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136 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition

4. a. We have to check whether the statement holds true for /c = 3:

(1 + a)^ = 1 + 3fl + 3^2 + a^ > 1 + 3al

The inequaUty is true because all the numbers used are positive.

b. Let us assume that the inequality is true for k = n\ that is, assume

that {\ + af>\ + na^.

c. Let us check whether (1 + a)""^^ >! + («+ l)a^. We can use rules

of algebra and the inductive hypothesis to obtain

Because a > 1, a^>a^. So

(l + ar+i=(H-«)"(! +a)

> (1 + na^){\ + a)

= l-{-na^ -\-a-\-na^

> l-\- a^ -\- na^.

(1 + a)"+^ > 1 + na^ + na^

> 1 + na^ + na^

> 1 + na^ + a^

= l-\-in-\-l)a\

Thus, by the principle of mathematical induction, the original

statement is true.

5. a. We will check the equahty for fc = L In this case, the left-hand side of

the equation has only one term: 1/2. The right-hand side is equal to:

- i '•-

So the equality is true for /c= 1.

b. Let us assume the equahty holds true for k = n.

c. We will try to prove that

2 + '""^V2/ W l-(l/2)

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