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Introduction and Basic Terminology 17

proof is constructed by considering two separate cases. Thus, one could

argue for its inclusion in the section on Multiple Hypotheses!

EXAMPLE 5. A five-digit number is divisible by 3 when the sum of its

digits is divisible by 3.

Discussion: This statement can be rewritten as: If the sum of the digits of a

five digit number is divisible by 3, then the number is divisible by 3.

A. Let n be an integer number with n = ±a4a3a2a\ao, 0 < a, < 9 for all

i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and (247^0, such that ^4+ ^3+ ^2 + ^1 + ^0 = 3t,

where t is an integer number. (The fact that n is an integer number is

an impHcit hypothesis, as the concept of divisibihty is defined only for

integer numbers. The ± sign indicates that the number n can be either

positive or negative.)

B. The number n is divisible by 3; that is, n = 3s, where s is an integer


Proof: As the hypothesis provides information about the digits of the

number, we will separate the digits using powers of 10. For the sake of

simplicity, let us assume that n is positive. Thus,

n = a4a3a2a\ao = 10"* a4 + 10^ ^3 + 10^a2 + lO^i + ao.

By hypothesis, (24 + ^3 + ^2 + ai + ^o = 3t, where t is an integer number.


^0 = 3t — (24 — ^3 — (^2 — «l

If we substitute this expression for ao into the expression for n and

perform some algebraic steps, we obtain:


n = 10'^fl4 + 10^fl3 + 10^ ^2 + 10^1 + ao

= 10^*^4 + 10^fl3 + 10^a2 + lOai + (3t -a4-a2-a2- ai)

= 9,999^4 + 999^3 + 99^2 + 9ai + 3t.

n = 9,999^4 + 999^3 + 99^2 + 9ai + 3t

= 3(3,333^4 + 333^3 + 33^2 + 3ai + t).

Because the number 3,333a4 + 333^3 + 33^2 + 3ai + f is an integer, we

proved that number n is divisible by 3.

If n is a negative number, just repHcate all the steps above, starting with

n — —a4fl3a2^i«o- •

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