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Marriage: A Fortress for Well-Being


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Marriage: A Fortress for Well-Being


Paperback: 286 pages Publisher: Baha'i Publishing; Original edition (October 1, 2009) Language: English

ISBN-10: 1931847630 ISBN-13: 978-1931847636 Product Dimensions: 4.2 x 0.9 x 7 inches Shipping

Weight: 9.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies) Customer Reviews: 4.7 out of 5 stars13 customer


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Book Description

Marriage: A Fortress for Well-Being offers valuable insights for every couple, whether married or

in preparation for marriage, to apply spiritual principles to everyday needs. Redefining marriage

as the basic building block for world peace and unity, the book explores issues such as dating,

how to prepare for marriage, raising children, divorce, and more. By taking an in-depth look at

what the Baha'i writings say about marriage, the book examines the institution in light of God's

purpose for humanity and provides guidance for building spiritually founded marital unions.

Coming at a time when modern social conditions are forcing a re-examination of the institution of

marriage, the book offers sound advice, encouragements, and tremendous hope for the future.

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