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120 The Nuts and Bolts of Proofs, Third Edition


The number V2 is irrational.

Alleged Proof. Let us assume that V2 is a rational number. Then

y/l = a/b, with a and b positive integers. Thus,



a' = 2b\

This impHes that a^ is an even number; therefore, a is an even number.

So, a = lau with a\ integer positive number and a\<a.

This yields Aa\ = 2b^; that is, laj = b^. Therefore, b^ is an even number,

which imphes that b is an even number. So, b =^2bu with bi integer positive

number and bi<b. Thus,

/^ _ fl _ 2^1 _ ai


Because \/2 = ai/bi, we can repeat the process above and write ai — 2a2

and bi = Ibi where ai and ^2 are positive integers, b2<b\, and a2<a\.

If this process is repeated k times, we can construct two sequences of

integer positive numbers:

0 < ak < ak-i < '" < ai < a\ < a

0 < bk < bk-i < "' <b2 <b\ <b.

If k> b, we have reached a contradiction. Therefore, v^ is an irrational

number. •

THEOREM 9. Let A, B, and C be any three subsets of a universal set U. Then

AU(BnC) = {AUB)U{An C).

Alleged Proof xeAU(BnC)\f and only if either xeAorxeBDC

if and only if either x £ A or x e B and x^ C if and only if either x G ^ or

X e B or X e A and x^ C if and only if either x e AU B or x e A D C if and

only ifxe{AUB)U(An C). •

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