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Introduction and Basic Terminology 31

14. If two integer numbers are odd, their product is odd.

15. If the product of two integer numbers is even, then at least one of the

numbers is even.

Using the techniques seen in this section, prove the following statements:

16. Let / and g be two nondecreasing functions such that f o g is well

defined. Then/ o g is nondecreasing. (See front material on functions

for the definition of nondecreasing.)

17. If X is a rational nonzero number and y is an irrational number, then

the number xy is irrational.

18. Let n be a number with three or more digits. If the two-digit number

made by n's two rightmost digits is divisible by 4, then n is divisible

by 4.

19. If {a + bf = a^-\-b^ for all real numbers fc, then a must be zero.

20. Let n be a counting number. If the number 2" — 1 is a prime number,

then n is prime.

21. Every four-digit palindrome number is divisible by 11. (A palindrome

number reads the same forward or backward.)

22. Let/be a nondecreasing function defined for all real numbers. Then,

for all x^c.

Re) -fix) >0.

c — X

(See front material on functions for the definition of nondecreasing.)

23. Prove that the following statement is true in two ways, directly and

by using the contrapositive method:

The function f{x) = mx-{-b, with m 7^ 0, is a one-to-one function.

(See front material on functions for the definition of one-to-one


24. Let/and g be two real valued functions defined for all real numbers

and such that f o g is well defined. If / and g are onto, so is / o g.

(See front material on functions for the definition of onto function.)

Read the following proofs and make sure you understand them. Then,

outline the proofs, hsting expUcitly all the most important steps. Fill in

details that might have been skipped (e.g., write the statement in the form

"If A, then B," indicate which technique has been used, fill in logic details

and algebraic steps.)

25. Euclid's algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of two


Let a and b be two positive integers with a> b. Divide abyb and write:

a = bqi-\- Ti

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