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130 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition

7. Assume that (xo,yo) is a solution of Si. Is it a solution of S2I By

definition of solution, (xo,)^o) satisfies both equations of the system Si.

So (xo,}^o) satisfies the first equation of S2. Thus, we only need to prove

that it satisfies the second equation of S2. By rearranging the terms we

can write {ax -h ^^2)^0 + (^i + bb2)y{) = (aixo + fci jo) + ^fe^o + biyo).

Because (xo,yo) is a solution of Si, a\XQ + biyo = ci, ^2X0 H- biyo = ci.

Thus, {a\ + ba'i)X(^ + (fti + bb2)y{s = ci + bci. So (xo, yo) is a solution of

S2. Assume now that (xo,}^o) is a solution of S2. Is it a solution of Si?

By definition of solution, (xo,yo) satisfies both equations of system

S2. Thus, (xo,}^o) satisfies the first equation of Si as well. Therefore, we

must prove that it satisfies the second equation of Si. By hypothesis,

(a\ + bai)%{) + (/?i + ^^2)^0 = ci + bci. We can rewrite the left-hand

side of the second equation of S2 as (^i + ^^2)^0 + (^i + bb2)y^ =

(flixo+ fci}^o)+ K^2^o + ^2}^o)- Because (xo,}^o) is a solution of S2,

the left-hand side of the equation is equal to c\ + bc^, and the first

expression in the parentheses on the right-hand side of the equation

is equal to c\. Therefore, we obtain ci + fcc2 = ci + fc(a2Xo + fo2yo)-

This equahty impHes that a2Xo + biy^ = C2, as fois a nonzero number.

This proves that (XQ, jo) is a solution of Si.


1. (Let us consider the statement. It seems to suggest that the "growth" of

/ should be cancelled by the "drop" of g. But the two functions could

increase and decrease at different rates. Therefore, the statement does

not seem to be true.) Let us construct a counterexample, using simple

functions. We could try to use linear functions. Consider/(x) = x -f 1

and ^(x) = — 3x. Clearly, / is increasing and g is decreasing. (If you

wish to do so, prove these claims.) Their sum is h(x) = —2x + 1, which

is decreasing.

2. There might be an angle in the first quadrant for which 2 sin t = sin It.

But the equahty is not true for all the angles in the first quadrant.

Consider t — n/A. The left-hand side of the equation equals

2sin(;r/4) = 2(l/\/2) = V2. The right-hand side equals sin(7r/2) = L

Thus, the statement is false.

3. (It might seem plausible that y = P(x) is always negative, because

its leading coefficient is negative [it is —1]. But, when the values of

the variable x are not too large, the value of the monomial —x^ can

be smaller than the value of the monomial 2x. This remark seems

to suggest that for positive values of x that are not too large the

variable y = P(x) might be positive [or at least nonnegative].) We

will look for a value of the variable x that makes the polynomial

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