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158 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition

13. (Because it impossible to check directly all negative numbers, we have

to find a different way to prove that the statement is true. Try using

the contrapositive.) Assume that there exists a negative number z

whose reciprocal, z~\ is not negative. By definition of reciprocal of a

number, z x z~^ = 1. By the rules of algebra, z~^ ^0. Therefore, z~^

must be a positive number; however, the product of a negative and

a positive number is a negative number. This conclusion generates a

contradiction because 1 is positive.

14. Let £>0 be given. Is it possible to find an N>0 such that |a„ -3\<£

for all n>Nl Observe that:

\an-3\ = 3n + 2 -3


3n + 2--3n

To have ^ < ^ one must have f < n. Therefore, let N = ^.

15. The conclusion has two parts:

a. The remainder is a number.

b. The remainder is the number P{a).

Because we want to evaluate the remainder of the division between

P{x) and X — a, we need to start from the division algorithm. If we are

performing long division, we have the following diagram:





The polynomial q{x) represents the quotient, and the polynomial r(x)

the remainder of the division. Then we can write P(x) = (x — a)q(x)-\-

r{x). The degree of the remainder must be smaller than the degree

of the divisor, x — a; otherwise, the division is not complete. Because

the degree of x - a is 1, the degree of r{x) must be 0. Thus, r{x) is a

number, and we can write r{x) — r. Therefore, P(x) = (x- a)q(x) + r.

This equahty is true for all values of the variable x; in particular, we

can evaluate it for x = a, and we obtain P(a) = (a- a)q{a) -\-r = r.

The proof is now complete.

16. There are several ways of proving that these statements are

equivalent. We will show that statement 1 implies statement 2,

statement 2 imphes statement 3, and statement 3 implies statement 1.

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