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126 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition

19. By hypothesis (a H- b)^ = a^ -\-b^. But, by the rules of algebra

{a + hf = a^ -f lab + b^. Thus, we obtain that, for all real numbers

b, a^-{•2ab-\-b^ = a^-\-b^. This implies that 2ab = 0 for all real

numbers b. In particular, this equaUty is true when b ^ 0. Thus, we

can divide the equahty lab = 0 by 2b and obtain a = 0.

20. (Because it is impossible to check directly all prime numbers that can

be written in the form 2" — 1 to see if the corresponding exponent n is

indeed a prime number, we will try to use the contrapositive of the

original statement.) We will assume that n is not a prime number.

Then n is divisible by at least another number t different from n and 1.

So, t>l. Thus, n = tq where q is some positive integer, ^ / 0 (because

n^O), q^\ (because t^^^n), and ^7«^/i (because t^ 1). Therefore, we

can write:

2«-l = 2'^-l = (2^y-l.

We can now use factorization techniques to obtain:

2" - 1 = (2^y-l = {T - l)[(2^y-V(2^)'-V ••• + !].

This equality shows that 2" — 1 is not a prime number because it can

be written as the product of two numbers, and neither one of these

numbers is 1. (Why? Look at all the information hsted above regarding

t and q) Because we proved that the contrapositive of the original

statement is true, we can conclude that the original statement is true

and n must be a prime number.

21. Let n be a four-digit palindrome number. To prove that it is divisible

by 11, we need to show that n=llt for some positive integer t.

Because n is a four-digit palindrome number, we can write n — xyyx,

where x and y are integer numbers between 0 and 9, and x^Q. We

can now try to separate the digits of n. Thus,

Because t = 9lx-^l0y

divisible by 11.

n = xyyx = lOOOx + lOOj; + lOy + x

= lOOlx 4-110}; = ll(91x + lOy).

is a positive integer, we proved that n is

22. We know that x^c. So, the denominator of the fraction is a nonzero

number, and the fraction is well defined. We want to prove that the



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