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8 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition

conclusion is true). But, on the other hand, Joe might inherit some money

(or he might be already wealthy) and he will be able to afford a new car

(the conclusion is false, whereas the hypotheses are still true). Thus, the

conclusion does not follow logically from the hypotheses, because the

hypotheses do not state what Joe will do if he does not win the lottery. So,

any conclusion we reach in this case is just speculation as it is not the only

possible logical conclusion. This is why the reasoning process is not vahd.

When we are working on the proof of a statement, we strive for a sound

proof; a proof that uses vahd arguments, under true hypotheses. It is not

unusual to be able to construct more than one sound proof for a true

statement, especially when the chain of steps required is rather lengthy.

Very often the construction of a sound proof takes considerable time and

effort, and usually the first attempts produce Httle more than "scratch work."

Thus, we must be ready to work on several drafts. While doing this, the

elegance of the construction is not the most important issue. After the

soundness of a proof is established, it is easier to keep working on it to make

it flow well and to remove useless details.

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