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Special Kinds of Theorems 77

3. Prove the second of De Morgan's laws:

(A U By = A'n B'.

4. For any three sets A, B, and C, the following equaUty holds:

{AC\B)C\C =


(associative property of intersection)

5. Prove or disprove the following statement:

The sets ^ = {all integer multiples of 16 and 36} and 5 = {all integer

multiples of 576} are equal.

6. Prove or disprove the following equalities, where A, B, and C are

subsets of universal set U:

7. The sets:

a. AU(BnC) = (AUB)nC;

b. (ADBn Cy = AUB'U C\

A = {(x,y)\y =: x^ - 1 with x G D? and x G K}


are equal.

f x^- 1

B = Ux, y)\y = —^—7 with x G IR and y e

8. Prove by induction that (^i n .42 Pi... n ^„)'= ^; U ^'2 ^ ... U A^ for

all n > 2.

(See Example 5 for the base case n = 2.)

9. Prove by induction that, if a set has n elements, then it has 2" subsets,

where ^i > 0.

Fill in the details in the following proof.

10. A set ^c[R is convex if, whenever x and y are elements of A, the

number tx-h{l- t)y is an element of A for all values of t with 0<t<l.

The set {z|z = tx + (1 - 0)^ for 0 < t < 1} is called the line segment

joining x and y.

Empty sets (sets with zero elements) and sets with one element are

assumed to be convex.

Given this information, outhne the proof of the following statement:

The intersection of two or more convex sets is a convex set.

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