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Review Exercises 105

19. Let y4 be a 2 X 2 matrix with real entries. The following statements are

equivalent: (*)

(1) The matrix A has an inverse.

(2) The determinant of A is non equal to zero.

(3) The system AI J = I J has only the trivial solution x = 0, y = 0.

20. Let/(x) = 3x2 ^ 7^ jy^^^ ^^^ y^^) ^ iQ

21. For all positive integer numbers k:

22. Let a and b be two real number. If ab = ^^^^, then a = b.

23. Let a and b be two real number. If ab = ^^^^, then a = b = 0.

24. For all integers /c > 2,

1 1 1 1

fc+l k-\-2 "" 2k T

25. Let fl, fe, and c be three integers. If a is a multiple of b and ft is a multiple

of c, then a is a multiple of c.

26. Let p be a nonzero real number. Then /? is rational if and only if its

reciprocal is a rational number.

27. Let W = (-1/2)"}^,. Then lim a„ = 0.

I 3n—i n-^00

28. Let a, b, and c be three consecutive integers. Then 3 divides a + fc + c.

29. Let fc be a whole number. Then fe^ — feis divisible by 3. How does this

exercise relate to the previous exercise?

30. Let {a„}^i be a sequence of real numbers converging to the number L;

that is lim an = L


If a„ > 0 for all n, then L > 0.

31. Let/(x) = V^. Then lim/(x) = \/3.


32. If ad — bc^ 0, then the system:

ax-\-by = e

cx-^dy =f

has a unique solution. The numbers a, b, c, d, e, and / are all real



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