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170 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition

n^ -\-n is an even number. If n is an odd number, then n = 2/c +1

for some integer number k. Thus,

n^ + n = (2/c + l)[(2/c + 1) + 1]

= (2/c + l)(2/c + 2) = 2[(2/c + l)(/c + 1)].

Because the number (2/c+l)(/c+1) is an integer, this proves that

n^ + n is an even number. Therefore, the statement is true.

39. We will prove this statement by induction.

a. Let us check if the inequality holds for /c = 6. In this case, we obtain

6! = 720>216=-6l

b. Assume that n\>n^.

c. We have to prove that (n+l)!>(n+1)^. By the properties of

factorials, {n + 1)! = (n + l)n!. If we use this fact and the inductive

hypothesis, we obtain {n -f 1)! — {n-\- \)n\ > (n + l)n^. We will now

use this inequality and other algebraic properties of inequalities

to obtain the expression n^ + 3n^ + 3n + 1 = (n + 1)^:

(n + 1)! = (n + \)n\ >{n+ \)n^

> (6 + l)n^ = n^ + 6n^

> n^ + 6n^ = n^ -\- 3n^ + 3n^

= n^ + 3n^ + 3n X n > n^ + 3n^ + 3 x 6 x n

> n^ + 3n^ + 3n + n > n^ + 3n^ + 3n + 1

= (n^l)\

Therefore, by the principle of mathematical induction, the original

statement is true for all integers k> 6.

40. Assume that lim„^oo{(-l)"3} = L, where Lis a real number. Then,

for every £>0, there exists an iV > 0 such that |(-1)"^ - L| <e for

all n>N. This implies that -e<L-(-l)"(l/5)<6:; that is,

-e + (-l)"(l/5)<L<f+ (-!)"3. Because these inequalities will

hold true for all n> N, they will hold true for odd and even

values of n. Thus, one has to consider the following two sets of


1 , 1

-s + -<L<£-\--

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