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Special Kinds of Theorems 43

Suppose that the angles ICAB and ICBA are equal. Consider the two

triangles ADC and CDB, obtained by constructing the segment CD, which

starts from the third vertex and is perpendicular to the base, AB.

The angles lADC and IBDC are equal, as they are right angles. The two

angles at the vertices A and B are equal by hypothesis; therefore, the angles

lACD and IDCB are equal as well. Thus, the two triangles ADC and CDB

are similar.

Moreover they have the side CD in common. Thus, the triangles are

congruent. In particular, the sides AC and CB are equal. •

EXAMPLE 5. Let / be a positive function defined for all real numbers.

Then the following statements are equivalent:

1. /is a decreasing function.

2. The function g, defined as g(x) = l//(x), is increasing.

3. The function h, defined as h{x) = -/(x), is increasing.

4. The function /c„, defined as kn(x) = nf{x\ is decreasing for all positive

real numbers n.

(See front material in the book for the definitions of increasing and

decreasing functions.)

Proof: We will prove that statement 1 implies statement 2, statement 2

implies statement 3, statement 3 impHes statement 4, and statement 4 implies

statement 1, as shown in the following diagram:

1 -> 2

t ;

4 ^ 3

Part 1. If 1, then 2.

As/is decreasing, given any two real numbers xi and X2 such that xi < X2, it

follows that/(xi)>/(x2). Therefore, l//(xi)<l//(x2). This means that

G{x\)<g{x2\ and g is an increasing function.

Part 2. If 2, then 3.

By definition of the functions used, h{x) = —\/g{x). As g is an increasing

function, for every two real numbers x\ and X2 such that xi < X2, it follows

that g{xi)<g{x2). Thus, \/g{xi)>\lg{x2\ and -\/g{xi)< -l/^fe). This

implies that h{x\)<h{x2\ so h is an increasing function.

Part 3. If 3, then 4.

By definition of the functions used, kn(x) = n(-h(x)) = -nh(x). As h is

an increasing function, for every two real numbers xi and X2 such that

xi < X2, it follows that h(xi)<h(x2). Therefore, -h(xi}>h(x2), and

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