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124 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition




1. There exists at least one real number for which the function/is not

defined. (Or: The function/is not defined for all real numbers.)

2. Let X and y be two numbers. There is no rational number z such that

x-\-z = y. (Or: Let x and y be two numbers. Then x-\-z^y for all

rational numbers z.)

3. The function / does not have the property that for any two distinct

real numbers x and y,fix)^f{y). (Or: There exist at least two distinct

numbers x and y for which/(x) =/(};).)

4. The equation P{x) — 0 has at least two solutions. (Or: The equation

P(x) = 0 has more than one solution.)

5. There is at least one nonzero real number that does not have a

nonzero opposite.

6. Either: (i) There exists a number n > 0 for which there is no number

M„ > 0 such that f(x) > n for all numbers x with x > M„; or (ii) there

exists a number n> 0 such that for every M„ > 0 there is at least one x

with x>Mn and/(x) < n.

7. There exists at least one number satisfying the equation P(x) = Q(x)

such that \x\> 5.

8. Compare this statement with statement 4. In this case, we do not

know whether a solution exists at all. So the answer is: Either the

equation P(x) = 0 has no solution or it has at least two solutions.

9. The function/is not continuous at the point c if there exists an ^ > 0

such that for every 8> 0 there exists an x with |x —c| < 8 and


10. There exists at least one real number XQ such that/(xo) is an irrational

number. (Or: The function^x) is not rational for every real number x.)

11. (a) If X is an integer not divisible by 2, then x is not divisible by 6.

(b) If X is an integer divisible by 2, then x is divisible by 6. (c) If x

is an integer not divisible by 6, then x is not divisible by 2.

12. (a) If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect, then the quadrilateral is

a parallelogram, (b) If the diagonals of a quadrilateral do not bisect,

then the quadrilateral is not a parallelogram, (c) If a quadrilateral is a

parallelogram, then its diagonals bisect.

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