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Solutions for the Exercises at the End of the Sections and the Review Exercises 167

divisible by 3. Part of this exercise is to prove that the product of

three consecutive numbers is also divisible by 3.)

30. We will prove this statement using its contrapositive. We will assume

that there exists at least one sequence {c„}^i such that c„ >0 for all n

and L< 0. By definition of limit of a sequence, for every ^ > 0 there

exists an N such that |c„ — L\<8 for all n> N. This is equivalent to

stating L — 8<Cn<L-\- 6 for all n> N. Consider the positive number

8o = -L/2. Because L is the limit of the sequence, there exists a

corresponding M^Q such that L — (L/2)<Cn<L + (—L/2), for all

n>MsQ. Therefore,

— <c„<-, for all n>Ms,.

The numbers 3L/2 and L/2 are negative. So we reached the

conclusion that c„<0 for all n>MsQ. This contradicts the statement

that c„ > 0 for all n. Therefore, the limit of a sequence of positive

numbers cannot be negative. We cannot say that the limit of a

sequence of positive numbers has to be positive, because it could be 0.

Indeed, consider the sequence {l/n}^j. Every term of the sequence is

positive, but the limit of this sequence is 0.

31. To prove that limx->3/(x) = V^, one needs to prove that for every

given 6:>0 there exists a 5>0 such that \f{x) — V^| <£ for all x with

|x-3|<5. Observe that


(v^-V3)(V3^ + ^/3)


Therefore, \f{x) — A/3| = |x - 3| r^^ R- HOW large is the factor J^ j-

for X relatively close to 3? If |x — 3| < 1 (this is an arbitrary choice), then

2<x<4and V2<V^<A/4 = 2. Thus, V2 +V3<V^N/3<2 +V3,

or2V2<v^ +V3<4.Therefore,(l/(2x/2))> (1/(V3^ +V3))> (1/4),

and \f{x) - \/3| = |x - 3| -j^^

^ 27! '^ ~ ^1* ^^^ ^^'^^ of this expression

will be smaller than the given £>0if^|x-3|<£; that is, if

|x - 3| <2 V2£. Thus, choose 8 = min{ 1,2^2^}.

32. Existence: Because ad — bc^ 0, at least two of these four numbers

are not equal to 0. Without loss of generality, we will assume

a^O. From the first equation we obtain x = (e — by)/a. We can

substitute this formula for x into the second equation to obtain

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