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100 The Nuts and Bolts of Proof, Third Edition

Because n > (3/6:) - 1, it follows that n + 1 > 0/s) > 0. Therefore,

\ s 3

< -. This inequality is equivalent to the inequality <£. So, we

n can + 1conclude 3 that i^v._ii 2n-l -2 <e whenever n>Ne = (3/s)


+ 1



One thing to be noticed in the definition of limit is that while e must

always be a positive number, the number Ng can be negative, and, while n

is always an integer number, Ng does not need to be integer. Some authors

do specify that iVg should be a nonnegative integer, but there is no need

to do so.

If Ns happens to be negative, the statement n>Ns is always true. Thus,

the inequality |a„ - L\<e will be true for all values of n.

If Ne is not an integer, then n will just be any integer larger than it.

In Example 4, when ^ = 4, N4 = -1/4. This means that the statement

? ^ - 2I <4 is always Tu.. I, is easy .o check .hat to is .ndeed .he case

by looking at the values of the terms of the sequence < a„

When s = 4/5, N4/5 = 2.75. This means that the statement

2n-l , 4

-2 < - is true for all numbers n larger than 2.75. As n is an integer.


it means that it will be true for n > 3.


rx.1 ,. 3n 3

EXAMPLE 5. Let \ an = . Then lim = -.

2n-l n^oo 2n— I 2



Proof: Let £>0 be given. Is it possible to have

<s for n

large enough?


We will start by simplifying the expression in the absolute value:



2 X 3n - 3(2n - 1)

2{2n - 1) 2(2n - 1) 2(2n - 1)

Therefore, one needs to solve the inequality:


2{2n - 1) ^ ^'

Doing so yields the result w> H4 + !)• ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ = 2 (i + !)•

In the case of limits of sequences, similarly to the case of limits of

functions, given an ^ > 0 the corresponding Ng is not unique. See Exercises 9

and 10 at the end of this section.

For sequences, as is the case with functions as well, it is usually easier to

prove the existence of a limit than its nonexistence. Indeed, to prove

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