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Solutions for the Exercises at the End of the Sections and the Review Exercises 155

formula to calculate the cubic root of a sum. Therefore, the fact that n^

is an odd number does not seem to give us an effective starting point

for the proof, and we could try to use the contrapositive of

the statement to be proved.) Prove the statement: "If n is not an odd

number, then n^ is not an odd number." Because n is not an

odd number, it must be even. Therefore, we can write n = 2p for

some integer number p. Then n^ = (2p)^ = 8p^ = 2(4p^). Because 4p^ is

an integer number, the equahty above proves that n^ is an even

number; that is, n^ is not an odd number. Because the contrapositive

of the original statement is true, the original statement is true.

Part 2. If n is an odd number, then n^ is an odd number. Because n is

an odd number, we can write n = 2q + lfor some integer q. Therefore,

n^ =: 8^3 + 12q^ -\-6q+l= 2{4q^ + 6q^ + 3q) + 1. The number t =

4q^ + 6^^ + 3q is an integer. Thus, we have n^ = 2t+ i with t integer

number. This means that n^ is an odd number. So the statement is true.

7. Part 1. Statement (a) implies statement (b). Suppose that the two

inequahties in statement (a) hold true. We can combine them and we


a < b < a (*)

Because the number a cannot be strictly smaller than itself, the chain

of inequalities (*) can be true only if the two relations are equahties.

Therefore, we have a — h = a. Because a = fe, we conclude that

a-b = 0.

Part 2. Statement (b) implies statement (a). Because a —b = 0, we

know that a and b are indeed equal. Thus, the inequalities a<b and

b < a are trivially true. The proof is now complete.

8. This is an existence and uniqueness theorem. Indeed the statement

can be read as:

a. Any nonzero number has a reciprocal. (This is an axiom.)

b. Such reciprocal is unique. (This has to be proved.)

We assume that there are at least two numbers, a~^ and s, with the

properties as = sa=\ and aa~^ = a~^a= 1. We want to prove that

a~^ = s. Therefore, we need to use the properties of these two

numbers to compare them. We can obtain the following chain of

equalities: s = si = s{aa~^) = {sa)a~^ = \a~^ = a~^. Thus, a~^ = s.

Therefore, a has a unique reciprocal.

9. Because the statement mentions "factors" and "division,"

we might consider p and q as products of their prime factors.

Thus, p = pip2 ... Pr-iPr and q = qxqi... qs-iqs- The numbers pi need

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