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50 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition

EXAMPLE 1. Prove by induction that the sum of the first k natural

numbers is equal to k{k + l)/2.

Proof: We want to prove that the equahty:

l + 2 + 3 + ... + (fc-l) + fc = ^^^

^ ^ ' 2

k numbers

holds true for all /c > 1 natural numbers.

1. Base case. Does the equality hold true for /c= 1, the smallest number

that can be used?

^ ^ 1(1 + 1)


Thus, by using the given formula we obtain a true statement. This

means that the formula works for /c= 1.

2. Inductive hypothesis. Assume the formula works when we add the first

n numbers (fc = n). Thus,

l+2 + 3 + -- + (n-l) + n:::::^^ \

n numbers

3. Deductive proof. We want to prove that the formula holds true for the

next number, n+ 1. Thus, we have to prove that:

. . . r .. (n + l)[(n + 1) + 1]

l + 2 + 3 + -j + yz + (n+l)^- ^-^

(n+l) numbers

or, equivalently,

(n+l) numbers

To reach this goal, we will need to use the equaUty stated in the

inductive hypothesis:

l + 2 + 3 + --- + w + (nH-l)

associative property of addition of numbers:

== [1 + 2 + 3 + •. • + n] + (n + 1)

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