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Special Kinds of Theorems 57

If we simplify the right-hand side of the inequahty, we can rewrite it as

(n + 1)^ > 3n^ + 9^ + 7.

By finding the third power of the binomial n +1 and using the

inductive hypothesis to replace n^ we obtain


= n^ + 3n^ + 3n+l

> (3n^ + 3n + 1) + 3n^ + 3n + 1.

Combining some of the similar terms yields

(n + 1)^ > 3n^ + 3n^ + 6n + 2.

At this point, there are several ways to proceed. Thus, it is very

important to keep in mind the conclusion we want to reach. Because

n>4,3n^ = 3nxn> I2n. Therefore,

{n + if > 3n^ + 3n^ + 6w + 2

Again, n > 4 implies 9n + 2 > 7. So,

> 3n^ + 12n + 6n + 2

= 3n^ + 9n + (9n + 2).

(n + 1)^ > 3n^ + 9n + 7.

This is exactly the conclusion we wanted to reach. Therefore, by the principle

of mathematical induction the inequahty holds true for all integers greater

than or equal to 4. •


Prove the following statements:

1. For all positive integers /c,

1 + 2 + 2^ + 2^ +••• + 2^-^ =2^-1.

2. The number 9^ - 1 is divisible for all fe > 1.

3. For all integer numbers fc > 1

2 + 4 + 6 + ... + 2/c = /c^ + /c.

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