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140 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition

and P(-l) = 2. From the first condition, we obtain P(0) = a(0)^+

b{0)-{-c = c. Thus, c = —1. From the second condition we obtain

P(-l) = a{-lf + b(-l) + c = a - ft + c. Using the fact that c = -1,

the second equation yields a-b = 3. We have one equation and two

variables. Thus, one variable will be used as a parameter. As an

example, we can write a = ft + 3 and then choose any value we like for

ft. If ft = 0, we obtain the polynomial P{x) = 3x^-1. Clearly, this is

only one of infinitely many possibihties.

5. Because ft^ will be a negative number, ft must be negative. Indeed,

powers of positive numbers are always positive. Moreover, a cannot be

an even number, because an even exponent generates a positive result.

The numbers a and ft can be either fractions or integer numbers. Let us

try ft = -27 and a= 1/3. Then a^ = (1/3)"^^ = 3^^, which is a positive

integer number, and ft^ = (-27)^^^ = -3, which is a negative integer.

6. We can consider two cases: either a„ > 0 or a„ < 0. Let us assume that

an > 0. When the variable x has a very large positive value, the value of

P{x) will be positive, because the leading term, a„x", will overpower all

the other terms {i.e., limx->+oo ^W = +oo). When the variable x is

negative, and very large in absolute value, the value of P{x) will be

negative for the same reason {i.e., lim^-^-cx) P{^) = —oo). Polynomials

are continuous functions. Therefore, by the Intermediate Value

Theorem, there exists a value of x for which P(x) = 0. We can prove

in a similar way that the statement is true when «„ < 0.

7. This can be either a theoretical or constructive proof. Let us use the

constructive approach. We can write a = p/q and ft = n/m, where m, n,

p, and q are integer numbers, q^O, and m^O. Let c = (a H- ft)/2. Then

a < c <b, and c is a rational number because c = (mp + nq)/ (2qm).

Then consider d = (a-\- c)/2 and/ = (c + ft)/2. These two numbers are

both rational (write them explicitly in terms of m, n, p, q\ and

a < d < c <f<b (again use Example 3 in the Equivalence Theorems


8. Consider k = -l. Then 2-i>4-^


For completeness sake, we must prove that: (a) the polynomial p{x) has

a solution, and (b) the zero is unique.

a. Existence. Find the value(s) of the variable x for which p{x) = 0.

To do so, we have to solve the equation x~ft = 0. Using the

properties of real numbers we obtain x = b.

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