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Solutions for the Exercises at the End of the Sections and the Review Exercises 161

This system can be separated into two parts:


ax-\-bz=\ . {ay-\-bt — 0

ex + Jz = 0 \cy -\- dt =1'

The solutions can be found because det A = ad — bc^Q. Performing

the calculation we obtain:

So A~^ is the inverse matrix of A.

Part 3: Statement 2 impHes statement 3. The system is formed by the

two equations:

If we solve it, we obtain:

ax^-hy = Q and cx-\- dy = 0.

{ad — bc)x = 0 and (ad — bc)y = 0.

Obviously, x = 0 and }; = 0 is a solution. Because det ^ = ad - fee / 0,

each one of these two equations has only one solution. Therefore, the

system's only solution is x = 0 and y = 0.

Part 4: Statement 3 implies statement 2. The system is formed by the

two equations:

ax + by = 0 and cx~\- dy — 0.

Because the system has a unique solution, either a^^O or c^^O.

Indeed, if a = 0 and c = 0 the system would have an infinite number

of solutions of the form (x,0), where x is any real number. We assume

that a/0. Then x = —by/a. Substituting this expression into the

second equation, we obtain:

(ad - bc)y ^ ^


This means that

(ad — bc)y = 0.

In order ior y = 0 to be the only solution of this equation, we must

have ad~bc^ 0. Therefore, det v4 / 0.

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