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Photographer: Angelina Oliva@angelinaolivaModel: Emma Summers@emmaasummers102

CREATORSMAG.COMCREATORS@EmmapearlphotoProvo, Utahrecently had the opportunityI to travel south to the desertwith a group of creatives fromUtah. The best part of the tripwas being able to experiencethe energy of pure joy radiatingfrom @simplyb.me as we bathedin the sunlight and took in theincredible world around us,trying our hardest to stop timeand dwell in the desert forever.@Angiediam Reykjavik, IcelandThere is nothing quite like having the raw landscapes ofIceland as the setting for your wedding shoot. Towering cliffs,mighty waterfalls, and dramatic black sand beaches make for the perfect backdrop forany photoshoot. The only problem? The weather! Locals claim that the weather herein Iceland changes every five minutes, and from what I have seen, they are right! Oneinstance has really stayed with me, though, when the weather just would not be nice tous.Back when I was starting out, I was assisting an amazing wedding photographer. Oneday, we went up to the Snæfellsnes peninsula to shoot a wedding...in the middle ofa storm. Icelandic storms are notorious for their intensity, but you can’t reschedule awedding shoot! So, we persevered, carrying endless bags of equipment through relentlesswinds, toughing out the cold on top of a cliff, and accepting the fact that we would justbe drenched by waterfalls and ocean water by the end of the shoot. At some point, I wentfrom being an assistant to becoming a sand bag, as only my full weight could hold downthe light! I suppose, though, the poor bride had it the worst; her dress was sleeveless!STORIESLeaping into a void is frightening but,who doesn’t love a rush of adrenalinepumping through their veins? I workedseveral years for a bank, arriving andleaving at the same time from Monday toFriday. Everytime I sat in my desk, I feltmy creative soul slowly fading. Everyday Iwondered what would happen if I kissedmy job goodbye.People who identify themselves ascreative will get it: you have somany ideas and plans that they start tooverwhelm you. Do you know how tolift that tremendous weight off of yourshoulders turning all those ideas intogoals? Well, that’s how I decided tostart my career as a makeup artist.I wrote down my ideas, set a duedate and pushed myself to reachthem. There are times when mycreative instinct and I hate eachother; sometimes we’re best friends.In the end, I’d rather be overcomewith that sensation of overpoweringcreativity that I can later transforminto lines and colors on somebodyelse’s face everyday, than be a personwho can only feel those sensations on theweekends.@KatiaosoriomkupMexico City103

Photographer: Angelina Oliva


Model: Emma Summers



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