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Solutions for the Exercises at the End of the Sections and the Review Exercises 145


(^1 n ^2 n... n ^„ n An+x)'^ {{Ax n yi2 n... n A„) n An+it

Using the fact that we are now deahng with two sets (namely the set in

parentheses and ^„+i), we have

(^1 n ^2 n... n ^„ n An+x) = [{Ax n ^2 n... n ^„) n An+x^

= (^inA2n...n^yuA;+i.

The inductive hypothesis and the associative property of intersection


(^1 n ^2 n... n ^ n An+x)' = [{Ax n ^2 n... n A„) n A^+i]'

= {AxnA2r\,..f\An)'yJA!^^^


= 4u4u...u4u4^i.

Therefore, by the principle of mathematical induction, the equahty is

true for all n > 2.

9. a. The smallest value of n we can use is 0. If a set has 0 elements it is

the empty set. The only subset of the empty set is itself. Therefore, a

set with 0 elements has 1 subset, and 1 = 2^. So the statement is

true for n = 0.

b. Assume that if A = {xx,X2,.. .,Xn}, then A has 2" subsets,

c. Let B= {bx.bi,... ,bn,bn^x] be a set with n+1 elements. Does B

have 2"+^ subsets? We can write B = {fci,&2,• •. ,fcn} U {&„+i}. The

set {bx,b2,. ..,bn} has n elements; therefore, it has 2" subsets,

Bx, B2, B3,..., J52«. None of these subsets includes bn+x- Every one of

these subsets is a subset of B as well, and it uses only the first n

elements of B. Thus, we can construct more sets of B using bn+x-

Thus, we have the following subsets of B: Bx, B2, B3,..., B2n,

Bx U {fc„+i}, B2 U {fc„+i}, 53 U {b„+i},.. .,^2" U {fe„+i}. Therefore, B

has 2" + 2" = 2"+^ subsets. Thus, by the principle of mathematical

induction, the statement is true for all n>0.


1. Part 1. Let us assume that {x - yf -\-{x- y)^ = 0. Will this imply that

x = yl Using the distributive property, we can rewrite this equahty as

{x — y)^[{x — yf' + 1] = 0. The product of several factors is equal to

zero if and only if at least one of the factors equals zero. Therefore,

either {x -yf = 0 or [{x - yf -{-!] = 0. The first equahty implies

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