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Solutions for the Exercises at the End of the Sections and the Review Exercises 153


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9 11 13 15 17 19

c. Consider the function h(x) = lnx/x for x>l. This function is never

negative because Inx > 0 for x > 1. Moreover, h{l) = 0. We can either

graph the function or use the first derivative test to check whether

the function is increasing or decreasing and to find its critical


x/x — In X

hXx) = 1

— In X

The function h has a critical point for the value of x such that

1 — In X = 0. Because In x = 1 when x = e, this is the only critical

value for the function h. We will use the second derivative test to

decide what kind of critical point this is.


(-l/x)x2 - 2x(l - Inx) 21nx - 3

h\x) =

h\e) = line-3 2-3 ^3-

This is a negative number. So the value x = e corresponds to a local

maximum of the function. Thus, h{x) < h{e) for all x > 1; that is,

h{x)<h{e) = {ln e)/e^036.... Therefore, /z(x) < 1 for all x>l.

Because (In x)/x < 1 for all x > 1, we can conclude that Inx < x

for all X > 1. In particular. Inn<n for all positive integers, as they are

just real numbers larger than or equal to 1.

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