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Introduction and Basic


Have you ever felt that the words mathematics dnid frustration have a lot

in common? There are many people who do, including, at times, some very

good mathematicians. At the beginner's level, the level for readers of this

book, this feeling is often the result of the use of an unproductive and often

unsystematic (and panicky) approach that leads to hours of unfruitful work.

When anxiety sets in, memorization may look like the way to "survival," but

memorization without a thorough understanding is usually a poor and risky

approach, both in the short and in the long run. It is difficult to recall

successfully a large amount of memorized material under the pressure of an

exam or a deadhne. It is very easy for most of this material to quickly fall

into oblivion. The combination of these two aspects will render most of the

work done completely useless, and it will make future use of the material

very difficult. Moreover, no ownership of the subject is gained.

The construction of airtight logical constructions ("proofs") represents

one of the major obstacles that mathematical neophytes face when making

the transition to more advanced and abstract material. It might be easy to

believe that all results already proved are true and that there is no need to

check them or understand why they are true, but there is much to be learned

from understanding the proofs behind the results. Such an understanding

gives us new techniques that we can use to gain an insider's view of the

subject, obtain other results, remember the results more easily, and be able

to derive them again if we want to.

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