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44 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition

-nh(xi)> -nh(x2). Thus, /c„(xi)>/c„(x2), which proves that /c„ is a

decreasing function.

Part 4. If 4, then 1.

By definition of the functions used,/(x) = fei(x). Thus, this impHcation is

trivially true.

The proof is now complete. •


Prove the following statements.

1. A function/is nonincreasing if and only if ^^^lz{^^^ S 0 for all c and

X in the domain of / with x^ c. (See front material of the book

for the definition of nonincreasing function.)

2. The product of two integers is odd if and only if they are both odd.

3. Let n be a positive integer. Then n is divisible by 3 if and only if n^ is

divisible by 3.

4. Let r and s be two counting numbers. The following statements are


i. r>s.

ii. a^<af for all real numbers a>l.

iii. d <a^ for all real positive numbers a< 1.

5. Let a and h be two distinct real numbers. The following statements are


i. The number h is larger than the number a.

ii. Their average, {a + b)/2, is larger than a.

iii. Their average, {a + ft)/2, is smaller than h.

Prove this statement by proving "If i, then ii," "If ii, then iii," and

"If iii, then i."

6. Let X and y be two distinct negative real numbers. The following

statements are equivalent:

i. x<y.

ii. \x\>\y\.

iii. x^>y^.

7. Consider the two systems of linear equations:

a\x-\- h\y = c\

' aix + h^y = C2

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