Beach House Collectors Set

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Promotional image for the band's

summer tour for 7.


Beach House Collectors’ Guide 04

It is this attraction between the duo that not

only produces the most intense, heartfelt

music of modern day, but also results in

the most aestheticay consistent band in

independent music. The band has toured

extensively through the years, performing

not only their own tours but also at count-

less festivals around the world. The feeling

when witnessing the pair perform is unexplainable

in words; like their recordings,

it’s something you need to feel for yourself.

The band always starts out enshrouded in

darkness. As their sound s the venue, they

slowly reveal themselves, bathed in clouds

of moody color. The show always evokes the

same dream space felt in their music, using

various lighting structures and instaations

to convey their otherworldly aesthetic. Put

simply, watching Beach House perform live

is like experiencing a far out universe

through a dream.

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