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60 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition


1. The point-slope equation of a line is:

y - yo = m(x - XQ)

where m is the slope and (XQ, yo) are the coordinates of any point on the


If (^i,yi) and (xo?}^o) are the coordinates of any two points on the line,

and x\ ^ xo, then:

m = .

Xi -Xo

Using the points with coordinates (0,2) and (2,6), we obtain

m=:4/2 = 2.

Therefore, the Hne that passes through the given points has the



y-2 = 2(x-0)

y = 2x-\-2.


2. There is a postulate from geometry that states that given any

two distinct points in the plane there is a unique straight Hne joining

them. Therefore, there is a Hne joining the points with coordinates

(0,2) and (2,6). •

EXAMPLE 4. The polynomial P{x) = x^ -^ x^ -{-x^ -\- x— 1 has a real zero

in the interval [0,1].

Discussion: If we want to find an expHcit value of x such that P(x) = 0, we

need to solve a fourth-degree equation. This can be done, but the formulas

used to solve a fourth-degree equation are quite cumbersome, even if they

are not difficult. It is possible to use a calculator, or any numerical method

(such as Newton's method) as well, but the statement does not ask us to find

the real zeroes of the polynomial P(x). We are only asked to prove that one

of the zeroes is in the interval [0,1]. The proof that foHows requires some

knowledge of calculus.

Proof. Polynomials are continuous functions. Because P(0) = — 1 is a

negative number and P(l) = 3 is a positive number, by the intermediate

value theorem there will be at least one value of x in the interval [0,1] for

which P{x) = 0. Thus, the given statement is true. •

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