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Exercises Without Solutions 109

22. Prove that if ^= (J | ), then yl"= K J j for all n>2. (*)

23. Let a and b be two integers such that 6 is a multiple of a. Then b^ is a

multiple of a^ for every natural number k.

24. The squares of two consecutive integers are not consecutive integers.

25. Let X and y be two negative numbers. Show that the following four

statements are equivalent:

(a) \x\<\y\


(c) 1<^

(d) x^ < y^

26. An integer is a multiple of 5 if and only if its unit digit is either a 5 or a 0.

27. The squares of two consecutive positive integers are not consecutive

positive integers.

28. Let / be a function defined for all real numbers. The function / is

ffc) -fix)

decreasing if and only if < 0 whenever x / c.

c — X

29. The difference of two irrational numbers is always an irrational number.

30. Let/(x) = 4 ^ - Then lim/(x) = 1/6.

31. If is an integer with n > 1, then (n + 1)^ > Irp-.

32. Let fl be a positive number. Then a < 1 if and only if a^ < a.

33. Let n be a nonnegative integer. The number 10^""^^ + 1 is divisible by 11.

34. The set A of all odd integer multiples of 3 coincides with the set

B = {n = 6k -\- 3 where k is an integer}.

35. Let/ and g be two functions defined for all real numbers and such that

the function f o g is well-defined for all real numbers. If / is a

differentiable function and ^ is a nondifferentiable function, then fog

is nondifferentiable. (*)

36. Let / and g be two increasing functions defined for all real numbers.

Then the function h(x) =f(x)g(x) is an increasing function.

^7 r^ A .u \ 2n+ll^ _ ,. 2

. Then lim «„ = -.

37. Consider the sequence i a„ = -3n + 5

38. (a) If fli, ^2, ... , Un is a finite col lection of rational numbers, then

the sum:

5 = ai + ^2 + ... + fln is a rational number.

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