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16 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition

Because the statement to be proved is already written in the form "If A,

then B" with the hypothesis and conclusion already separated, we will

proceed with the proof.

Proof: There are two possibihties: Either a is a multiple of b or a is not a

multiple of b. We will consider them separately.

Case 1.

r = 0.

If a is a multiple of b, then the statement is proved as a = qh, and

Case 2. We will assume that a is not a multiple of b. This means that if

we consider all the multiples of b, none of them will be equal to a. The

multiples of b are numbers of the form:

b, lb, 3b, 4b, 5b, , nb, (n + l)b,

This collection is infinitely large, and the values of the numbers get larger

and larger. They divide the number fine in separate consecutive intervals of

size b. As a is a finite number, and these intervals cover the whole positive

number line, then a will be in one of the intervals determined by these

multiples of b.

I — \ — \ — \ — \ — I — I — ^

0 b 2b 3b qb {c|+^)b


qb < a <{q+

for some positive integer q. To show that this number satisfies the conclusion

to be reached, we need to show that we can find the other number r. If we

subtract qb from these inequahties, we obtain:


0 < a- qb < b. (*)

If we now set r = a-qb, we can show that this number satisfies the

conditions hsted in the conclusion.

By the previous inequalities (*), 0 <r <b. By its definition, a = qb-{-r.

Because the two cases presented cover all the possibilities, we proved that

the statement is true. •

The statement in Example 4 is part of the theorem known as the Division

Algorithm. Later on we will prove that the numbers q and r we just found

are the only ones satisfying the required properties. (See the exercises at the

end of the section on Uniqueness Theorems.) To be accurate, Example 4

could have been included in the section on Existence Theorems, because it

states that there exist two numbers having certain properties. Moreover, its

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