Tropic Marin - New Products 2020/2021

Brochure to present the new products of Tropic Marin.

Brochure to present the new products of Tropic Marin.


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Important Coral Nutrients: Amino Acids and Nitrogen Compounds

Pale or brownish corals are often caused by a too low concentration of easily digestible

nitrogen compounds. Tropic Marin ® Amino-Organic contains amino acids and

other organic nitrogen compounds that stimulate the growth and color of soft and

hard corals, as well as disc anemones and zoanthids.

Phosphate is absorbed from the water due to the resulting increase in growth following

amino-acid supplementation. This results in a natural reduction of the phosphate concentration

in the water column. These near-natural conditions lead to the animals exhibiting

more plump and full polyp extension, and showing more vibrant colors.

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