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148 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition

condition x € ^ is redundant when selecting the elements in the union.

Indeed, every element of A will be in the union because it is an element

of B. Thus, A\JB = {x\x eAoxxeB} = {x\x £ B] = B.


Let £ > 0 be given. We need to prove the existence of a number 5 > 0 such

that if \x - 1| <5, then \{3x^ + 2) - 5| <s. Because \{3x^ + 2) - 5| =

|3x^ - 3| = 3\x^ ~ l| = ^1^ + l|l^ ~ 1|' we need to estimate how large

the value of the factor |x + 1| can be. Because x has to be in an

interval centered at 1, we can choose 0<x<2 {i.e., an interval of

radius 1). (This is a completely arbitrary choice. Other choices will

work as well; they will just yield different results for <5>0. For

example, check what would happen when one uses -1 < x < 3.)

Therefore, 1 < x + 1 < 3; that is, 1 < |x + 11 < 3. Thus,

|(3x^ + 2) - 5| = 3|x + l||x - 1| < 3 X 3|x - 1| = 9|x - 1|.

Because we want 9|x-l|<e, we need |x-l|<e/9. In conclusion,

choose 8 = minimum!l,£/9}. Because £>0, we have 8>0. Remember

that it is possible to check that if |x — 1| <5, where 5>0 is the number

we determined, then |(3x^ + 2) — 5| <e.

2. Let £ > 0 be given. We need to prove the existence of a number 5 > 0

such that if |x - 2| <5, then (| l/(x^ + 1) - (1/5)| <6).

Algebraic steps yield:


X2 + 1

5 - (x^ + 1)

5(x2 + 1)


5(x2 + 1)


|5(x2 + l)|'

The quantity 5(x^ + 1) is always positive (because x^ + 1 is always

positive). So, 5(x^ + 1) = |5(x^ + 1)|- Moreover, we need to keep in

mind that we want to estimate the value of |x —2|. Thus, we can

consider the following equality |4 — x^l = |x^-4| = |x + 2||x--2|.

Therefore, 1 5(x2+i) 1^ ~ 2| ^^^ we need to estimate the

X2 + 1

largest value that the fraction ^j^iipk can have for x in an interval

centered at 2. Because x has to be m an interval centered at 2, we

can choose 0.5<x<3.5 (i.e., an interval of radius L5). (This is a

completely arbitrary choice. Other choices will work as well; they

will just yield different results for 8>0. For example, check what

would happen when one uses l<x<3 or 0<x<4.) Therefore,

2.5 < X + 2< 5.5; that is, 2.5 < |x + 2| < 5.5. Moreover 0.25 <x^ < 12.25.

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