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78 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition

Proof: Use mathematical induction on the number of sets.

Let Ai and A2 be two convex sets. If y4i fi ^2 is either empty or

contains one element, then it is convex.

Let us assume that v4i n ^2 has at least two distinct elements, x and y.

Then x and y are elements of both Ai and A2. Because Ai and A2 are

convex, the Une segment joining x and y is contained in both sets Ai

and A2. Therefore, it is contained in their intersection, Ai fi ^2-

Assume that if ^1, ^2, • • •, ^n are convex sets, then ^1 n A2 H ... fl ^„

is a convex set.

Prove that if Ai,A2,..., An, An+i are convex sets, then

^1 n y42 n ... n ^„ n An+i is a convex set.

We can use the associative property of intersection (See Exercise 4)

to write:

^1 n ^2 n... n ^„ n An+i = (AinA2n...nAn)n An+i.

The set ^1 n ^2 n ... n v4„ is convex by inductive hypothesis.

So ^1 n ^2 n ... n yl„ n An+i is convex because it is the intersection

of two convex sets.


There are at least three common ways to prove that two numbers, call

them a and b, are equal. We can do so by showing that:

1. The two inequahties a<b and b<a hold.

2. The equahty a-b = 0 holds.

3. The equality a/b = 1 holds (in this case we need to be sure that b ^ 0).

It is preferable to use the second and third ways when we can set up

algebraic expressions involving a and b. The first way is more useful when we

have to compare numbers through the examination of their definitions and


EXAMPLE 1. If a and b are two positive integers, then their least common

multiple is equal to the quotient between ab and the greatest common

divisor of a and b; that is,

Icm (a, b)


Proof: Let d = GCD{a, b) and L = lcm(a, b). We want to prove that:


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