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76 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition

Are all odd numbers larger than 2 prime numbers? The answer is

negative, because the number 9 is odd, but it is not prime. So, 9 G ^ but

9^B. Therefore, ylCR

Thus, the two sets are not equal. •

EXAMPLE 7. Let C = {all continuous functions on the interval [—1,1]

and D = {all differentiable functions on the interval [-1,1]. These two sets

are not equal.

Proof: All differentiable functions are continuous (a calculus book might

be helpful for checking this claim), but not all continuous functions are


Consider the function f{x) = \x\. This is continuous, but it is not

differentiable at x — 0. Thus, f e C but f^D. Therefore, CC D, and the

two sets are not equal. •

It is possible to define yet another operation between sets. Let A and B be

two subsets of the same universal set U. The difference set is the set:


EXAMPLE 8. Let A and B be two subsets of the same universal set U. The

following equahty holds true:


= AnB\

Proof: Let x e A — B.By definition this will happen if and only if x £ A

and x^B. This is equivalent to stating that x e A and x e B'. This will be

true if and only ii x e Ar^B'.


Prove the following statements.

L For any three sets A, B, and C the following equahty holds:

(AU B)U {AU C) = AU {BU C).

2. The sets A = {all integer multiples of 2 and 3} and B = {all integer

multiples of 6} are equal.

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