobiology<br />

of Epilepsy: a basis for new therapeutic strategies Prof. Luhmann 04 2007-<strong>2010</strong> 159,400<br />

EUCAARI: European integrated project on Aerosol<br />

cloud Climate <strong>and</strong> Air quality interactions Prof. Hoffmann 04 2007-<strong>2010</strong> 59,540<br />

ADDRESSING: Ultracold quantum gases in optical<br />

lattices with single site addressability (Coordination) Prof. Kuhr 08 2008-<strong>2010</strong> 166,982<br />

CHIMONO: Nano Optics for Molecules on Chips<br />

Prof. Rauschenbeutel 08 2008-2011 414,680<br />

EMBEK1: Development <strong>and</strong> analysis of polymer<br />

based multi-functional bactericidal materials Prof. Thieme 04 2008-2011 22,000<br />

EUCLYD: A European consortium for Lysosomal<br />

disorders Prof. Beck 04 2008-2011 150,000<br />

IBDase: Mucosal protease ant their inhibitors in<br />

inflammatory bowel disease: From etiopathogenetic<br />

onsight to innovative therapy Prof. Becker-Pauly 2008-2011 88,400

Project Speaker Faculty Funding<br />

period<br />

Third-party<br />

funding<br />

in EURO<br />

PepChipOmics: High-density peptide microarrays<br />

<strong>and</strong> parallel on-line detection of peptide-lig<strong>and</strong><br />

interactions Prof. Schild 04 2008-2011 299,376<br />

Reprobesity: Search for new therapeutic agents<br />

against complicated obesity by reprofiling existing<br />

drugs Prof. Lutz 04 2008-2011 561,402<br />

SPARK II: Spatial temporal patterns for actionoriented<br />

perception in roving robots II: an insect<br />

brain computational Model Prof. Strauss 10 2008-2011 260,293<br />

BIOMINTEC: Biomineralization: underst<strong>and</strong>ing of<br />

basic mechanisms for the design of novel strategies<br />

in nanobiotechnology (Coordination) Prof. Schröder 04 2008-2012 806,430<br />

Disc Regeneration: Novel biofunctional high porous<br />

polymer scaffolds <strong>and</strong> techniques controlling<br />

angiogenesis for the regeneration <strong>and</strong> repair of the<br />

degenerated intervertebral disc Prof. Kirkpatrick 04 2008-2012 472,048<br />

LecHE: Lactase persistence <strong>and</strong> the cultural history<br />

of Europe Prof. Burger 10 2008-2012 200,311<br />

HadronPhysics2: Study of Strongly Interacting Matter Profs. Arends / Böhm 08 2009-2011 643,310<br />

NAME-QUAM: Nanodesigning of Atomic <strong>and</strong><br />

MolEcular QuAntum Matter Prof. Bloch 08 2009-2011 65,040<br />

SYNTHESYS: Synthesis of Systematic Resources Prof. Burger 10 2009-2013 207,303<br />

MEM-S: Bottom-up design <strong>and</strong> fabrication of<br />

industrial bio-inorganic nano-porous membranes with<br />

novel functionalities based on principles of protein<br />

self-assembly <strong>and</strong> biomineralization (Coordination) Prof. Müller 04 <strong>2010</strong>-2012 630,634<br />

MORMED Multilingual Organic Information<br />

Management in the Medical Domain Prof. Lackner 04 <strong>2010</strong>-2012 102,750<br />

ALPHA – MAN Clinical development of Enzyme<br />

Replacement Therapy in alpha-Mannosidosis<br />

patients using recombinant human enzyme Prof. Beck 04 <strong>2010</strong>-2013 337,282<br />

AQUTE: Atomic Quantum Technologies Prof. Schmidt-Kaler 08 <strong>2010</strong>-2013 295,000<br />

ELDIA: European Language Diversity for all<br />

(Coordination) Prof. Sarhimaa 05 <strong>2010</strong>-2013 701,110<br />

Special: Sponge Enzymes <strong>and</strong> Cells for Innovative<br />

AppLications Prof. Müller 04 <strong>2010</strong>-2013 466,350<br />

TREATRUSH: Fighting blindness of Usher<br />

syndrome: diagnosis, pathogenesis <strong>and</strong> retinal<br />

treatment Prof. Wolfrum 10 <strong>2010</strong>-2013 197,000<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 20

Project Speaker Faculty Funding<br />

period<br />

Third-party<br />

funding<br />

in EURO<br />

VERE: Virtual Embodiment <strong>and</strong> Robotic Re-<br />

Embodiment Prof. Metzinger 05 <strong>2010</strong>-2013 397,456<br />

Bacteriosafe: Active wound dressings based on<br />

biological mimicry Prof. Jansen 04 <strong>2010</strong>-2014 363,200<br />

ENSAR: European Nuclear Science <strong>and</strong> Applications<br />

Research Prof. Wendt 08 <strong>2010</strong>-2014 58,800<br />

MARBIOTEC: European-Chinese Research Staff<br />

Exchange Cluster on Marine Biotechnology<br />

(Coordination) Prof. Schröder 04 <strong>2010</strong>-2014 198,000<br />

SYSCILIA: A systems biology approach to dissect<br />

cilia function <strong>and</strong> its disruption in human genetic<br />

disease Prof. Wolfrum 10 <strong>2010</strong>-2015 639,800<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 21

S CI EN C E A ND R E S E AR C H<br />

Patents at <strong>JGU</strong> in <strong>2010</strong><br />

Invention disclosures<br />

Priority applications<br />

Subsequent applications<br />

Nationalizations/Regionalizations<br />

Patents granted<br />

Utilization agreements<br />

Utilization returns (in EURO)<br />

<strong>JGU</strong><br />

(without the University<br />

Medical Center)<br />

University Medical<br />

Center<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 22<br />

11<br />

3<br />

4<br />

7<br />

4<br />

0<br />

52,024<br />

25<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

0<br />

7<br />

0<br />

Total<br />

36<br />

7<br />

6<br />

7<br />

4<br />

7<br />


A PP O I NTM E NT S<br />

Academics who accepted an appointment to <strong>JGU</strong> in <strong>2010</strong><br />

Name Institute / Department Faculty Follows From the<br />

University of<br />

Abel-Koch, Jennifer<br />

Andres, Dörte<br />

Dept. of Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Economics 03 Prof. Dr. Kaul Mannheim<br />

Dept. of French <strong>and</strong> Italian<br />

Language <strong>and</strong> Culture 06 Prof. Dr. Ruge <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Bachmann, Friedrich Institute of Theater Studies 05 Prof. Dr. Marx <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Back, Mitja Institute of Psychology 02 - <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Banerjee, Mita Dept. of English <strong>and</strong> Linguistics 05<br />

Blickle, Manuel<br />

Institute of Mathematics<br />

Prof. Dr. Hornung<br />

(in advance) Siegen<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 23<br />

08<br />

Heisenberg<br />

Professorship Essen<br />

Breitmeier, Dirk Institute of Legal Medicince 04 – UM - Hannover<br />

Burger, Joachim Institute of Anthropology 10 Prof. Dr. Kast <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Carlà, Filippo Dept. of History 07 - Heidelberg<br />

Crane, Kylie Ann<br />

Dept. of British, North American,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Anglophone Studies 06 - Stuttgart<br />

Dammel, Antje German Dept. 05<br />

Prof. Dr.<br />

Szczepaniak-Mendez <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Dreesmann, Daniel Institute of Zoology 10 Higher Education Pact FZ Julich<br />

Dresen, Antje Institute of Sports Science 02<br />

Junior Professor<br />

Dr. Preuß Göttingen<br />

Düllmann, Christoph Institute of Nuclear Chemistry 08 Prof. Dr. Kratz GSI Darmstadt<br />

Egetenmeyer-Neher,<br />

Regina Institute of Education 02 - Duisburg-Essen<br />

Ernst, Jutta<br />

Dept. of British, North American,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Anglophone Studies 06 Prof. Dr. Leypoldt Hildesheim<br />

Esper, Jan Institute of Geography 09 Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Domrös Zurich (CH)<br />

Foitzik, Susanne Institute of Zoology 10 Prof. Dr. Wegener Munich

Name Institute / Department Faculty Follows From the<br />

University of<br />

Gindhart, Marion<br />

Dept. of Classical Philology<br />

– Latin 07 - <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Goertz, Stephan Faculty of Catholic Theology 01 Prof. Dr. Reiter Saarbrücken<br />

Grieser, Heike Faculty of Catholic Theology 01 Prof. Dr. Baumeister Saarbrücken<br />

Hansen-Schirra, Silvia<br />

Harms, Philipp<br />

Dept. of British, North American,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Anglophone Studies 06 Prof. Dr. Stoll <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Dept. of Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Economics 03 Prof. Dr. Sauernheimer Aachen<br />

Honecker, Gabriele Institute of Physics 08 - Leuven (B)<br />

Hoor, Peter Institute of Atmospheric Physics 08 Prof. Dr. Wendisch <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Horster, Marietta Dept. of History 07 Prof. Dr. Schumacher Heidelberg<br />

Jäger, Barbara Institute of Physics 08 - Würzburg<br />

Kühne, Thomas Institute of Physical Chemistry 09 - USA<br />

Launov, Andriy<br />

Lukacova, Maria Institute of Mathematics 08<br />

Dept. of Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Economics 03 - Würzburg<br />

Hamburg<br />

Masetti, Lucia Institute of Physics 08 - <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Meyer, Bernd Intercultural Communication 06 Prof. Dr. Loenhoff Hamburg<br />

Meyer, Harvey Institute of Nuclear Physics 08 - MIT (USA)<br />

Mittmann, Thomas<br />

Institute of Physiology<br />

<strong>and</strong> Pathophysiology 04 – UM Prof. Dr. Treede Bochum<br />

Moosmann, Bernd Institute of Pathobiochemistry 04 – UM Prof. Dr. Müller <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Niehrs, Christof Biology 10 IMB<br />

Oberlack, Uwe Gerd Institute of Physics 08<br />

German Cancer<br />

Research Center<br />

Heidelberg<br />

Prof. Dr. S<strong>and</strong>er<br />

(in advance) Houston (USA)<br />

Opatz, Till Institute of Organic Chemistry 09 Prof. Dr. Kunz Hamburg<br />

Proner, Hanna Institute of Political Science 02 - <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Pulte, Matthias Faculty of Catholic Theology 01<br />

Prof. Dr. Riedel-<br />

Spangenberger<br />

Archdiocese<br />

of Cologne<br />

Raasch, Thorsten Institute of Mathematics 08 - Marburg<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 24

Name Institute / Department Faculty Follows From the<br />

University of<br />

Reifenberg, Kurt<br />

Reinke, Kristin<br />

Central experimental<br />

animal laboratory 04 – UM - <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Dept. of French <strong>and</strong> Italian<br />

Language <strong>and</strong> Culture 06 - Augsburg<br />

Roß, Tobias Institute of Nuclear Chemistry 09 - Zurich (CH)<br />

Schank, Thorsten<br />

Dept. of Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Economics 03 Prof. Dr. Schnabel<br />

Erlangen-<br />

Nuremberg<br />

Schmidt-Kaler, Ferdin<strong>and</strong> Institute of Physics 08 Prof. Dr. Bloch Ulm<br />

Schneider, Dirk<br />

Institute of Pharmaceutical<br />

Sciences <strong>and</strong> Biochemistry 09 Prof. Dr. Fahrenholz Freiburg<br />

Schuchmann, Marcus Dept. of Internal Medicine I 04 – UM - <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Schunk, Daniel<br />

Department of Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Economics 03 Prof. Dr. Peffekoven Zurich (CH)<br />

Schuppan, Detlef Dept. of Internal Medicine I 04 – UM GRC Boston (USA)<br />

Semenov, Nikita Institute of Mathematics 08 - MPI Munich<br />

Sfienti, Concettina Institute of Nuclear Physics 08 Prof. Dr. von Harrach Catania (ITA)<br />

Spichtinger, Peter Institute of Atmospheric Physics 08 Prof. Dr. Wernli Zurich (CH)<br />

Sulpizi, Marialore Institute of Physics 08 - Cambridge (GB)<br />

Tost, Holger Institute of Geosciences 09 - MPI <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Vonderau, Asta<br />

German Dept. /<br />

Cultural Anthropology 05 Prof. Dr. Heimerdinger HU Berlin<br />

Vött, Andreas Institute of Geography 09 Prof. Dr. Grunert Cologne<br />

Wagner, Elke Institute of Sociology 02 - Munich<br />

Waldvogel, Siegfried Institute of Organic Chemistry 09 Prof. Dr. Witulski Bonn<br />

Wedekind, Gregor Institute of Art History 07 Prof. Dr. Bringmann <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Weinzierl, Stefan Institute of Physics 08 Prof. Dr. Haisch <strong>Mainz</strong><br />

Weiss-Pidstrygach, Ysette Institute of Mathematics 08 Higher Education Pact Cologne<br />

Wolff, Michael<br />

Dept. of Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Economics 03 Prof. Dr. Hentschel Karlsruhe<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 25

A PP O I NTM E NT S<br />

Academics who accepted appointments to other universities in <strong>2010</strong><br />

Name Institute / Department Faculty To the University of<br />

Bach, Volker Institute of Mathematics 08 Braunschweig<br />

Böhning-Gaese, Katrin Institute of Zoology 10 Frankfurt/Main<br />

Faldum, Andreas Institute of Medical Biostatistics,<br />

Epidemiology, und Informatics 04 – UM Münster<br />

Grzeszick, Bernd Dept. of Law 03 Heidelberg<br />

Klimmt, Christof Institute of Media <strong>and</strong><br />

Communication Studies 02 Hannover<br />

Klug, Stefanie Institute of Medical Biostatistics,<br />

Epidemiology, und Informatics 04 – UM Dresden<br />

Knauer, Shirley Dept. of Otolaryngology, Head <strong>and</strong><br />

Neck Surgery – Plastic Surgery 04 – UM Duisburg-Essen<br />

Müller, Lars P. Dept. of Trauma Surgery 04 – UM Cologne<br />

Oertel, Joachim Dept. of Neurosurgery 04 – UM Homburg/Saar<br />

Rauschenbeutel, Arno Institute of Physics 08 Vienna<br />

Sinner, Eva-Kathrin Institute of Molecular Biophysics 10 Vienna<br />

Thews, Oliver Institute of Physiology<br />

<strong>and</strong> Pathophysiology 04 – UM Halle-Wittenberg<br />

Zeeb, Hajo Institute of Medical Biostatistics,<br />

Epidemiology, und Informatics 04 – UM Bremen<br />

Note:<br />

Since there is no obligation to register one’s appointment to another university at the human resources departments of <strong>JGU</strong><br />

or the University Medical Center, the statistics cannot be deemed exhaustive.<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 26

L E AR N I NG A N D T E AC HI N G<br />

Students Major (A-subject) in the <strong>2010</strong>/2011 winter semester<br />

Faculty / Institution First Major (A-subject) Subjects A-C<br />

Total thereof Teaching<br />

Certificate for High<br />

School Level<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

thereof<br />

foreign<br />

students<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 27<br />

Total<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

Preparatory College / German Course 225 67% 224 0 _ 225 67%<br />

Catholic Theology <strong>and</strong> Protestant Theology 616 53% 16 247 62% 1,263 60%<br />

Social Sciences, Media, <strong>and</strong> Sports 6,273 58% 426 485 34% 14,596 60%<br />

Law, Management <strong>and</strong> Economics 5,399 50% 379 0 _ 6,631 51%<br />

University Medicine 3,486 61% 400 0 _ 3,486 61%<br />

Philosophy <strong>and</strong> Philology 6,678 73% 617 2,608 72% 14,048 72%<br />

Translation Studies, Linguistics, <strong>and</strong> Cultural<br />

Studies<br />

1,841 81% 647 0 _ 3,522 81%<br />

History <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 2,800 58% 117 742 50% 6,047 59%<br />

Physics, Mathematics, <strong>and</strong> Computer Science 2,471 33% 147 745 51% 3,007 34%<br />

Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, <strong>and</strong><br />

Geosciences<br />

3,643 48% 191 672 54% 4,363 48%<br />

Biology 1,878 64% 102 254 70% 2,093 65%<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> School of Music 379 53% 64 123 49% 400 53%<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> Academy of Arts 158 69% 14 097 76% 175 70%<br />

Total 35,847 59% 3,344 5,973 61% 59,856 61%<br />

Human Medicine 1) 3,607 62% 406 0 _ 3,607 62%<br />

Art, Art Theory 1) 1,820 63% 161 220 61% 2,921 67%<br />

Mathematics, Natural Sciences 1) 7,992 47% 440 1,671 55% 9,463 48%<br />

Law, Economics, Social Sciences 1) 8,255 52% 571 151 43% 11,637 54%<br />

Sports 1) 1,080 28% 17 334 30% 1,394 31%<br />

Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 1) 12,868 71% 1,525 3,597 67% 30,609 69%<br />

1) split into subject groups according to the key of university statistics (without Preparatory College <strong>and</strong> German Course)

L E AR NI NG A N D T E AC HI N G<br />

Distribution of students within subject groups<br />

Law, Management <strong>and</strong><br />

Economics, Social<br />

Sciences 23%<br />

Mathematics,<br />

Natural Sciences 23%<br />

Sports 3%<br />

Art, Art Theory 5%<br />

Linguistics <strong>and</strong><br />

Cultural Studies 36%<br />

Human Medicine /<br />

Health Sciences 10%<br />

students in the <strong>2010</strong>/2011 winter semester, subject groups according to university statistics (without Preparatory College <strong>and</strong> German Course)<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 28

L E AR NI NG A N D T E AC HI N G<br />

Students Major (A-subject) in the first semester 1) in the <strong>2010</strong>/2011 winter semester<br />

Faculty / Institution First Major (A-subject) Subjects A-C<br />

Total thereof Teaching<br />

Certificate for High<br />

School Level<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

Preparatory College / German Course 2 ) _ _ _ _ _ _<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 29<br />

Total<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

Catholic Theology <strong>and</strong> Protestant Theology 89 62% 50 70% 263 68%<br />

Social Sciences, Media, <strong>and</strong> Sports 759 61% 45 40% 2,303 64%<br />

Law, Management <strong>and</strong> Economics 996 50% 0 _ 1,077 52%<br />

University Medicine 285 64% 0 _ 285 64%<br />

Philosophy <strong>and</strong> Philology 1,318 76% 570 73% 2,718 76%<br />

Translation Studies, Linguistics, <strong>and</strong> Cultural<br />

Studies<br />

544 85% 0 _ 987 86%<br />

History <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 504 66% 176 59% 1,141 65%<br />

Physics, Mathematics, <strong>and</strong> Computer Science 491 44% 229 58% 570 44%<br />

Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, <strong>and</strong><br />

Geoscience<br />

598 51% 136 62% 661 50%<br />

Biology 232 69% 26 77% 239 69%<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> School of Music 60 60% 6 67% 61 59%<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> Academy of Arts 9 89% 6 83% 11 91%<br />

Total 5,885 63% 1,244 66% 10,316 66%<br />

Human Medicine 3) 301 65% 0 _ 301 65%<br />

Art, Art Theory 3) 275 69% 12 75% 476 72%<br />

Mathematics, Natural Sciences 3) 1,321 52% 391 61% 1,470 51%<br />

Law, Economics, Social Sciences 13) 1,395 52% 19 42% 1,688 55%<br />

Sports 3) 107 21% 26 38% 148 28%<br />

Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 3) 2,486 76% 796 70% 6,233 73%<br />

1) including 484 students in Master‘s degree programs <strong>and</strong> 261 doctoral students<br />

2) no semester counting in the Preparatory College / German Course<br />

3) split into subject groups according to the key of university statistics (without Preparatory College <strong>and</strong> German Course)

L E AR NI NG A N D T E AC HI N G<br />

Students Major (A-subject) within the st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study<br />

in the <strong>2010</strong>/2011 winter semester<br />

Faculty / Institution Total<br />

within<br />

SPS<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

Thereof foreign students<br />

Total SPS<br />

rate1) DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 30<br />

SPS<br />

rate 1)<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

Preparatory College / German Course 2) _ _ _ _ _ _<br />

Catholic Theology <strong>and</strong> Protestant Theology 395 57% 67% ≤ 5 50% 33%<br />

Social Sciences, Media, <strong>and</strong> Sports 4,035 61% 67% 235 82% 63%<br />

Law, Management <strong>and</strong> Economics 3,321 53% 65% 149 74% 50%<br />

University Medicine 2,763 61% 82% 281 44% 78%<br />

Philosophy <strong>and</strong> Philology 4,459 75% 71% 245 82% 55%<br />

Translation Studies, Linguistics, <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 1,053 85% 62% 195 80% 38%<br />

History <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 1,728 61% 66% 55 80% 64%<br />

Physics, Mathematics, <strong>and</strong> Computer Science 1,596 37% 70% 52 42% 54%<br />

Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, <strong>and</strong> Geoscience 2,218 50% 67% 72 65% 59%<br />

Biology 1,166 66% 73% 45 62% 64%<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> School of Music 259 55% 71% 48 73% 79%<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> Academy of Arts 110 73% 73% 8 50% 100%<br />

Total 23,103 61% 69% 1,387 70% 57%<br />

Human Medicine 3) 2,833 62% 81% 285 45% 78%<br />

Art, Art Theory 3) 1,179 65% 69% 91 75% 69%<br />

Mathematics, Natural Sciences 3) 4,980 50% 69% 169 57% 58%<br />

Law, Economics, Social Sciences 3) 5,160 55% 65% 253 76% 55%<br />

Sports 3) 599 28% 56% 6 17% 40%<br />

Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 3) 8,352 74% 69% 583 82% 50%<br />

1) The SPS (st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study) rate accounts for the percentage of students within the st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study measured against the total number<br />

of students. Preparatory College students <strong>and</strong> some others (e.g. secondary school students in the Early Studies program, doctoral students) cannot be<br />

attributed a st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study <strong>and</strong> are thus maintained as “no SPS.” Students who have exceeded their st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study are recorded as<br />

“over SPS.” For setting quantifiable rates, however, it makes sense to compare only students who are assigned a st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study. Cases of<br />

“no SPS” are therefore excluded from SPS rate generation.<br />

2) There is no st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study for the Preparatory College / German Course.<br />

3) split into subject groups according to the key of university statistics (without Preparatory College <strong>and</strong> German Course)

L E AR NI NG A N D T E AC HI N G<br />

Development of the number of students within the st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study<br />

Note:<br />

Preparatory College students <strong>and</strong> some others (e.g. secondary school students in the Early Studies program, doctoral<br />

students) cannot be attributed a st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study <strong>and</strong> are thus maintained as “no SPS.” Students who have<br />

exceeded their st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study are recorded as “over SPS.” For setting quantifiable rates, however, it makes sense<br />

to compare only students who are assigned a st<strong>and</strong>ard period of study. Cases of “no SPS” are therefore excluded from SPS<br />

rate generation.<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 31

L E AR NI NG A N D T E AC HI N G<br />

Development of the <strong>JGU</strong> faculties<br />

Faculty / Institution Number of students 1)<br />

2000/2001 2005/2006 2009/<strong>2010</strong> <strong>2010</strong>/2011<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

Preparatory College / German Course 335 62% 231 74% 203 66% 225 67%<br />

Catholic Theology <strong>and</strong> Protestant Theology 394 40% 485 48% 744 55% 616 53%<br />

Social Sciences, Media, <strong>and</strong> Sports 5,068 57% 5,890 56% 5,452 59% 6,273 58%<br />

Law, Management <strong>and</strong> Economics 5,321 43% 5,631 46% 5,370 50% 5,399 50%<br />

University Medicine 3,496 52% 3,448 58% 3,436 61% 3,486 61%<br />

Philosophy <strong>and</strong> Philology 4,202 70% 6,073 71% 6,582 71% 6,678 73%<br />

Translation Studies, Linguistics, <strong>and</strong> Cultural<br />

Studies<br />

2,149 78% 2,193 79% 1,947 80% 1,841 81%<br />

History <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 1,623 57% 2,854 57% 2,523 56% 2,800 58%<br />

Physics, Mathematics, <strong>and</strong> Computer Science 1,277 26% 2,303 30% 2,096 28% 2,471 33%<br />

Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, <strong>and</strong><br />

Geosciences<br />

2,084 46% 3,187 49% 3,678 48% 3,643 48%<br />

Biology 1,307 56% 1,774 61% 1,777 64% 1,878 64%<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> School of Music 319 52% 364 51% 253 50% 379 53%<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> Academy of Arts 231 61% 197 64% 182 66% 158 69%<br />

Total 27,806 55% 34,630 57 % 34,243 58% 35,847 59%<br />

Human Medicine 2) 3,496 52% 3,523 58% 3,545 62% 3,607 62%<br />

Art, Art Theory 2) 1,595 60% 1,830 62% 1,564 63% 1,820 63%<br />

Mathematics, Natural Scicences 2) 4,668 43% 7,264 46% 7,551 46% 7,992 47%<br />

Law, Economics, <strong>and</strong> Social Sciences 2) 6,994 44% 7,760 46% 7,118 50% 8,255 52%<br />

Sports 2) 692 44% 1,100 35% 851 32% 1,080 28%<br />

Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 2) 10,026 68% 12,922 69% 13,411 70% 12,868 71%<br />

1) total number of students in their first major, without those on leave; reference date is the registration day at the State Office of <strong>Statistics</strong><br />

2) split into subject groups according to the key of university statistics (without Preparatory College <strong>and</strong> German Course)<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 32

L E AR NI NG A N D T E AC HI N G<br />

Development of the subject groups since 2001<br />

The winter semester of each academic year is shown. The 2001/2002 winter semester is 100%.<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 33

L E AR NI NG A N D T E AC HI N G<br />

Development of the number of students since 1947<br />

Note:<br />

The student data (headcount) presented is for the respective winter semester. Students on leave of absence <strong>and</strong> those<br />

removed from the register of students have not been included after 1995. The figures do not include the Preparatory College<br />

<strong>and</strong> German Course.<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 34

L E AR NI NG A N D T E AC HI N G<br />

Qualifications for future careers<br />

Faculty / Institution<br />

2000 2005 2009 <strong>2010</strong><br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

Catholic Theology <strong>and</strong> Protestant Theology 63 33% 33 61% 35 77% 51 69%<br />

Social Sciences, Media, <strong>and</strong> Sports 1) - - 505 69% 627 61% 604 62%<br />

Law, Management <strong>and</strong> Economics 588 43% 587 51% 649 48% 668 50%<br />

University Medicine 401 46% 361 54% 523 57% 454 61%<br />

Philosophy <strong>and</strong> Philology 1) - - 334 77% 464 79% 529 79%<br />

Translation Studies, Linguistics, <strong>and</strong> Cultural<br />

Studies 1)<br />

- - 254 81% 279 84% 392 92%<br />

History <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 1) - - 112 61% 162 60% 174 67%<br />

Physics, Mathematics, <strong>and</strong> Computer Science 103 17% 87 24% 203 21% 190 27%<br />

Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, <strong>and</strong><br />

Geosciences<br />

218 55% 210 60% 270 56% 352 56%<br />

Biology 115 62% 137 56% 257 63% 203 64%<br />

Music <strong>and</strong> Arts - - 88 61% 105 65% 108 65%<br />

Total 2,576 57% 2,708 62% 3,574 60% 3,725 63%<br />

Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 2) 645 78% 891 76% 1,108 77% 1,309 81%<br />

Sports 2) 40 58% 51 53% 149 43% 133 39%<br />

Law, Economics, Social Sciences 2) 1,014 51% 802 55% 890 51% 898 52%<br />

Mathematics, Natural Sciences 2) 436 48% 434 51% 730 49% 745 51%<br />

Human Medicine 2) 401 46% 361 54% 523 57% 469 61%<br />

Art, Art Theory 2) 40 58% 169 65% 174 67% 171 68%<br />

1) Due to the faculty restructuring in 2005, there are no figures available for the year 2000. However, all qualifications for future careers are included in the<br />

total number of examinations <strong>and</strong> in the subject group listings.<br />

2) split into subject groups according to the key of university statistics (without Preparatory College <strong>and</strong> German Course)<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 35

L E AR NI NG A N D T E AC HI N G<br />

Development of qualifications for future careers over the last 10 years<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 36

L E AR NI NG A N D T E AC HI N G<br />

Doctoral degrees<br />

Faculty / Institution<br />

2000 2005 2009 <strong>2010</strong><br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

Catholic Theology <strong>and</strong> Protestant Theology 5 20% 3 0% 4 25% 11 18%<br />

Social Sciences, Media, <strong>and</strong> Sports 1) _ _ 20 40% 33 61% 30 67%<br />

Law, Management <strong>and</strong> Economics 59 24% 49 27% 50 42% 38 47%<br />

University Medicine 337 50% 355 50% 320 57% 289 55%<br />

Philosophy <strong>and</strong> Philology 1) _ _ 9 22% 24 54% 25 76%<br />

Translation Studies, Linguistics, <strong>and</strong> Cultural<br />

Studies<br />

2 0% 3 67% 8 88% 7 71%<br />

History <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 1) _ _ 7 0% 27 48% 12 58%<br />

Physics, Mathematics, <strong>and</strong> Computer Science 57 14% 54 19% 39 26% 41 20%<br />

Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, <strong>and</strong><br />

Geosciences<br />

94 18% 78 38% 74 30% 86 35%<br />

Biology 50 40% 51 57% 70 54% 52 62%<br />

Music <strong>and</strong> Arts 2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<br />

Total 678 38% 629 43% 649 50% 591 51%<br />

Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 3) 65 31% 28 25% 74 61% 62 56%<br />

Sports 3) 1 0% _ _ 1 0% 1 0%<br />

Law, Economics, Social Sciences 3) 64 28% 58 31% 60 45% 53 57%<br />

Mathematics, Natural Sciences 3) 201 22% 183 38% 183 38% 179 39%<br />

Human Medicine 3) 337 50% 355 50% 320 57% 289 55%<br />

Art, Art Theory 3) 10 70% 5 0% 11 27% 7 86%<br />

1) Due to the faculty restructuring in 2005, there are no figures available for the year 2000. However, all qualifications for future careers are included in the<br />

total number of examinations <strong>and</strong> in the subject group listings.<br />

2) The School of Music <strong>and</strong> the Academy of Arts do not confer doctorates or postdoctoral lecturing qualifications.<br />

3) split into subject groups according to the key of university statistics<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 37

L E AR NI NG A N D T E AC HI N G<br />

Development of the share of doctoral degrees over the last 10 years<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 38

L E AR NI NG A N D T E AC HI N G<br />

Postdoctoral lecturing qualifications<br />

Faculty / Institution<br />

2000 2005 2009 <strong>2010</strong><br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

thereof<br />

female<br />

Catholic Theology <strong>and</strong> Protestant Theology 0 _ 3 33% 0 _ 1 100%<br />

Social Sciences, Media, <strong>and</strong> Sports 7 0% 4 50% 0 _ 2 50%<br />

Law, Management <strong>and</strong> Economics 2 0% 2 50% 3 0% 2 0%<br />

University Medicine 23 17% 20 40% 17 24% 25 32%<br />

Philosophy <strong>and</strong> Philology 4 25% 5 40% 2 0% 1 0%<br />

Translation Studies, Linguistics, <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 0 _ 0 _ 1 100% 0 _<br />

History <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 4 50% 1 100% 2 50% 1 0%<br />

Physics, Mathematics, <strong>and</strong> Computer Science 4 0% 1 0% 2 0% 2 0%<br />

Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, <strong>and</strong> Geosciences 5 40% 3 0% 1 0% 1 100%<br />

Biology 3 0% 3 33% 2 50% 1 100%<br />

Music <strong>and</strong> Arts 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<br />

Total 52 17% 42 38% 30 23% 36 33%<br />

Human Medicine 2) 23 17% 20 40% 17 24% 25 32%<br />

Art, Art Theory 2) 2 100% 2 50% 0 _ 0 _<br />

Mathematics, Natural Sciences 2) 12 17% 7 14% 5 20% 4 50%<br />

Law, Economics, Social Sciences 2) 8 0% 4 50% 3 0% 2 0%<br />

Sports 2) 1 0% 0 _ 0 _ 0 _<br />

Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 2) 6 17% 9 44% 5 40% 5 40%<br />

1) The School of Music <strong>and</strong> the Academy of Arts do not confer doctorates or postdoctoral lecturing qualifications.<br />

2) split into subject groups according to the key of university statistics<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 39

L E AR NI NG A N D T E AC HI N G<br />

Development of the share of postdoctoral lecturing qualifications<br />

over the last 10 years<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 40

F I N AN C E S<br />

Allowances for research <strong>and</strong> teaching in <strong>2010</strong>: campus<br />

Authorized state funding from the chapters 0905 <strong>and</strong> 0912, 0913 incl. global support <strong>and</strong> the Knowledge Creates Future II<br />

program. Research funding incl. regrouping from the DFG fixed program rates.<br />

Faculty / Institution Basic subsidies from<br />

<strong>JGU</strong> budgetary funds<br />

rolling state<br />

subsidies for<br />

research <strong>and</strong><br />

teaching<br />

additional<br />

subsidies 2)<br />

Additional<br />

state<br />

subsidies<br />

Higher<br />

Education<br />

Pact<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 41<br />

Total<br />

in EURO in EURO in EURO in EURO in EURO<br />

Faculty 01 – Catholic Theology <strong>and</strong> Protestant<br />

Theology 149,259 157,867 68,980 27,500 403,605<br />

Faculty 02 – Social Sciences, Media, und Sports 966,216 984,693 309,568 2,111,040 4,371,517<br />

Faculty 03 – Law, Management <strong>and</strong> Economics 718,725 507,411 380,365 55,000 1,661,501<br />

Faculty 04 – University Medicine outsourced / UM _ _ _ _<br />

Faculty 05 – Philosophy <strong>and</strong> Philology 796,860 863,591 222,918 1,582,470 3,465,839<br />

Faculty 06 – Translation Studies, Linguistics,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 303,200 234,663 20,259 _ 558,122<br />

Faculty 07 – History <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 530,599 673,459 86,760 285,600 1,576,418<br />

Faculty 08 – Physics, Mathematics, <strong>and</strong><br />

Computer Science 2,492,506 1,504,963 66,500 217,750 4,281,720<br />

Faculy 09 – Chemistry, Pharmaceutical<br />

Sciences, <strong>and</strong> Geosciences 2,021,818 2,687,335 983,896 312,650 6,005,700<br />

Faculty 10 – Biology 751,872 674,488 13,380 215,150 1,654,890<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> School of Music 397,461 102,139 632,439 _ 1,132,040<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> Academy of Arts 139,693 47,919 171,260 _ 358,871<br />

GRC <strong>and</strong> other higher level purposes _ 3,998,528 12,014,067 493,300 16,505,896<br />

Total 9,268,210 12,437,057 14,970,391 5,300,460 41,976,118

F I N AN C E S<br />

Third-party expenditures by faculty<br />

Faculty / Institution 2000 2005 2009 <strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> FRG 1)<br />

in EURO in EURO in EURO in EURO EURO per<br />

professor 2)<br />

Catholic Theology <strong>and</strong> Protestant Theology 394,000 860,700 462,000 670,800 26,834<br />

Social Sciences, Media, <strong>and</strong> Sports 740,200 1,182,200 2,896,200 3,265,500 65,311<br />

Law, Management <strong>and</strong> Economics 570,800 747,700 629,500 695,700 15,124<br />

University Medicine 24,438,900 31,942,500 40,891,000 41,916,900 377,629<br />

Philosophy <strong>and</strong> Philology 1,113,300 1,208,400 1,159,900 1,451,800 25,925<br />

Translation Studies, Linguistics, <strong>and</strong> Cultural<br />

Studies<br />

166,500 209,900 156,700 151,400 8,908<br />

History <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 1,218,600 1,934,700 1,648,000 2,161,000 61,743<br />

Physics, Mathematics, <strong>and</strong> Computer Science 8,106,900 9,867,200 12,038,500 13,379,100 212,366<br />

Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, <strong>and</strong><br />

Geosciences<br />

7,476,900 7,987,100 12,093,500 12,559,700 279,104<br />

Biology 1,301,900 2,862,300 3,086,000 3,402,700 141,777<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> School of Music 533,900 448,900 174,000 268,100 12,185<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> Academy of Arts 800 52,800 132,600 80,200 6,170<br />

Administration 930,200 1,631,700 3,366,500 4,054,500 2,027,236<br />

Central institutions 331,100 495,600 1,211,800 2,592,800 648,191<br />

Other institutions 0 0 145,200 142,800 0<br />

Scientific special areas 268,200 137,300 31,100 200 100<br />

Multi-use buildings 0 0 149,000 144,300 0<br />

Total 47,592,200 61,568,900 80,271,700 86,937,400 168,810<br />

Human Medicine 3) 24,438,900 31,942,500 40,891,000 41,916,900 377,629 442,160<br />

Art, Art Theory 3) 874,000 840,200 821,200 993,500 22,579 34,160<br />

Mathematics, Natural Sciences 3) 16,885,600 20,716,600 27,218,100 29,341,400 242,491 219,250<br />

Law, Economics, Social Sciences 3) 847,200 871,300 942,800 1,028,100 16,582 62,710<br />

Sports 3) 33,000 149,000 178,700 283,300 40,471 125,020<br />

Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 3) 2,984,000 4,784,700 5,347,600 6,458,500 43,345 57,810<br />

Other fields <strong>and</strong> areas 3) 1,529,500 2,264,600 4,872,300 6,915,800 329,323 25,840<br />

Third-party funding as defined in the staff estimates concept (DFG Collaborative Research Centers are splitted); including endowed professorships.<br />

The sums mentioned may include rounding differences.<br />

1) current status: Fachserie 11, Reihe 4.3.2 of the German Federal Bureau of <strong>Statistics</strong>; p. 81f.; published in <strong>2010</strong> with data from 2008<br />

2) University Professors, Junior Professors, tenured university lecturers, university lecturers on limited contract (state personnel)<br />

3) split into subject groups according to the key of university statistics of the Rhinel<strong>and</strong>-Palatinate State Office of <strong>Statistics</strong><br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 42

F I N AN C E S<br />

Third-party expenditures by funding body<br />

Funding body / Sponsor 2003 2004 2005 2006<br />

in EURO in EURO in EURO in EURO<br />

1 – German Research Foundation (DFG) 21,069,700 21,925,900 24,185,700 24,730,500<br />

2 – German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) 1,500,700 1,503,800 1,416,100 1,494,400<br />

3 – Federal Ministry of Education <strong>and</strong> Research<br />

(BMBF) 12,836,500 10,521,500 8,705,200 9,688,700<br />

4 – Other federal ministries 258,700 111,800 152,300 163,100<br />

5 – State ministries Rhinel<strong>and</strong>-Palatinate 1,972,300 2,512,600 2,652,700 2,787,400<br />

6 – European Union 3,020,600 3,402,600 4,107,600 4,134,000<br />

7 – Local funding bodies 267,000 65,300 69,300 53,200<br />

8 – Foundations 6,010,900 4,655,300 5,001,800 6,084,600<br />

9 – Other public-sector institutions 384,700 428,400 663,800 487,100<br />

10 – Private financiers 11,776,100 14,045,200 14,614,400 15,855,400<br />

Total 59,097,400 59,172,600 61,568,900 65,478,300<br />

Funding body / Sponsor 2007 2008 2009 <strong>2010</strong><br />

in EURO in EURO in EURO in EURO<br />

1 – German Research Foundation (DFG) 24,725,000 28,902,600 27,424,300 26,833,200<br />

2 – German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) 1,533,400 1,726,400 2,075,100 2,133,100<br />

3 – Federal Ministry of Education <strong>and</strong> Research<br />

(BMBF) 10,230,700 13,138,500 13,690,900 13,500,600<br />

4 – Other federal ministries 36,900 270,400 315,500 406,400<br />

5 – State ministries Rhinel<strong>and</strong>-Palatinate 2,450,300 2,364,700 5,252,700 10,384,300<br />

6 – European Union 4,454,700 3,871,000 2,508,700 2,046,800<br />

7 – Local funding bodies 43,300 3,400 26,000 12,900<br />

8 – Foundations 7,305,400 9,022,600 8,009,000 8,041,000<br />

9 – Other public-sector institutions 407,500 552,300 1,599,400 548,800<br />

10 – Private financiers 16,568,400 17,440,800 19,370,100 23,030,200<br />

Total 67,755,600 77,292,800 80,271,700 86,937,400<br />

Third-party funding as defined in the staff estimates concept (DFG Collaborative Research Centers are splitted); including endowed professorships.<br />

The amounts mentioned may include rounding differences.<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 43

F I N AN C E S<br />

Third-party expenditures by funding body (graphics)<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 44


Positions <strong>and</strong> staff <strong>2010</strong><br />

Faculty / Institution Total Academic Personnel Non-Academic Personnel<br />

Professors/Teachers 3) Academic staff 4)<br />

Positions 1) Staff 2) Positions 1) Staff 2) Positions 1 Staff 2) Positions 1) Staff 2)5)<br />

total thereof<br />

female<br />

total thereof<br />

female<br />

total thereof<br />

female<br />

totale thereof<br />

female<br />

Faculty 2,029 2,884 49% 425 396 24% 828 1,430 43% 775 1,058 66%<br />

Catholic Theology <strong>and</strong> Protestant<br />

Theology<br />

59 96 45% 27 25 16% 20 39 23% 12 32 94%<br />

Social Sciences, Media, <strong>and</strong> Sports 242 402 55% 62 50 34% 113 243 54% 66 109 66%<br />

Law, Management <strong>and</strong> Economics 213 343 52% 48 46 13% 110 206 46% 56 91 85%<br />

Philosophy <strong>and</strong> Philology 199 313 62% 54 56 36% 111 188 61% 34 69 87%<br />

Translation Studies, Linguistics, <strong>and</strong><br />

Cultural Studies<br />

133 202 61% 19 17 53% 83 140 58% 32 45 73%<br />

History <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 114 178 52% 30 35 37% 59 96 44% 25 47 81%<br />

Physics, Mathematics, <strong>and</strong> Computer<br />

Science<br />

Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Geosciences<br />

325 398 24% 64 63 13% 102 143 8% 159 192 40%<br />

436 564 46% 56 45 13% 146 248 32% 235 271 65%<br />

Biology 230 294 53% 28 24 21% 69 101 38% 133 169 67%<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> Academy of Arts 33 38 42% 15 13 31% 3 6 67% 15 19 42%<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> School of Music 44 56 38 % 23 22 23% 13 20 30% 9 14 71%<br />

University Management <strong>and</strong><br />

Administration<br />

475 617 53% 7 2 50% 10 0 - 458 615 53%<br />

Central institutions 271 418 68% 3 4 25% 53 86 64% 216 328 70%<br />

General Studies / Studium generale 5 8 38% 1 1 0% 3 6 33% 1 1 100%<br />

Foreign Language Center 5 5 60% 0 0 - 3 3 67% 2 2 50%<br />

Electronic Media Center 5 9 56% 0 0 - 1 3 100% 4 6 33%<br />

Center for Quality Assurance <strong>and</strong><br />

Development<br />

5 26 88% 0 0 - 4 25 88% 1 1 100%<br />

Center for Continuing Education 3 22 86% 0 0 - 1 6 100% 2 16 81%<br />

Teacher Training Center 5 10 80% 0 0 - 0 0 - 5 10 80%<br />

International Preparatory College <strong>Mainz</strong> 26 29 76% 0 0 - 20 21 71% 6 8 88%<br />

Collegium musicum 2 6 17% 1 2 0% 1 3 0% 1 1 100%<br />

<strong>Gutenberg</strong> Research College 0 4 100% 0 1 100% 0 2 100% 0 1 100%<br />

Center of <strong>Data</strong> Processing 55 62 31% 1 0 - 20 17 18% 34 45 36%<br />

University Library (incl. dept. libraries) 161 237 75% 0 0 - 0 0 - 161 237 75%<br />

Other institutions 23 14 50% 0 0 - 0 3 67% 23 11 45%<br />

Multi-use buildings 0 2 0% 0 0 - 0 2 0% 0 0 -<br />

Scientific special areas 8 13 46% 0 2 0% 2 10 50% 6 1 100%<br />

University Medicine 6) 6,802 73% 6) 111 14% 6) 1,202 46% 6) 5,489 7) 80%<br />

University Total 10,750 65% 515 22% 2,733 24% 7,502 75%<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 45

1) converted to full-time positions (full-time equivalents), including the Higher Education Pact, including staff-related funds (converted to position<br />

equivalents); prepared in August 2011, reference date: December 1, <strong>2010</strong><br />

2) All chapters without third-party funded staff, headcounts including the Higher Education pact; prepared in August 2011, reference date: December 1,<br />

<strong>2010</strong><br />

3) University Professors, Junior Professors, tenured university lecturers, university lecturers on limited contract<br />

4) lecturers, established graduate secondary-school teachers working at university level, employees, teaching posts for special duties, scientific assistants<br />

5) trainees at <strong>Mainz</strong> University (without University Medicine): 94 (55% female), Faculty 02 – 6 (100%), Faculty 08 – 14 (36%), Faculty 09 – 34 (56%),<br />

Faculty 10 – 11 (36%), Administration – 23 (57%), Central Institutions: Electronic Media Center – 2 (100%), University Library – 4 (75%); in addition: 9<br />

administration inspector trainees (67%); trainees at the University Medical Center (with training wage agreements): 315<br />

6) Since 2004, the University Medical Center does not need to have a staff appointment scheme, because the University Medical Center is no longer<br />

within the field of application of state financial regulations.<br />

7) including the staff working in patient care<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 46


Staff distribution among the faculties<br />

Note:<br />

Only state-budgeted staff is included. The figure for Faculty 04 / University Medicine also includes the staff working in patient<br />

care.<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 47


Third-party funded staff <strong>2010</strong><br />

Faculty /Institution Total Academic Personell 1)2) Non-Academic Personnel<br />

Staff Staff Staff<br />

total thereof female total thereof female total thereof female<br />

Faculties 490 38% 456 36% 34 65%<br />

Catholic Theology <strong>and</strong> Protestant Theology 6 67% 6 67% 0 -<br />

Social Sciences, Media, <strong>and</strong> Sports 38 68% 33 64% 5 100%<br />

Law, Management <strong>and</strong> Economics 11 64% 10 70% 1 -<br />

Philosophy <strong>and</strong> Philology 23 65% 21 62% 2 100%<br />

Translation Studies, Linguistics, <strong>and</strong> Cultural<br />

Studies 4 75%<br />

3 100%<br />

1 -<br />

History <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies 34 53% 30 53% 4 50%<br />

Physics, Mathematics, <strong>and</strong> Computer Science 165 22% 159 20% 6 67%<br />

Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, <strong>and</strong><br />

Geosciences 145 31%<br />

133 29%<br />

12 58%<br />

Biology 64 53% 61 52% 3 67%<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> Academy of Arts 0 - 0 - 0 -<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong> School of Music 0 - 0 - 0 -<br />

Administration 16 100% 0 - 16 100%<br />

Central institutions 20 85% 11 91% 9 78%<br />

General Studies / Studium generale 0 - 0 - 0 -<br />

Foreign Language Center 0 - 0 - 0 -<br />

Electronic Media Center 0 - 0 - 0 -<br />

Center for Quality Assurance <strong>and</strong> Development 7 86% 7 86% 0 -<br />

Center for Continuing Education 11 91% 4 100% 7 86%<br />

Teacher Training Center 0 - 0 - 0 -<br />

International Preparatory College 0 - 0 - 0 -<br />

Collegium musicum 0 - 0 - 0 -<br />

<strong>Gutenberg</strong> Research College 0 - 0 - 0 -<br />

Center of <strong>Data</strong> Processing 2 50% 0 - 2 50%<br />

University Library (incl. dept. libraries) 0 - 0 - 0 -<br />

Other institutions 0 - 0 - 0 -<br />

Multi-use buildings 4 100% 3 100% 1 100%<br />

Scientific special areas 61 41% 52 40% 9 44%<br />

University Medicine incl. Clinical Center 689 72% 385 63% 304 85%<br />

University Total 1,280 54% 907 45% 373 75%<br />

Third-party funded staff of <strong>JGU</strong> <strong>and</strong> the University Medical Center. Third-party funded staff included in the <strong>JGU</strong> budget, headcounts. Including funded<br />

positions budgeted in chapter 8500.<br />

1) University Professors, Junior Professors, tenured university lecturers, university lecturers on limited contract; reference date: Dec. 1, <strong>2010</strong><br />

2) lecturers, established graduate secondary-school teachers working at university level, employees, teaching posts for special duties, scientific assistants<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 48

G E N D ER EQ UAL I T Y<br />

Development of the shares of women <strong>and</strong> men, 2000-<strong>2010</strong><br />

Men Women<br />

Note:<br />

Concerning the development of women in the various stages of their scientific careers across all university levels, there have<br />

been tw major developments in the last ten years. Firstly, the divide between women <strong>and</strong> men moved on the timeline, i.e. the<br />

divide now increases in the postdoc phase. Ten years ago, the divide was increasing already after completion of the first<br />

degree. The percentage of women seeking a doctoral degree is now approaching or even exceeding 50%. At higher<br />

academic levels, the divide is also lessening. However, given the relatively small numbers of those acquiring postdoctoral<br />

lecturing qualifications, there is considerable statistical variance from year to year.<br />

As no previous data for scientists <strong>and</strong> professors exists, data from 2001 was used instead.<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 49

L I B RA RI E S<br />

Library data<br />

Use of the University Library<br />

(Main Library <strong>and</strong> departmental <strong>and</strong> faculty libraries)<br />

2009 <strong>2010</strong><br />

Opening days 349 348<br />

Opening hours per day 22 22<br />

Library users 2,219,785 2,204,945<br />

Active borrowers 29,376 28,162<br />

Total items borrowed 694,443 694,419<br />

Work stations 1,855 1,900<br />

Training events (in hours) 420 592<br />

Stock of conventional media<br />

2009 <strong>2010</strong><br />

Total stock printed media Not stated 1) 2,842,756<br />

Single printed documents acquired 46,697 42,468<br />

Number of current print journals 3,622 3,404<br />

Stock of electronic media<br />

2009 <strong>2010</strong><br />

Licensed electronic journals 28,063 31,169<br />

Licensed databases 295 307<br />

E-books 2) 7,940 14,762<br />

Documents for the ReaderPlus platform 4,815 4,480<br />

Documents on <strong>JGU</strong>’s journal server 1,681 1,857<br />

1) Since a new survey took place in <strong>2010</strong>, a comparison with the year before is not meaningful.<br />

2) e-book packages, without individual titles <strong>and</strong> national licenses<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 50

Use of electronic services<br />

Full text downloads of electronic journals 1,021,018 1,142,486<br />

Full text downloads of e-books 275,027 364,564<br />

Number of accesses to electronic databases 350,220 564,382<br />

Number of hits in the University Library website 1) 3,656,807 5,038,172<br />

Number of searches using the online catalogue 7,318,786 6,519,200<br />

Number of courses provided with ReaderPlus 2,470 3,161<br />

Number of electronic course reserves 400 389<br />

Number of publications in the university’s bibliography 2,444 4,200<br />

Number of registered university members in the university’s bibliography<br />

Electronic media <strong>and</strong><br />

services in <strong>2010</strong>,<br />

by subject groups<br />

Humanities<br />

Economics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Social<br />

Sciences<br />

Natural<br />

Sciences<br />

Medicine/<br />

Pharmaceutical<br />

Sciences<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 51<br />

2009<br />

<strong>2010</strong><br />

464 591<br />

General<br />

E-books 2,184 6,609 3,641 2,328 0 14,762<br />

Licensed electronic<br />

journals 2)<br />

Total<br />

4,020 12,691 5,284 3,398 1,973 27,366<br />

<strong>Data</strong>bases 112 69 51 6 69 307<br />

Electronic university<br />

publications (ArchiMeD) –<br />

documents<br />

Electronic course reserves<br />

(ReaderPlus)<br />

Number of courses<br />

provided with ReaderPlus<br />

21 12 185 17 55 290<br />

163 205 16 4 1 389<br />

1,709 1,215 234 2 1 3,161<br />

1) In 2009, the access numbers for JSTOR <strong>and</strong> Juris are not included.<br />

2) Multiple entries are possible; 5,890 licensed magazines do not have a clearly assigned subject.

Campus-wide expenses for media (in EURO)<br />

State funds<br />

Electronic resources (E-journals, E-books, databases) 525,596 1,192,469<br />

thereof Main Library: 380,965 1,006,643<br />

Conventional media (monographs, textbooks, printed journals, others) 3,420,741 3,279,758<br />

thereof Main Library: 1,452,602 1,117,493<br />

Campus-wide expenses for media (in EURO)<br />

Third-party funds<br />

Electronic resources (E-journals, E-books, databases) 3,639 3,326<br />

thereof Main Library: 0 0<br />

Conventional media (monographs, textbooks, printed journals, others) 237,476 263,336<br />

thereof Main Library: 55,118 36,639<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 52<br />

2009<br />

2009<br />

<strong>2010</strong><br />



Development of the numbers of foreign students among those (re-)enrolling<br />

900<br />

800<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

535<br />


Development of the numbers of foreign students among those (re-)enrolling<br />

by subject groups<br />

900<br />

800<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

WiSe<br />

1999/2000<br />

WiSe<br />

1999/2000<br />

WiSe<br />

2000/2001<br />

without Preparatory College<br />

WiSe<br />

2000/2001<br />

WiSe<br />

2001/2002<br />

WiSe<br />

2001/2002<br />

WiSe<br />

2002/2003<br />

WiSe<br />

2002/2003<br />

WiSe<br />

2003/2004<br />

WiSe<br />

2004/2005<br />

WiSe<br />

2003/2004<br />

WiSe<br />

2005/2006<br />

WiSe<br />

2004/2005<br />

WiSe<br />

2006/2007<br />

WiSe<br />

2005/2006<br />

WiSe<br />

2007/2008<br />

WiSe<br />

2006/2007<br />

WiSe<br />

2008/2009<br />

WiSe<br />

2007/2008<br />

WiSe<br />

2009/<strong>2010</strong><br />

WiSe<br />

2008/2009<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 53<br />

624<br />

WiSe<br />

<strong>2010</strong>/2011<br />

WiSe<br />

2009/<strong>2010</strong><br />

WiSe<br />



Geographic origin of international students at <strong>JGU</strong><br />

North America 75 (15)<br />

USA 66 (15)<br />

Canada 9<br />

Central /<br />

South America 184 (13)<br />

Colombia 44<br />

Peru 38<br />

Brazil 37<br />

Chile 11<br />

Argentina, Mexico 10<br />

Europe 2,523 (938)<br />

Turkey 310 (242)<br />

Ukraine 294 (41)<br />

Russian Federation 281 (47)<br />

Pol<strong>and</strong> 249 (49)<br />

Italy 230 (128)<br />

1,308 (441) students of these come<br />

from EU countries (52 %).<br />

Africa 341 (28)<br />

Morocco 153 (10)<br />

Cameroon 48<br />

Egypt 32<br />

Tunisia 20<br />

Senegal 14<br />

Asia 941 (135)<br />

China, incl. Tibet 221 (16)<br />

Korea, Republic 104 (29)<br />

Israel 96<br />

Iran, Islamic Republic 71 (16)<br />

Syria, Arab Republic 71 (6)<br />

Australia /<br />

New Zeal<strong>and</strong> ≤ 5<br />

Note:<br />

The numbers include students of the International German Language Course <strong>and</strong> the International Preparatory College<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong>, not counting those on leave, as of winter semester 2009/<strong>2010</strong>. The numbers in brackets show the number of persons<br />

(if five or more) who acquired the ability to enter a German university at a German educational institution.<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 54


Destination countries of <strong>Mainz</strong> outgoing students <strong>and</strong> graduates<br />

North America 75<br />

USA 70<br />

Canada ≤ 5<br />

Central /<br />

South America 28<br />

Colombia 21<br />

Chile ≤ 5<br />

others 7<br />

Europe 668<br />

France 181<br />

Spain 109<br />

Great Britain 97<br />

Italy 50<br />

Pol<strong>and</strong> 35<br />

Africa 62<br />

South Africa 22<br />

Tanzania 11<br />

others 29<br />

Asia 47<br />

China 24<br />

Japan 16<br />

South Korea ≤ 5<br />

others ≤ 5<br />

Australia /<br />

New Zeal<strong>and</strong> 16<br />

Australia 10<br />

New Zeal<strong>and</strong> 6<br />

Note:<br />

The listed <strong>JGU</strong> students <strong>and</strong> graduate students are complemented by those who did specific practical training during their<br />

stays abroad, i.e. internships, medical sub-internships, clinical traineeships, language assistant jobs, project-specific<br />

teamwork.<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 55


International relations<br />

New partnerships are printed in red.<br />



Brazil<br />

� Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais<br />

Colombia<br />

� Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá<br />

� Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla<br />

� Universidad Nacional, Bogotá<br />

Croatia<br />

� University of Zagreb, Zagreb<br />

France<br />

� Université de Bourgogne, Dijon<br />

� Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris<br />

III), Paris<br />

Great Britain<br />

� University of Glasgow, Glasgow<br />

Israel<br />

� University of Haifa, Haifa<br />

Italy<br />

� Collegio Ghislieri di Pavia (Università<br />

degli Studi di Pavia), Pavia<br />

� Collegio Nuovo della Fondazione S<strong>and</strong>ra<br />

e Enea Mattei (Università degli Studi di<br />

Pavia), Pavia<br />

� Università di Bologna, Bologna<br />

Japan<br />

� Doshisha University, Kyoto<br />

� Nihon University, Tokyo<br />

� Kwansei Gakuin University,<br />

Nishinomiya<br />

Latvia<br />

� University of Latvia, Riga<br />

Namibia<br />

� University of Namibia, Windhoek<br />

Pol<strong>and</strong><br />

� University of Warsaw, Warsaw<br />

� SGH Warsaw, Warsaw<br />

Russia<br />

� State Linguistic University Moscow<br />

(MGLU), Moscow<br />

Rw<strong>and</strong>a<br />

� Université Nationale du Rw<strong>and</strong>a, Butare<br />

South Korea<br />

� Dankook University, Seoul<br />

Spain<br />

� Universidad de Valencia, Valencia<br />

USA<br />

� University of Mississippi, Oxford<br />



Argentina<br />

Chemistry<br />

� Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Buenos<br />

Aires<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 56<br />

Law<br />

� Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos<br />

Aires<br />

Australia<br />

Business <strong>and</strong> Economics<br />

� University of Adelaide, Adelaide<br />

Brazil<br />

Applied Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies<br />

� Sao Paulo State University (UNESP),<br />

Sao Paulo<br />

Canada<br />

American Studies<br />

� York University, Toronto<br />

Chemistry<br />

� University of Toronto, Toronto, ON<br />

Faculty 05 - Philosophy <strong>and</strong> Philoloy<br />

� Université Laval (Faculté de Philosophie),<br />

Quebec<br />

� Université de Montréal, Montréal<br />

Integrated Course of Studies <strong>Mainz</strong>-<br />

Dijon-Bologna<br />

� Bishop`s University, Lennoxville, Québec<br />

Sports<br />

� University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon<br />

Chile<br />

Translation Studies, Linguistics, <strong>and</strong><br />

Cultural Studies<br />

� Universidad de Concepción, Concepción

China, PR<br />

Applied Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies<br />

� Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing<br />

� Beijing Language <strong>and</strong> Culture University,<br />

Beijing<br />

Business <strong>and</strong> Economics<br />

� Dongbei University of Finance <strong>and</strong><br />

Economics, Dalian<br />

Chemistry<br />

� Dalian University of Technology, Dalian<br />

� Wuhan University, Wuhan<br />

� Peking University, Beijing<br />

Education<br />

� Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,<br />

Shanghai<br />

Geosciences<br />

� Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou<br />

� Normal University of Xingjiang, Xingjiang,<br />

Urumqi<br />

Literature<br />

� Peking University, Beijing<br />

Medicine<br />

� Fujian Medical University, Fujian<br />

� Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou<br />

Philosophy<br />

� East China Normal University Philosophy<br />

Department, Shanghai<br />

Colombia<br />

Law<br />

� Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá<br />

Physics<br />

� Universidad Nacional, Bogotá<br />

Croatia<br />

Medicine, Physiological Chemistry<br />

� Rudjer Bóskovic Institut, University of<br />

Zagreb, Zagreb<br />

Ethiopia<br />

Middle Eastern Studies<br />

� Addis Ababa University , Addis Ababa<br />

Finl<strong>and</strong><br />

Law<br />

� University of Helsinki, Helsinki<br />

France<br />

Business <strong>and</strong> Economics<br />

� Université de Paris-Nanterre (Paris X),<br />

Paris<br />

Law<br />

� Université Paris XII, Val-de-Marne<br />

Mathematics<br />

� Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III,<br />

Toulouse<br />

Philosphy<br />

� Université Jean Moulin (Lyon III), Lyon<br />

Physics<br />

� Université de Provence, Aix-Marsailles<br />

Great Britain<br />

Historical Cultural Studies<br />

� University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh<br />

Law<br />

� De Montfort University Leicester,<br />

Leicester<br />

� University of Glasgow , Glasgow<br />

� University of the West of Engl<strong>and</strong>, Bristol<br />

Hungary<br />

Medicine<br />

� Medical Science University Pécs, Pécs<br />

India<br />

Microbiology <strong>and</strong> Wine Research<br />

� Amity University, New Delhi<br />

Italy<br />

Education<br />

� Universitá degli Studi di Messina,<br />

Messina<br />

Law<br />

� Università degli Studi di Genova, Genoa<br />

� Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Rom e<br />

Physics<br />

� Universitá di Camerino, Camerino<br />

Romance Studies<br />

� Accademia di Studi Italo-Tedeschi, Meran<br />

Japan<br />

Chemistry<br />

� Kyoto University, Kyoto<br />

� Nagoya University, Nagoya<br />

International Summer Course<br />

� Kwansei University, Nishinomiya<br />

Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,<br />

Biology<br />

� Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo<br />

Medicine<br />

� Nagasaki University, Nagasaki<br />

Latvia<br />

Historical Sciences, Applied Linguistics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies<br />

� University of Latvia, Riga<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 57<br />

Mexico<br />

Chemistry<br />

� ITESM, Monterrey, Tri-lateral Accord<br />

<strong>Mainz</strong>-Dijon-Université de Sherbrooke<br />

Nepal<br />

General <strong>and</strong> Comparative Linguistics,<br />

India Studies, Zoology, Geosciences<br />

� Tribhuvan University, Kathm<strong>and</strong>u<br />

New Zeal<strong>and</strong><br />

Applied Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies<br />

� University of Auckl<strong>and</strong>, Auckl<strong>and</strong><br />

Pol<strong>and</strong><br />

Applied Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies<br />

� Adam-Mickiewicz-<strong>Universität</strong>, Poznan<br />

� Collegium Europaeum Gnesen, Gnesen<br />

Business <strong>and</strong> Economics<br />

� College of Planning <strong>and</strong> <strong>Statistics</strong>,<br />

Warsaw<br />

Catholic Theology<br />

� Academy for Catholic Theology, Warsaw<br />

Law<br />

� Jagiellonian University Krakow, Krakow<br />

Medicine<br />

� Akademia Medyczna im. Karola<br />

Marcinkowskiego, Poznan<br />

Portugal<br />

Philosophy<br />

� Universidade de Évora, Évora<br />

Romania<br />

Business <strong>and</strong> Economics<br />

� The Bucharest Academy of Economic<br />

Studies, Bucharest<br />

Russia<br />

Applied Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies<br />

� Kursk State University, Kursk<br />

� St. Petersburg Institute for Russian<br />

Literature at the Russian Academy of<br />

Sciences, St. Petersburg<br />

� St. Petersburg State Institute for Foreign<br />

Languages (IFL), St. Petersburg<br />

Biology<br />

� Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow<br />

Chemistry<br />

� Moscow Engineering Physics Institute,<br />

Moscow<br />

Medicine<br />

� Yaroslavl State Medical Academy,<br />


� State Burdenko Medical Academy,<br />

Voronesh<br />

South Africa<br />

Anthropology <strong>and</strong> African Studies<br />

� University of Port Elizabeth, Port<br />

Elizabeth<br />

Applied Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural<br />

Studiest<br />

� University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch<br />

South Korea<br />

Applied Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies<br />

� Hankuk University of Foreign Studies,<br />

Seoul<br />

Chemistry<br />

� Seoul National University, College of<br />

Natural Sciences, Seoul<br />

Education<br />

� Kangnam University, Yongin<br />

International Summer Course<br />

� Chung Ang University, Seoul<br />

Spain<br />

Applied Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies<br />

� Universidad de Granada, Granada<br />

Historical Sciences<br />

� Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona<br />

Law<br />

� Universitat Jaume I, Castellón<br />

Sri Lanka<br />

Geography<br />

� South Eastern University of Sri Lanka,<br />

Oluvil<br />

Syria<br />

Geosciences<br />

� University of Damaskus, Damaskus<br />

Taiwan<br />

Applied Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies<br />

� Chaoyang University of Technology,<br />

Wufeng<br />

Tanzania<br />

Anthropology <strong>and</strong> African Studies<br />

� University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es<br />

Salaam<br />

Thail<strong>and</strong><br />

Medicine<br />

� Chulalongkorn University, Chulalongkorn<br />

USA<br />

Academy of Arts<br />

� California State University at Chico,<br />

Chico, CA<br />

American Studies<br />

� American University, Washington, DC<br />

� Austin College, Sherman, TX<br />

� Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME<br />

� Bread Loaf School of English, Middlebury<br />

College, Middlebury, VT<br />

� California State University, Chico, CA<br />

� California State University, Sacramento,<br />

CA<br />

� Clark University, Worcester, MA<br />

� Colorado State University, Pueblo, CO<br />

� Columbia University, New York, NY<br />

� Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA<br />

� Hood College, Frederick, MD<br />

� Marymount University, Arlington, VA<br />

� Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT<br />

� Mississippi College, Clinton, MS<br />

� Ohio University, Athens, OH<br />

� University of California, Davis, CA<br />

� University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS<br />

� University of Louisville, Louisville, KY<br />

� University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI<br />

� Washington College, Chestertown, MD<br />

Applied Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies<br />

� Agnes Scott College, Decatur, GA<br />

� Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,<br />

LA<br />

� Middle Tennessee State University,<br />

Murfreesboro, TN<br />

� San José State University, San José, CA<br />

� Southern Illinois University, Carbondale,<br />

IN<br />

� University of New Mexico, Albuquerque,<br />

NM<br />

� University of North Carolina, Charlotte,<br />

NC<br />

British Studies<br />

� Colorado State University, Pueblo, CO<br />

Business <strong>and</strong> Economics<br />

� Colorado State University, Pueblo, CO<br />

Chemistry<br />

� Cornell University, Ithaca, NY<br />

� State University of New York at Stony<br />

Brook, Stony Brook, NY<br />

� University of Massachusetts, Amherst,<br />

MA<br />

� University of Texas Southwestern<br />

Medical Center, Dallas, TX<br />

Communication Studies<br />

� American University, Washigton, DC<br />

German Studies<br />

� Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT<br />

Humanities <strong>and</strong> Social Sciences<br />

� University of Washington, Seattle, WA<br />

Physics<br />

� Texas A & M University, College Station,<br />

TX<br />

� University of Washington, Seattle, WA<br />

School of Journalism / Media Studies<br />

� Ball State University, Muncie, IN<br />

� Colorado State University, Pueblo, CO<br />

� University of Memphis, Memphis, TN<br />

Uzbekistan<br />

German Philology / German as a Foreign<br />

Language<br />

� World Language University Tashkent<br />

Venezuela<br />

Applied Linguistics <strong>and</strong> Cultural Studies<br />

� Universidad de los Andes, Mérida<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 58



Canada<br />

� Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Quebec<br />

Colombia<br />

� Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana,<br />

Medellín<br />

� Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín<br />

� Universidad de la Sabana, Bogotá<br />

India<br />

� Punjabi University, Patiala<br />

Italy<br />

� Università degli Studi di Verona, Verona<br />

Japan<br />

� University of Kurume, Kurume<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

� West Kazakh State University, Uralsk<br />

Lebanon<br />

� Lebanese American University, Beirut<br />

Pakistan<br />

� University of Peshawar, Peshawar<br />

Russia<br />

� St. Petersburg State Polytechnic<br />

University, St. Petersburg<br />

South Korea<br />

� Chung Ang University, Seoul<br />

� Daegu University, Gyeongbuk<br />

Taiwan<br />

� Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages,<br />

Kaohsiung<br />

United Arab Emirates<br />

� University of Sharjah, Sharjah<br />

USA<br />

� Duke University, Durham, NC<br />




Austria<br />

� University of Graz, Graz<br />

� University of Music <strong>and</strong> Performing<br />

Arts, Graz<br />

� University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck<br />

� Medical University Innsbruck, Innsbruck<br />

� <strong>Johannes</strong> Kepler University Linz, Linz<br />

� Vienna University of Applied Sciences,<br />

Vienna<br />

� Vienna University of Technology, Vienna<br />

� University of Vienna, Vienna<br />

� University of Music <strong>and</strong> Performing Arts<br />

Vienna, Vienna<br />

Belgium<br />

� Artesis Hogeschool Antwerp, Antwerp<br />

� Lessius Hogeschool, Antwerp<br />

� University of Antwerp, Antwerp<br />

� Haute Ecole C. F. Bruxelles, Brussels<br />

� Haute Ecole Leonard de Vinci, Brusselsl<br />

� Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels<br />

� Hogeschool Gent, Gent<br />

� Universiteit Gent, Gent<br />

� Université de Liège, Liege<br />

� Université de Mons-Hainaut, Mons<br />

Bulgaria<br />

� Ugozapaden Universitet `Neophit Rilski,<br />

Blagoevgrad<br />

� Sofiiki Universitet ‘Sveti Kliment Ohridski’,<br />

Sofia<br />

Croatia<br />

� University of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik<br />

Cyprus<br />

� European University Cyprus, Nicosia<br />

� Panepistimio Kyprou, Nicosiat<br />

Czech Republic<br />

� Masarykov University of Brno, Brno<br />

� Brno University of Technology, Brno<br />

� University of Ostrava, Ostrava<br />

� Charles University in Prague, Prague<br />

Denmark<br />

� Ålborg Universitetscenter, Aalborg<br />

� Århus Universitet, Arhus<br />

� H<strong>and</strong>els-Og Ingeniørhøjskolen I Herning,<br />

Herning<br />

� Det Kgl. Danske Musikkonservatorium,<br />

Copenhagen<br />

� Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi<br />

Billedkunstkolerne, Copenhagen<br />

� University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen<br />

� University of Southern Denmark<br />

(Syddansk Universitet), Odense<br />

� Roskilde Universitetscenter, Roskilde<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 59<br />

Estonia<br />

� Tallinn – International University<br />

Audentes - , Harjumaa<br />

� Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Tallinn<br />

� Tallinna Tehnikaúlikool, Tallinn<br />

� Tartu Ülikool, Tartu<br />

Finl<strong>and</strong><br />

� University of Helsinki, Helsinki<br />

� Jyväskylän Yliopisto, Jyväskylä<br />

� Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Kuopio<br />

� University of Oulu / Oulun yliopisto, Oulu<br />

� University of Tampere, Tampere<br />

� University of Turku - Turun Yliopisto,<br />

Turku<br />

� University of Vaasa - Vaasan Yliopisto,<br />

Vaasa<br />

France<br />

� Université de Picardie Amiens, Amiens<br />

� Université Catholique de l'Ouest, Angers<br />

� Université "Victor Segalen" (Bordeaux II),<br />

Bordeaux<br />

� Université Michel de Montaigne<br />

(Bordeaux III), Bordeaux<br />

� Université de Bretagne Occidentale,<br />

Brest<br />

� Université de Caen, Caen<br />

� Université de Savoie, Chambéry<br />

� Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-<br />

Ferr<strong>and</strong> II, Clermont-Ferr<strong>and</strong><br />

� Université de l’Auvergne Clermont-<br />

Ferr<strong>and</strong> I, Clermont-Ferr<strong>and</strong><br />

� Université Paris Est Créteil – Val de<br />

Marne -, Créteil<br />

� Conservatoire National de Region de<br />

Dijon, Dijon<br />

� Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Art de<br />

Dijon, Dijon<br />

� Université de Bourgogne, Dijon<br />

� Ecole supérieure des beaux arts, Le<br />

Mans<br />

� Université Charles De Gaulle - Lille III),<br />

Lille<br />

� Université des Sciences et Technologies<br />

de Lille, Lille<br />

� Université Jean Moulin (Lyon III), Lyon<br />

� Université Lumière Lyon II, Lyon<br />

� Université d'Aix-Marseille III, Marseille<br />

� Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I),<br />

Marseille<br />

� Université des Sciences et Techn. du<br />

Languedoc (Montpellier II), Montpellier<br />

� Université Montpellier I, Montpellier<br />

� Université Paul Valéry (Montpellier III),<br />

Montpellier<br />

� Université de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse

� Université Henri Poincaré (Nancy I),<br />

Nancy<br />

� Université de Nantes, Nantes<br />

� École des Hautes Études en Sciences<br />

Sociales, Paris<br />

� École Normale Supérieure, Paris<br />

� Institut Catholique de Paris, Paris<br />

� Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris<br />

III), Paris<br />

� Université de Paris 7 -Denis Diderot<br />

(Paris VII), Paris<br />

� Université de Paris-Nanterre (Paris X),<br />

Paris<br />

� Université de Paris-Sud (Paris XI), Paris<br />

� Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I),<br />

Paris<br />

� Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV),<br />

Paris<br />

� Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris<br />

VI), Paris<br />

� Université René Descartes (Paris V),<br />

Paris<br />

� Université des Antilles et de la Guyane,<br />

Pointe à Pitre<br />

� Université de Poitiers, Faculté des<br />

Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquées,<br />

Poitiers<br />

� ESC Rennes School of Business,<br />

Rennes<br />

� Université de Haute-Bretagne (Rennes<br />

II), Rennes<br />

� Université de la Réunion, Saint Dénis<br />

� Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne<br />

� Université de Strasbourg, Straßburg<br />

� Université du Sud Toulon et du Var,<br />

Toulon<br />

� Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de<br />

Toulouse, Toulouse<br />

� Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III),<br />

Toulouse<br />

� Université François Rabelais de Tours,<br />

Tours<br />

Great Britain<br />

� University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen<br />

� University of Wales, Bangor<br />

� Aston University, Birmingham<br />

� University of Birmingham, Birmingham<br />

� University of the West of Engl<strong>and</strong> Bristol,<br />

Bristol<br />

� Cardiff University, Cardiff<br />

� University of Wales College Institute<br />

Cardiff, Cardiff<br />

� University of Essex, Colchester<br />

� Durham University, Durham<br />

� Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh<br />

� University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh<br />

� University of Glasgow, Glasgow<br />

� University of Leeds, Leeds<br />

� De Montfort University, Leicester<br />

� Queen Mary <strong>and</strong> Westfield College<br />

(University of London), London<br />

� University of East London, London<br />

� Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham<br />

� University of Nottingham, Nottingham<br />

� University of Salford, Salford<br />

� University of Sheffield , Sheffield<br />

� University of Wales, Swansea<br />

Greece<br />

� Ethnikon kai Kapodistriakon<br />

Panepistimion Athinon, Athens<br />

� Panepistimion Aegaeou, Athens<br />

� Panepistimion Ioanninon, Ioannina<br />

� Dimokrition Panepistimion Thrakis,<br />

Komotini<br />

� Panepistimio Kritis, Crete<br />

� Aristoteleion Panepistimion<br />

Thessalonikis, Thessaloniki<br />

� Panepistimio Macedonias, Thessaloniki<br />

� Panepistimion Peloponnisoi, Tripolis<br />

Hungary<br />

� Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Budapest<br />

� Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem,<br />

Budapest<br />

� Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem,<br />

Budapest<br />

� University of Debrecen, Debrecen<br />

� Széchenyi István Egyetem, Györ<br />

� University of Pécs, Pécs<br />

� Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Szeged<br />

Icel<strong>and</strong><br />

� Háskóli Isl<strong>and</strong>s, Reykjavik<br />

� Listaháskóli Isl<strong>and</strong>s, Reykjavik<br />

Irel<strong>and</strong><br />

� University College Dublin, Dublin<br />

� National University of Irel<strong>and</strong>, Galway<br />

� University of Limerick, Limerick<br />

� Waterford Institute of Technology,<br />

Waterford<br />

Italy<br />

� Conservatorio di Musica ‘Vivaldi’,<br />

Aless<strong>and</strong>ria<br />

� Conservatorio di Musica "G. B. Martini",<br />

Bologna<br />

� Università degli studi di Bologna, Bologna<br />

� Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara,<br />

Carrara<br />

� Università degli studi di Catania, Catania<br />

� Università degli studi 'G.D.'Annunzio'di<br />

Chieti, Chieti<br />

� Università degli studi della Calabria,<br />

Commenda di Rende<br />

� Università degli studi di Firenze, Florenz<br />

� Istituto San pellegrino - Scuola Superiore<br />

per Mediatori Linguistici, Forlì<br />

� Università degli studi di Genova, Genoa<br />

� Università del Salento, Lecce<br />

� Libera Università di Lingue e<br />

Comunicazione (IULM), Milan<br />

� Università degli studi di Milano, Milan<br />

� Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca,<br />

Milan<br />

� Università degli studi di Messina, Messina<br />

� Scuola Superiore per Mediatori<br />

Linguistici – Scuole Civiche die<br />

Milano, Milano<br />

� Istituto Universitario "Suor Orsola<br />

Benincasa" di Napoli, Naples<br />

� Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli,<br />

Naples<br />

� Università degli studi di Napoli Federico<br />

II, Naples<br />

� Università degli studi di Padova 'Il Bo',<br />

Padua<br />

� Università degli studi di Palermo, Palermo<br />

� Università degli studi di Pavia, Pavia<br />

� Conservatorio di Musica "F. Morlacchi" di<br />

Perugia, Perugia<br />

� Conservatorio di Musica ‘G. Rossini’,<br />

Pesaro<br />

� Università degli studi di Pisa, Pisa<br />

� Università degli studi di Roma 'La<br />

Sapienza', Rome<br />

� Università degli studi di Roma 'Tor<br />

Vergata', Rome<br />

� Università degli studi di Roma Tre, Rome<br />

� Università degli studi di Salerno, Salerno<br />

� Università degli studi di Sassari, Sassari<br />

� Università degli studi di Siena, Siena<br />

� Università degli studi di Trento, Trento<br />

� Università degli studi di Trieste, Trieste<br />

� Università degli studi di Torino, Turin<br />

� Università degli studi di Udine, Udine<br />

� Università degli studi di Urbino, Urbino<br />

� Università degli studi di Verona, Verona<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 60<br />

Latvia<br />

� Liepaja University, Liepaja<br />

� Rezeknes Augstskola, Rezekne<br />

� Latvijas Kulturas Akademija, Riga<br />

� Latvijas Makslas Akademija, Riga<br />

� Latvijas Universitate, Riga<br />

� Ventspils Augstskola, Ventspils<br />

Lithuania<br />

� Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas, Kaunas<br />

� Vilniaus Universitetas, Vilnius<br />

Luxembourg<br />

� Université de Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Malta<br />

� University of Malta, Msida<br />

Netherl<strong>and</strong>s<br />

� Conservatorium van Amsterdam,<br />

Amsterdam<br />

� Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam<br />

� Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen,<br />

Arnhem<br />

� Technische Universiteit Eindhoven,<br />

Eindhoven<br />

� Unversiteit Twente, Enschede<br />

� University of Groningen, Groningen<br />

� Universiteit Leiden, Leiden<br />

� Hogeschool Zuyd, Maastricht<br />

� Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Nijmegen<br />

� Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

Norway<br />

� University of Bergen, Bergen<br />

� Østfold College, Halden<br />

� University of Agder (UiA), Kristians<strong>and</strong><br />

� Norges Musikkhøgskole, Oslo<br />

� Universitetet i Oslo , Oslo<br />

� University of Tromsø, Tromsø<br />

Pol<strong>and</strong><br />

� Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski w<br />

Olsztynie, Allenstein<br />

� Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola<br />

Lipínskiego we Wroclawiu, Wroclaw<br />

� Uniwersytet Wroclawski, Wroclaw<br />

� Bydgoszcz University of Kazimierz Wielki<br />

(Akademia Bydgoska im. Kazimiera<br />

Wielkiego), Bromberg<br />

� Akademia Sztuk Pieknych w Gdansku,<br />

Gdansk<br />

� Uniwersytet Gdanski, Gdansk<br />

� Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola<br />

Szymanowskiego w Katowicach,<br />

Katowice<br />

� Slaska Akademia Medyczna W<br />

Katowicach, Katowice<br />

� Uniwersytet Slaski, Katowice<br />

� Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie, Krakow<br />

� Jagiellonian University (Uniwersytet<br />

Jagiellonski), Krakow<br />

� Wyzsza Szkola Filozoficzno-<br />

Pedagogiczna Ignatianum w Krakowie,<br />

Krakow<br />

� Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji<br />

Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie,<br />

Krakow<br />

� Akademia Muzyczna W Lódzki, Lódz<br />

� Uniwersytet Lódzki, Lódz<br />

� Uniwersytet Opolski, Opole<br />

� Akademia Medyczna Im. Karola<br />

Marcinkowskiego, Poznan<br />

� Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza,<br />

Poznan<br />

� Akademia Muzyczna im. I. J.<br />

Paderewskiego w Poznaniu, Poznan<br />

� Uniwersytet Szczecinski, Szczecin<br />

� Nicholas Copernicus University<br />

(Uniwersytet Im Mikolaja Kopernika),<br />

Torun<br />

� Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University<br />

Warsaw, Warsaw<br />

� Szkoła Główna H<strong>and</strong>lowa w Warszawie,<br />

Warsaw<br />

� University of Warsaw, Warsaw<br />

� Akademia Muzyczna im. Fryderyka<br />

Chopina w Warszawie, Warsaw<br />

Portugal<br />

� Universiade de Aveiro, Aveiro<br />

� Universidade do Minho, Braga<br />

� Universidade do Algarve, Faro<br />

� Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa, Lisbon<br />

� Istituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho<br />

e da Empresa, Lisbon<br />

� Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon<br />

� Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon<br />

� Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Lisbon<br />

� Universidade do Porto, Porto<br />

Romania<br />

� Universitatea ´Dunarea de Jos´din Galati,<br />

Galati<br />

� Universitatea `Alex<strong>and</strong>ru Ioan Ciza´, Iaşi<br />

� Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie<br />

´Grigore T. Popa” din Iaşi, Iaşi<br />

� Universitatea din Oradea, Oradea<br />

� Universitatea ´Eftimie Murgu´ Resita,<br />

Resita<br />

� Universitatea ´Lucian Blaga´ din Sibiu,<br />

Sibiu<br />

Sweden<br />

� Högskolan i Borås, Borås<br />

� Högskolan Dalarna, Falun<br />

� Högskolan i Gävle, Gävle<br />

� Göteborg University, Göteborg<br />

� Halmstad University, Halmstad<br />

� Jönköping University, Jönköping<br />

� Linnéuniversitetet, Kalmar<br />

� Karlstad University, Karlstad<br />

� Linköping University Linköping<br />

� Lunds Universitet, Lund<br />

� Royal College of Music (Kungliga<br />

Musikhögskolan), Stockholm<br />

� Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm<br />

� Stockholm University, Stockholm<br />

� Mittuniversitetet, Sundsvall<br />

� Umeå Universitet, Umeå<br />

� Uppsala University, Uppsala<br />

� Mälardalen University, Västerås<br />

Switzerl<strong>and</strong><br />

� Bern University of Applied Sciences<br />

� University of Bern, Bern<br />

� HES-SO Haute École Spécialisée de<br />

Suisse Occidentale, Delémont<br />

� Université de Fribourg, Fribourg<br />

� Institut d'Études Sociales IES, Geneva<br />

� Université de Genève, Geneva<br />

� Université de Lausanne, Lausanne<br />

� Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano<br />

� University of Lucerne, Lucerne<br />

� Université de Neuchâtel, Neuenburg<br />

� Swiss Federal Institute of Technology<br />

Zurich, Zurich<br />

� University of Zurich, Zurich<br />

Slovakia<br />

� Slovenská Technická Univerzita v<br />

Bratislave (STU), Bratislava<br />

� Presovská Univerzita v Presove, Presov<br />

� Katolicka Univerzita v Ruzomberku,<br />

Ruzomberok<br />

Slovenia<br />

� University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana<br />

� University of Maribor, Maribor<br />

DAT A A ND STAT I STICS 2 0 1 0 page | 61<br />

Spain<br />

� Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Alcalá<br />

de Henares<br />

� Universidad de Alicante, Alicante<br />

� Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona,<br />

Barcelona<br />

� Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona<br />

� Universidad Pompeu Fabra Barcelona,<br />

Barcelona<br />

� Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao<br />

� Universidad Jaume I de Castellón,<br />

Castellón<br />

� Universidad Miguel Hern<strong>and</strong>ez de Elche,<br />

Elche<br />

� Universidad de Granada, Granada<br />

� Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran<br />

Canaria, Gran Canaria (Las Palmas)<br />

� Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid<br />

� Universidad Complutense de Madrid,<br />

Madrid<br />

� Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid<br />

� Universidad Católica San Antonio, Murcia<br />

� Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo<br />

� Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona<br />

� Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca<br />

� Universidad de Santiago de Compostela,<br />

Santiago de Compostela<br />

� Conservatorio Superior de Música<br />

´Manuel Castillo` de Sevilla, Sevilla<br />

� Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla<br />

� Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife<br />

� Universidad Cardenal Herrera, Valencia<br />

� Universidad Católica de Valencia `San<br />

Vicente Mártir´, Valencia<br />

� Universidad de Valencia, Valencia<br />

� Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid<br />

� Universitat de Vic, Vic (Barcelona)<br />

� Universidad de Vigo, Vigo

Turkey<br />

� Cukurova University, Adana<br />

� Baskent University, Ankara<br />

� Bilkent Üniversitesi, Ankara<br />

� Gazi University, Ankara<br />

� Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara<br />

� Middle East Technical University (METU),<br />

Ankara<br />

� Anadolu University, Eskisehir<br />

� Beykent Universitesi, Istanbul<br />

� Bogaziçi Üniversitesi, Istanbul<br />

� Fatih Üniversitesi, Istanbul<br />

� Isik Üniversitesi, Istanbul<br />

� Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, Istanbul<br />

� Istanbul Teknical University, Istanbul<br />

� Istanbul University, Istanbul<br />

� Marmara Üniversitesi, Istanbul<br />

� Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University,<br />

Istanbul<br />

� T.C. Okan Üniversitesi, Istanbul<br />

� Yeditepe Universitesi, Istanbul<br />

� Yildiz Teknik Universitesi, Istanbul<br />

� Ege Üniversitesi, Izmir<br />

� 7 Aralik University, Kilis<br />

� Mugla Üniversitesi, Mugla<br />

� Sakarya Üniversitesi, Sakarya<br />

� Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Sivas<br />

� Yüzüncü Yil Üniversitesi, Van<br />

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