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HOW TO BECOMEA SUPERSTAR ATNETWORKING.Written by: MATHIEU ROYHead of Marketing at Creators Magazine“Here’s our unofficial guide on how to become anetworking superstar and grow your client base! ”As creatives, our strongest ability is our creativityand unique personality. Often times we like to relyon our creative skill and hope it does the job offinding new clients and growing our network forus. If you are the type of person who can’t go andmeet new people unless you have prepared in frontof the mirror several times, this guide may give yousome relief.PREPARATIONSOnce you have decided that going to your nextevent will be in your best interest, you need toknow how you are going to start conversationsand have ideas worth sharing and talking about.It sounds intimidating but honestly, as long asyou present yourself as the expert on your subject(whatever that may be) you will be drawing inothers around the event who will be engaged withyour conversation.Here is what you will want to have prepared.A topic you think would benefit the peopleyou converse with and an idea to pitch to youraudience. All while remaining genuine and actuallybeing interested in their work and asking questions.For example, if I were a photographer looking to getinto the fashion industry and I wanted to get moreclients or referrals, I would talk to every designer Icould find a fashion show or fashion-related eventand chat with them about having outstandingeditorials and product shots would increase theirconversions on their custom designs. Then if theyare interested I can let them know I actually havea great idea for an editorial I have been dying totry out and leave them with my business card ifthey were interested in getting in touch or learningmore.106

CREATORSMAG.COM#CREATORSMAGZWHERE TO FIND EVENTSNow that you have a general gameplan for theevent, you’ll need to find one to actually attend.Doing this is as easy as pulling out your phone andopening up your browser. We don’t make excuseslike, “there’s no events in my area” around here.Here is a list of the best places to score yourselfnew clients, friends or both.- Meetup.com is a website built for finding likemindedpeople hosting events.-Facebook has a tab that allows you to see allthe events in your area and search them within acertain radius of where you are or where you aregoing to be.- Local Chamber of Commerce, If you are lookingfor more business clients this would be the place tobe.There are so many other ways to find events butdoing a little bit of research online goes a long way.We suggest you plan out all the events happeningin your area for the next few months and get thempencilled into your calendar so you don’t forget!CLOSING NOTESFinally, after you make it to the event and beginmeeting everyone don’t forget to really be a genuineperson, it’s easy to tell when someone is just in itto get something out of the other person. Makesure everyone enjoys themselves and ask questions,give opinions and offer ideas when occupyingsomeone’s time at these events. Always touch baseif people were kind enough to exchange businesscards unless they do it first, then let them knowhow much you appreciated their time.Happy Networking, Superstar.107




Now that you have a general gameplan for the

event, you’ll need to find one to actually attend.

Doing this is as easy as pulling out your phone and

opening up your browser. We don’t make excuses

like, “there’s no events in my area” around here.

Here is a list of the best places to score yourself

new clients, friends or both.

- Meetup.com is a website built for finding likeminded

people hosting events.

-Facebook has a tab that allows you to see all

the events in your area and search them within a

certain radius of where you are or where you are

going to be.

- Local Chamber of Commerce, If you are looking

for more business clients this would be the place to


There are so many other ways to find events but

doing a little bit of research online goes a long way.

We suggest you plan out all the events happening

in your area for the next few months and get them

pencilled into your calendar so you don’t forget!


Finally, after you make it to the event and begin

meeting everyone don’t forget to really be a genuine

person, it’s easy to tell when someone is just in it

to get something out of the other person. Make

sure everyone enjoys themselves and ask questions,

give opinions and offer ideas when occupying

someone’s time at these events. Always touch base

if people were kind enough to exchange business

cards unless they do it first, then let them know

how much you appreciated their time.

Happy Networking, Superstar.


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